Wu City, Wuwangfu.

As the most famous martial arts royal beast master mansion in Daxia, the royal beast masters of Wuwang Mansion have been passed down for a long time, from the pet beast system to the children in the mansion, there is a clear inheritance content.

Now with the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination being carried out hotly, all major cities in Daxia are reporting the live broadcast content of the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination.

Among them, the southern city is the most eye-catching this year!

First, a genius in Nandu City has developed a mechanical series extraordinary this year, shining in the extraordinary identification, and has won a lot of glory for Nandu, and for a time Nandu has unlimited potential.

Second, the death of the Abyss Demon Seal, which has been plagued in the South China Sea for a long time, and the South China Sea Sand Islands have surfaced, and this treasure trove has also brought huge benefits to the southern city.

Then the imperial beast college entrance examination in Nandu was also held on the South China Sea Sand Islands, attracting the three-way joint examination of Sichuan City, Jinghai City, and Wu City.

Therefore, all the TV channels in the Wuwang Mansion today are broadcasting the live broadcast of the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination in Nandu, attracting countless martial arts royal beast masters in the Wuwang Mansion to watch.

Among them, there is the imperial beast mentor who cultivates martial arts, and the nickname Wuzun Legend is given away! Level 80 Martial Fighting System Royal Beast Legend! Huo Kaishan!

At this moment, the scene where Lin Ge found martial arts was broadcast on the live broadcast.

Inside the martial arts hall, a group of Martial King Mansion disciples were watching the live broadcast of the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination.

Huo Kaishan sat in front of a small case, eating salted peanuts and edamame, while tasting small wine, his expression was ordinary.

"Hmph! What a mechanical department, a series that has just been born, there is not even a decent imperial beast master, and the fart is not a thing!

Huo Kaishan took a sip, wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth indiscriminately, and casually grabbed a few saltwater peanuts and threw them into his mouth.

"Move! them for me! Stomp the mechanical tie under your feet! "

Wudong was picked up by Huo Kaishan, just as the so-called what kind of master has what kind of disciple, Wudong's crazy temper is also used to Huo Kaishan, which is not a secret in King Wu's mansion.

And it is precisely because there is Huo Kaishan, an eighty-level Martial Venerable standing behind him, so Wudong has caused trouble since he was a child, and Huo Kaishan wipes his ass behind him.

Growing up presumptuously, barbaric and uneducated, Wudong naturally developed an arrogant and domineering temper, coupled with its talent and strength is indeed strong, none of his peers in King Wu's mansion can suppress Wudong, which also contributes to Wudong becoming more and more unsightly.

But even so, Huo Kaishan didn't feel anything wrong, in his opinion, strength is respected!

Therefore, Wu Dong went to Nandu to participate in the imperial beast college entrance examination, in the eyes of Huo Kaishan, it was just to fight a group of waste!

The level of the imperial beast of Wudong has reached level 20, the talent of the imperial beast is a fit, and the pet beast is also a powerful orangutan, and no one in the southern city can compare with it!

Huo Kaishan has such a disciple, naturally he has straightened his waist, and he has become domineering over the years.

On the TV, when I saw that Lin Ge wanted to use the martial arts rabbit to challenge the martial arts.

Huo Kaishan laughed loudly and said, "Ahahaha! Martial arts rabbit? Unexpectedly used a martial arts rabbit to challenge Dong'er?! I don't know if I'm alive or dead!

Huo Kaishan laughed, and no one in the hall dared to speak out.

Huo Kaishan snorted coldly: "It's just a waste rabbit, and it's still a borrowed temporary pet beast, how can it be compared with my powerful orangutan?" Hum! Move! Kill him directly! The

live broadcast continued, until Lin Ge snapped his fingers and more than a dozen drones carried out a multi-directional live broadcast!

The atmosphere in the live broadcast suddenly became tense, although Wudong had just been beaten by the powerful orangutan sitting in town, no one thought that Wudong would not be able to beat a rabbit!

Until a drone loaded with an extraordinary index detector is paired with a martial arts rabbit!

The ticking sound of the extraordinary index detector sounded, and at this moment, the panel of the martial arts rabbit jumped out of the TV that was playing the Nandu Royal Beast College Entrance Examination Channel!

[High-level Extraordinary Beast: Martial Arts Rabbit (Golden Quality)

] [Attribute: Martial Fighting System

] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 60

] [Growth Level: Level 19] [

Extraordinary Skills: Super Rank Million Boxing, Super Martial Arts Stance, Advanced Martial Arts Etiquette, Advanced Light Skill Water Floating, Advanced Seeing Through Strength, Advanced Mountain Collapse, Intermediate Speed Fist (Extraordinary Level), Intermediate Kombat (Extraordinary Level), Low Level Patience (Extraordinary Level), Low Level Jump, Low-level rabbit kicking legs, low-level activating muscles and bones...

] [Extraordinary Index: 590,000]

When this panel of Zhao Yun's martial arts rabbit appeared on the TV screen, all the spectators were stunned!

This is the rabbit that rotten street can't reach the sixty-level race value in three evolutions?

At this moment, everyone couldn't believe it, after all, the martial arts rabbit race is rotten street, and the extraordinary garbage of the martial arts department has been famous for a long time!


Huo Kaishan suddenly spoke up, just like martial arts, his face was full of disbelief, and he drank violently on the spot.

"Broken! That extraordinary exponential detector must be broken! What kind of mechanical auxiliary equipment for garbage ?! Is Nandu bluffing the audience!

Huo Kaishan smashed the wine bowl, and with a bang, the students and disciples in the martial arts hall were silent one by one.

And just when everyone also thought that the extraordinary index detector was broken.

They saw a similar scene again, only to see Wu Dong take away his extraordinary index detector, fall violently to the ground, stomp on a few feet, and the words that burst out of his mouth were the same as Huo Kaishan.

I heard that Lin Ge say again: "How? Isn't that even the recognition? If Liu Meng accepts you as an apprentice and becomes your teacher, I will have to scold him for being a waste. At

this moment, Huo Kaishan's old face was a little unable to sit still, why wasn't Lin Ge's words scolding him?

"Shaft thief! Arrogant! "


Huo Kaishan slammed the table, stood up suddenly, and was angry.

At this moment, a duty mentor of the Martial King Mansion came over and said: "Huo Wuzun, there is a letter of reproach from the Nandu Royal Beast Master Association, the noble disciple is arrogant and rude, and collided with the president of the mechanical department of the Royal Beast Master Association, according to the rules of the Royal Beast Master Association, you now need to apologize to Nandu as a martial arts mentor." "

I'm going to apologize?" Huo Kaishan pointed to himself and laughed.

Huo Kaishan laughed very presumptuously: "Ahahaha! Good! Good! Good! Let me apologize? Do they match the southern city? A coastal city that doesn't even have a legend of the beast! Dare to name and let me apologize to a martial arts royal beast legend?!

But without thinking, the mentor said again: "The lord of the mansion has replied, Huo Wuzun, you can not go, but what kind of consequences will there be afterwards, forgive yourself."

After that, the mentor left, without giving Huo Kaishan the slightest look of questioning, and left in a hurry.

Huo Kaishan's brows furrowed, and he was furious: "Hmph! Good! Buddha-figures go! I just didn't know you had the ability to let me go! Is there any skill to let me go! "

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