Nandu, Nanhai Scelly Islands, Xisha Island.

Looking at the panel of the martial arts rabbit, Wu Dong smashed the extraordinary index detector madly, and his mouth was still insulting like crazy.

Lin Ge looked at all this indifferently, he was not afraid of such crazy words of Wu Dong.

And Wu Dong stepped heavily on the broken extraordinary index detector, twisted his ankles, and rustled, simply to ravage the extraordinary index detector into the earth.

Lin Ge said lightly: "This account, I will record it on the head of King Wu's Mansion." Wu

Dong suddenly raised his head, glared angrily, and said, "Written on the head of King Wu's Mansion? Hum! Do you have this qualification?

Lin Ge ignored it and said lightly: "You still can't fight?" It's been waiting for you for a long time.

While speaking, Lin Ge had already opened his extraordinary index detection to detect the powerful orangutan of martial arts.

[Intermediate Extraordinary Beast: Mighty Orangutan

] [Attribute: Martial Fighting System

] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 40

] [Growth Level: Twenty-One

] [Extraordinary Skill: Didi Didi (Detective-)

] [Extraordinary Index: 610,000]

This powerful orangutan panel of Wudong is very good, at least the growth is excellent.

The extraordinary beasts of the martial arts department rely on the powerful fighting techniques they have mastered, so they are especially high in terms of combat effectiveness.

Lin Ge still agrees with this, after all, the extraordinary beasts of the martial arts department are all small masters of fighting.

Wu Dong also spoke up: "Hmph! It's just a martial arts rabbit! I'm afraid you won't make it! Herbis orangutan! Above! The

two-meter-tall humanoid giant beast immediately rushed towards the martial arts rabbit, and the powerful orangutan made his forefoot with his hands, running wildly, and his fierceness was extremely strong.

Lin Ge said, "How? Don't use your fit talent?

Wu Dong said: "It's just to beat you as a waste!" Need?

Lin Ge smiled and ordered, "Martial arts rabbit! Use martial arts poses! "

The martial arts rabbit immediately put on a starting style in martial arts, and fell together, faintly like a grandmaster, dripping water, attacking and defending.

The powerful orangutan soon approached in front of the martial arts rabbit, almost twice the huge body of the martial arts rabbit covered the sky, the powerful orangutan suddenly raised two arms, the green tendons burst, the fists clenched, and smashed down on the martial arts rabbit!

The martial arts rabbit was not in a hurry, his figure suddenly slipped up, his hands forward, grabbed one of the arms of the powerful orangutan, and clinged his hands to the arm of the powerful orangutan with the strength of unloading!

Immediately afterwards, the martial arts rabbit twisted its toes, and its waist turned with it, and it actually threw the powerful orangutan back with the power of four or two thousand catties!

The martial arts rabbit once again took a martial arts posture, his eyes were resolute and his eyes were bright.

And the powerful orangutan only flipped itself in the process of flying upside down, and then stepped on the ground with both feet, and stood up straight with tense muscles.

At this moment, anyone with a discerning eye can see that in the first confrontation, it was the martial arts rabbit who had the upper hand.

Wu Dong wrinkled his eyebrows, scoffed, and ordered again: "Mighty orangutan! Use Kickstep! Once you've got close to him, use your brute force punch! The

powerful orangutan immediately began to step on his feet heavily, kicking and approaching the martial arts rabbit, beating his chest regularly with both fists, and making a whining ape cry from his mouth.

Lin Ge's eyes were calm, and his eyes were tightly staring at every step of the powerful orangutan.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ge said: "Martial arts rabbit! Use Activate Muscles! Wait until he gets closer before using the rabbit to kick his legs! Remember to dodge his attack and get closer to his left armpit. "

After all, it is not Lin Ge's pet beast, and in many details, Lin Ge has to order it very carefully.

The martial arts rabbit's eyes were cold, looking at the powerful orangutan coming towards him, and at this moment, the martial arts rabbit's eyes suddenly brightened.

Dada -

the martial arts rabbit jumps its body, activates its muscles and bones, beats regularly, and the rabbit's ears sway!

The powerful orangutan was already close, and at that moment the powerful orangutan blatantly punched, the speed and power were so great that it was actually smashed out of the sound of the fist.

But the speed of the martial arts rabbit was faster, his legs suddenly exerted strength, and he dodged the attack of the powerful orangutan sideways, and then reached the left armpit of the powerful orangutan with a strong stride!

The corner of Lin Ge's mouth sneered, and the powerful orangutan revealed a gap!

"It's now! Martial Arts Rabbit! Use Quickfist and Kombat! "

The martial arts rabbit immediately punched quickly, his fists were thrown out with a thunderous momentum, the fist shadow was as fast as thunder, and the fist whistled and whistled!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The martial arts rabbit punched quickly, fist to the flesh, but the strong orangutan is also notoriously rough and thick skin, and when it was attacked by the martial arts rabbit, it was quickly defended.

Seeing this, the martial arts rabbit was not chasing, but another rabbit kicked its legs and turned back.

Wu Dong was about to explode when he saw this, that martial arts rabbit was too flexible, and he could seize the gap attack of the powerful orangutan every time.

"Hercules orangutan! What are you doing? Can't even solve this garbage rabbit? "

The strong orangutan is very depressed, standing and talking without back pain, do you have the ability to come?"

But Wu Dongcai didn't care about you so much, and ordered: "Don't pay attention to those weak moves!" How much attack power can a garbage bunny have! This time hard to resist damage, increase the use of violent martial arts!

As Wu Dong's voice fell, the powerful orangutan's eyes immediately turned red.

[High-level violent martial arts: Enter the furious state, gain high attack power, high damage, but easy to accidentally damage. ]

Lin Ge frowned, this martial arts is really a martial arts imperial beast master? How come there is no common sense at all?

"Martial arts rabbit! Use martial arts etiquette! "

[High-level martial arts etiquette: forcibly invite the opponent into the combat state, if the opponent refuses, the next attack must be a critical hit.] 】The

martial arts rabbit stood firm, put his palms together, and bent over to the powerful orangutan to salute!

And the powerful orangutan has already used violent martial arts, and at this moment it has entered a state of rage, where will it respond to the martial arts etiquette of the martial arts rabbit?

[Martial arts etiquette judgment! ] The opponent refuses! The attack of the martial arts rabbit has been improved! The next attack must be a critical hit!

Wu Dong exclaimed, "Not good! Mighty orangutans stop! "

But the powerful orangutan has not yet used violent martial arts, where can it stop? The reddened eyes made the powerful orangutan enter a violent state at this moment!

Lin Ge seized the opportunity and immediately ordered, "Martial arts rabbit!" A million punches! "

The martial arts rabbit moved! With martial arts etiquette feedback, he must have used a million punches against the powerful orangutan!

The Great Orangutan also used violent martial arts against the martial arts rabbit at this moment.

But this is obviously not equal, the martial arts rabbit has the judgment blessing of martial arts etiquette, and the attack power increase plus will definitely be a critical hit.

The extraordinary index displayed by the extraordinary index detector has surpassed the powerful orangutan at this moment!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Wushu Rabbit punches at high speed, the power of a million punches at this moment fist critical strike!

The big orangutan is numb!

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