The experiment continues, the death continues.

Lin Ge, like the card bug, used the overlord's high-level skills to learn by himself, and experimented with those small guards to improve Longwei's proficiency.

Finally, I gradually explored a set of skilled processes, first using Longwei to deter, then using self-learning to learn again, and finally increasing the power of Longwei, so that a set of processes, an average of three palace guards, can improve proficiency.

[Advanced Skill: Dragon Power Entry: 99/100 (Proficiency)]

Lin Ge rubbed his temples, the Tyrannosaur's Dragon Power skill proficiency has progressed very well so far, but the problem is that the consumption speed of the palace guard is too fast.

And so far, none of the palace guards have survived the first stage of the Dragon Blood Grass plus Longwei oppression.

In Lin Ge's opinion, the research progress is undoubtedly too slow.

Professor Lin's research report, he Lin Ge will report every day, and the consumption of these palace guards can only be reported as experimental consumption.

Professor Lin said that it was normal, and also signaled Lin Ge to increase his efforts, and even increase the concentration of dragon attribute food in the feed.

However, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and it is hoped that some different palace guards can be born.

Lin Ge said that there is no problem, he will do these things, that is, it will be more troublesome to mix feed every day.

Of course, now that the final exams are approaching, there are already therapeutic students from the school who have come to help.

In addition to exams, they also serve as keepers and help take care of these guards.

There is a female classmate here who is very good, is in the second class of high school, the treatment department is the royal beast master, the royal beast level is seven, the royal beast talent is wood therapy, and the pet beast is a seventh-level sunflower.

Sunflower flowers are not good at fighting, but they have peculiar effects when it comes to healing, and sunflower seeds have healing properties.

Perhaps due to the influence of the pet beast's personality, this female classmate's personality is also shy and slightly introverted, but the person is not bad.

This female classmate's surname is Li, her name is Li Huiling, Lin Ge generously gave her the task of a team leader, helping to take care of a group of palace guards, and with the help of these classmates.

Lin Ge can also calm down and study his mechanical pet beast information, now everything is on track, the birth of the Dragon System Palace is also under study, and the progress is quite OK.

Therefore, Lin Ge does not want to be his mechanical pet beast lagging behind, and the two must be in the same progress, so that when the birth of the dragon system palace comes out, he Lin Ge can research the mechanical pet beast at the fastest speed!

During this period, Lin Ge forgot to sleep and eat, and the consumption of nutrients was very large, but in the same way, the level of the imperial beast is slowly improving, and the overlord is also growing!

And I have to say that the school's research funds are really large, and I don't know if Professor Lin really has such a large weight, or I don't know where to get the trick.

Half a month later, the second batch and the third batch of Shougong were sent over one after another, along with Lin Ge's nutritional products and a large amount of dragon blood grass.

For this reason, Professor Lin also asked suspiciously: "You kid is so vain, order so much

dragon blood grass?" Lin Ge replied: "I didn't think that dragon blood grass is also a dragon item, usually in addition to my own consumption, I also added it to those palace guards to see if it can have some effect, what if the bet is right?"

The properties of dragon blood grass are mild, and the aura of the dragon system is almost negligible, which means that it has some effect on replenishing qi and blood for us humans, and it is of little help to extraordinary beasts.

Lin Ge just replied with a smile at that time.

Professor Lin could only say: "Since that's the case, it's up to you, anyway, the price of dragon blood grass is not as good as the rest of those dragon items, you yourself first raise it according to the requirements of the experiment, and when I finish the things in hand, I will go back."

Lin Ge: "Okay, professor."

Professor Lin said again: "By the way, next month, there will be a dragon pet beast owner who will come over to study the dragon system palace with you, and you are about the same age, and the imperial capital is here."

Lin Ge: "Professor ???, why is it so sudden?" Professor

Lin: "What is suddenly? Our team is too small, I didn't hear that I have such a research project here, and my old friend also wants his granddaughter to enter."

Lin Ge was surprised: "Female?" Professor

Lin: "Otherwise, okay, that's it, when she comes next month, I shouldn't have gone back, you entertain people yourself, don't be too shabby, you kid help me do research, the salary is not less for you."

As soon as the phone hung up, Lin Ge stood a little frozen in place, and couldn't help but be a little big-headed.

Someone joined, he didn't have any opinions, but there were many people, and he Lin Ge couldn't do experiments generously.

At that time, the research progress will inevitably be slowed down, which will disrupt all of his Lin Ge's plans.

"Wait, she's the owner of the dragon pet?"

Suddenly, Lin Ge found the blind spot, and suddenly he was a little surprised in his heart, he didn't expect Professor Lin's granddaughter to be so strong.

"Since she is the owner of the dragon pet, then maybe I can change the way!" Since she is

the owner of the dragon pet, or from the imperial capital, then her dragon pet definitely has the dragon power

! At that time, he Lin Ge can even be directly blatant, beautiful to borrow his name!

Let's improve the Tyrannosaur's Dragon Power skill proficiency first!" So

Lin Ge decisively gave up the other things at hand, and first planned to increase the Tyrannosaur's Dragon Power skill proficiency.

And such a crazy approach is that Lin Ge is getting weaker and weaker, and the supplements of nutritional products are a little out of pocket.

Those guarding the palace quacked to death, and died quickly as thieves, averaging more than three hundred a day.

The palace guard is consumed very quickly, but don't worry, Professor Lin has ordered a million.

And as the proficiency of self-learning slowly increased, Lin Ge could sometimes improve his proficiency by guarding the palace!

So after another half a month, the Tyrannosaurus's Dragon Power skill proficiency had already arrived.

[Advanced Skill: Longwei Proficiency: 9000/10000 (Proficiency)]

And such a big change, naturally, is that the palace guard died too quickly, so that the school began to wonder.

But it doesn't matter anymore, only a thousand skill proficiency remains, and it reaches the mastery level.

Lin Ge did not waste his hard work for half a month, and helped the overlord improve his skill proficiency.

And with the blessing of this proficiency, some began to gradually survive a course or two of the palace.

Among them, the one in Lin Ge's family has made the most progress, and has now reached the progress of five dragon blood grass plus dragon wei

! "Victory is in sight! Victory is in sight!"

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