A month later.

Professor Lin's palace guard base honorably sacrificed a thousand palace guards of different departments.

And the overlord finally lived up to Lin Ge's expectations, and Longwei's skill proficiency stepped into the mastery level.

Naturally, it represents

the birth of the dragon system guarding the palace! Ten thousand tall buildings rise from the ground! Now the foundation of Zhang high-rise buildings has been laid

! The next step is to add bricks and tiles! The birth is a dragon system guarding the palace one by one!

Lin Ge's eyes are fiery, his current royal beast level has also reached the fourth level, and the level of the overlord has also reached the level of the early sixth level.

This is already a huge step forward.

With the combination of hard cultivation and nutritional products, Lin Ge was quite satisfied with his progress.

And this semester is also over, students are returning home one after another, only some work-study students like Li Huiling are still in school.

Now that the task of raising and guarding the palace basically falls on these work-study students, Lin Ge is naturally much more relaxed.

And Professor Lin's one million guarding the palace, in Lin Ge's poison and the students' assessment sacrifices, now only about 700,000 remain.

In just over a month, this death number is indeed a bit large.

However, Lin Ge's eyes are not red and his heart does not beat, fill in some here, report a little there, and barely round over.

It can only be said that the palace guard is still too weak to withstand the energy of the dragon feed.

For this reason, Professor Lin said that he was not surprised at all, and even said that the number of deaths was a little lower than expected.

In the mobile phone, Lin Ge sent a message: "Professor, although the number of deaths in the palace is a bit large, but there is good news, some of the palace guards have indeed undergone some changes after eating the feed made by dragon resources, I will send you some pictures."

So Lin Ge sent a few more pictures over, and these palace guards had indeed changed greatly after experiencing the treatment of Dragon Blood Grass and Long Wei.

The first is the change in body shape, which is more than twice as large, and it is multiplied and larger, and each completed dragon's blood grass treatment can be doubled.

Therefore, Professor Lin was a little stunned after seeing these pictures.

Professor Lin: "Why did it change so much? What did you feed?" Lin

Ge replied: "Just feed according to the normal feed ratio, oh, by the way, add some dragon's blood grass."

After a moment, Professor Lin replied: "You use dragon blood grass to raise a batch alone, compared with it, I still have to deal with a little official business here, and I expect that I can go back before school starts."

Lin Ge was overjoyed: "Okay, understand."

On the other side, Professor Lin was puzzled, scratched his head and said to himself: "I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't say it."

With Professor Lin's permission, Lin Ge quickly selected another batch of lucky ones, a total of ten.

There is earth, gold, darkness, and fire.

This kind of extraordinary beast guarding the palace is the most raced, so this little thing can also be regarded as a kind of extraordinary beast that is used to do the most research here in Daxia.

Put the ten little ones in a terrarium and feed them with water and dragon's blood grass.

And then....

"Overlord, use master-level dragon power, give me a little oppression of them!" The

white summoning array lit up, the overlord appeared, and after receiving Lin Ge's order, he immediately used dragon power against these ten palace guards.

This time there was no death again, in fact, after the tyrannosaurus' dragon power reached the mastery level, it was already able to accurately control the power of the dragon power.

After using the Dragon Blood Grass in these palace guards, Longwei's oppressive force was always at a suppression limit.

Not only can the palace guards absorb the energy of the dragon blood grass to the maximum, but also activate the dragon attribute to the maximum!

After the Overlord pressed with the mastery-level dragon power for three hours, these palace guards finally changed.

The physique suddenly doubled, the scales on the body also had a little more luster, the limbs were slender, and the head shape was also a little sharper.


the overlord away, Lin Ge breathed a sigh of relief, these little guys can rest for three days after completing the first evolution course before moving on to the next course of treatment.


said goodbye to school, Lin Ge returned home, and after simply having dinner with Lin's mother, he couldn't wait to run back to his room.

Now at home, Lin Ge's gaze is dead in the corner of the room, where there is a huge palace guard one meter long!

I saw that the palace guard was strong, with sharp claws, a thick and powerful tail, a head like a dragon's head, a body like a snake, two small bulges on its forehead, and the horns of its head were first revealed.

Seeing Lin Ge return, this huge palace guard immediately pounced, but soon another sharp brake stopped halfway.

I saw the overlord's mechanical eyes staring at him with a red light, so that this palace guard did not dare to move.

Lin Ge smiled indifferently, reached out and patted the overlord's head, and said, "Don't scare him, he's your little brother."

Then he walked over and also reached out and touched the head of the palace guard.

The huge palace guard immediately opened its mouth like a dog and stuck out its tongue happily.

Yes, this guy is the earthen pattern guarding palace in the FRP before.

Now it has undergone nine evolutionary courses of dragon blood grass.

I have to say that this guy's luck is really good, after the overlord's dragon power skill proficiency has improved, this guy is in danger every time, and when Lin Ge feels that he can't do it, he unexpectedly survived.


further ado, Lin Ge took out a dragon blood grass, and the palace guard immediately stared at the dragon blood grass.

Lin Ge said: "Eat, then it's time for you to complete the historic transformation!"

Shougong immediately ate the dragon blood grass, and it entered the stomach in three or two strokes.

Lin Ge's eyes stared tightly, and immediately said: "Overlord, use

the dragon power!" The overlord's voice was low, and the dragon power slowly emanated, heading towards the huge palace guard.


!" Shougong immediately roared, his body trembling slightly, this is the most critical step!

Lin Ge's eyes were serious, and said: "Xiaojin withstand!" Xiaojin

is the name taken by Lin Ge, after all, it can't be called Xiaotu, then it's too dirty.

The dragon blood grass was gradually refined, and the proficient level of dragon power also made

Xiaojin transform! At this moment, the evolution course was completed

! The white evolution light lit up, and Xiaojin finally changed

! "Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully cultivating the first dragon system palace guard! Reward the royal beast level two! Reward a middle-level mechanical shoulder cannon weapon! Reward the dragon system palace guard breeding materials!"

The mechanical sound of the system sounded, the corner of Lin Ge's mouth smiled slightly, and the first dragon system guarding the palace was born!

The white evolutionary light gradually dissipated, and Xiaojin's appearance was gradually revealed.

At this moment, Lin Ge's mood was extremely excited.

The overlord also stared at Xiao Jin, and the aura between the extraordinary beasts of the dragon system attracted each other.

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