Boom –

waterspouts swirled and burst, and a hazy drizzle fell within the crescent lake.

The demon skirt jellyfish struggled madly, the jellyfish tentacles whipped the waterspout, and the demon department's extraordinary skills were used!

But Chen Yuting did not panic at all, and did not even give orders again.

The water source elves control all the sea water in this crescent moon lake, and for a while the blue waves are unpredictable.

Chen Yunjing and Zhao Yun were both stunned, because the combat power shown by the water source spirit at this moment was already beyond its due strength!

Lin Gedu commented: "The elemental extraordinary beast is the best in this point, and it can always exert its own power in the right venue." "

Although this water source spirit only has an extraordinary index of 400,000, the site is inside the sea and lake, and he has the skill of the water realm, and it is simply amazing to control the water.

Lin Ge pushed his glasses, the situation was already simple and clear, it was only a matter of time before the demon skirt jellyfish was defeated, and the water source elves were stronger and stronger in the war.

Until a certain moment, the waterspout exploded, and the magic skirt jellyfish crashed to the ground.

"Congratulations, defeated this demon skirt jellyfish."

Chen Yuting bowed her head slightly, did not say much, it was not high cold, but a slight introverted personality that made Chen Yuting not good at words.

Lin Ge put his hands in his pockets, turned around, and said, "Let's rest here tonight, and go to Zhongsha Island tomorrow morning."

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing both nodded: "Gotta go!" "

Collect firewood, set up camp, and spend the night by this crescent moon lake tonight."

The water source spirit also appeared its true body, an extraordinary beast composed of water throughout, its body was like a flower bone, it was about to open, and a pair of big aqua blue eyes were looking at Lin Ge and them.

Chen Yuting beckoned, and the water source elf floated beside him, like a dancing elf.

The magic skirt jellyfish dived into the crescent moon lake and quickly fled the scene.

"Did you just spend the night here?" Chen Yuting asked.

Chen Yunjing replied, "How else?

Lin Ge explained: "We are not like your water system beast masters, we can use the ability of pet beasts to control water to make waterbeds, but we don't need to keep vigil either. "

Speaking of which, both Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing have summoned dragon machinery.

There is a dragon mechanical vigil, and tonight's extraordinary beasts are destined not to disturb them.

Lin Ge opened a coconut and greeted, "If you don't mind, come over and bake the fire and drink coconut water?"

Chen Yuting thought about it, so she also walked over, and Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing hurriedly gave up their positions.

Chen Yuting was also not polite, sat down next to her, pulled down her mask, her delicate face was also exposed under the firelight, took the coconut given by Lin Ge and drank it.

"My brother adores you."

Suddenly, Chen Yuting suddenly said.

Lin Ge nodded: "Well, thank you."

Chen Yuting drank a few more sips of coconut water and said, "The mechanical department is very novel. "

The topic is very bland, there is no way to talk about it.

Lin Ge changed the topic and said, "We met the Yan Jin trio over there on Dongsha Island, and they captured a blue water turtle and wanted to evolve and give it to your brother, saying that it was to repay you.

Chen Yuting paused for a moment, and then nodded: "You know, our Chen family in Sichuan City has the house rules of assisting the civilian imperial beast master every year, not asking for anything in return, but seeking marriage, for many years, the result is not bad, at least so."

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing looked at each other, it seemed that they had misunderstood those three buddies before.

Lin Ge was slightly surprised, this kind of house rule is really rare, it seems that the Chen family in Sichuan City has always had a very good vision.

Lin Ge said again: "The race value of the mechanical giant cannon turtle is not bad, it can also be used to cultivate the transition in the early stage, your Sichuan city is also a coastal city, the blue water turtle will not be less, if there is a tendency to cooperate, you can consider it with the southern city."

Chen Yuting asked, "Isn't this mechanical giant cannon turtle yours?"

Lin Ge replied, "I contributed it."

Chen Yuting nodded slightly, oh, and then the atmosphere fell silent again.

Neither Zhao Yun nor Chen Yunjing knew how to interject.

Lin Ge fiddled with the fire and said, "I heard that the Water System Imperial Beast Master can master the ventilation technique and breathe at the bottom of the sea through the ventilation technique?"

Chen Yuting nodded and said, "Yes, but only if your extraordinary pet beast has this skill before it can be used on you." Lin

Ge's eyebrows showed a thoughtful look, did he master the water system with ventilation technique?

Zhao Yun asked, "Can it work on other people?"

Chen Yuting thought for a while and said, "It's okay, but you still need a high-proficiency bubble technique, but the sea is dangerous, and no one will try this kind of move."

Lin Ge ate the coconut, and couldn't help but say out loud: "It's really amazing." "

The flames crackled, and the sound of the tide crashing against the beach was regular.

Lin Ge looked at the sea, and there were already some extraordinary beasts coming ashore.

This score allowed Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing's dragon machinery to harvest.

Chen Yuting spoke up again: "Are you going to Zhongsha Island tomorrow to challenge that lightning fox?"

Zhao Yun immediately spoke up: "The two of us are foils, and it is Lin Ge who challenges the lightning fox."

Chen Yuting looked at Lin Ge and said, "That lightning fox is very dangerous.

Lin Ge said very crisply: "The mechanical department is not afraid of the lightning department.

Chen Yuting immediately didn't know what to say.

After another moment of silence, he spoke again: "When we came in, we seemed to have seen you clashing with the martial arts of the Wuwang Mansion, how happened?"

Chen Yunjingxin said bluntly: "He? He has already been beaten down by Senior Lin, and now he is estimated to be treated in the hospital.

Chen Yuting was slightly surprised, Lin Ge is so powerful?

"Martial arts is level 20, really fake?"

Lin Ge said: "Before we found him, he had already fought with the powerful orangutan on Xisha Island, which can be regarded as a bit of a danger, but according to the level of the royal beast, our state at that time was also flat, and the martial arts were indeed very powerful, but unfortunately the character was not good."

Chen Yuting said: "You have to be careful, Wudong was picked up and raised by Huo Wuzun, Wuwangfu, although on the surface he is called a teacher and student, but the relationship between the two is really like father and son, and Wudong's temper is used to Huo Wuzun, Huo Wuzun is also famous for his crazy temper, be careful of being retaliated."

Zhao Yun wrinkled his eyebrows and said, "Isn't it?" Could it be that he still came to pull down his face and deal with a few of our students?

Chen Yuting said: "In short, it's good for you to be careful, the martial arts masters of the Martial King Mansion all advocate force, and there are few who have a good temper."

Lin Ge replied indifferently: "The soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover the soil, I am not afraid of their Wuwang Mansion, it is a big deal to make a big deal to the imperial capital." "

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