
The last day of the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination.

During this day, the candidates who were not eliminated were making the final sprint.

Lin Ge and they were no exception, last night's extraordinary beast was solved by Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing's dragon mechanics, and naturally they also got a wave of points.

Now, it's time to go to Zhongsha Island.

After a night of score changes, Lin Ge's score is currently only in the middle of the pack.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the lightning fox is solved, Lin Ge can still surpass everyone in one fell swoop.

As for whether anyone would challenge that lightning fox, Lin Ge was not worried at all.

In this year's Royal Beast College Entrance Examination, that lightning fox is the most powerful and has the highest score!

After a simple wash and breakfast, everyone put out the fire and prepared to set off.

Chen Yuting was still following next to her and said, "Can I watch the battle with the past?"

Lin Ge nodded: "Naturally, this is not a prescriptive battle."

Chen Yuting bowed: "Thank you."

So Lin Ge's three-person team temporarily added another girl in.

The four people took the dragon machinery and arrived safely at Zhongsha Island.

It's still a familiar scene, or a familiar smell of an otherworldly beast.

Lin Ge looked at the ink-black mountain, and after the water demon octopus was captured, that mountain became borderless.

After the lightning fox was released by Luo Xiang, it quickly occupied that mountain as its territory.

There are also many candidates in Zhongsha Island, and all of them were candidates above level 10 in the past.

These people looked at Lin Ge and his party and gave way, and the news that the martial arts had been defeated by Lin Ge had already spread.

Lin Ge also ignored these candidates and led the three of them straight towards the mountain in the middle of Zhongsha Island.

The ink-black mountains seem to be extremely strong, but in fact, the inside is already a group of caves.

And the lightning fox is above that mountain.


Lin Ge and they stood at the foot of the mountain, and when they looked up, their eyes were already locked on the figure sticking out of a boulder on the peak.

It was a fox nearly two meters long, with silvery-white hair and a trace of electric arc, and was looking at all the candidates on Zhongsha Island condescendingly at the moment.

As if feeling Lin Ge's provocative gaze, the lightning fox also turned his head and looked at Lin Ge's group.

[Primary Extraordinary Beast

: Thunder Fox] [Attribute: Thunder and Lightning System] [Race Level: Level 30 (Extreme

)] [Growth Level: Level 30 (Limit)

] [Extraordinary Skill: Didi Didi (Detective-)

] [Extraordinary Index: 900,000]

When the extraordinary index panel of the Thunder and Lightning System

appeared, Zhao Yun and they were all slightly surprised.

"An extraordinary index of 900,000! Almost double the size of Overlord! Zhao Yun spoke up, "Lin Ge, let's withdraw."

Chen Yunjing also said: "Yes, yes, even if you use the amplification skill Overlord, it only has an extraordinary index of more than 500,000, which is completely incomparable to this lightning fox."

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and said, "You guys have a little confidence in me, okay?" "

Of course, this lightning fox has an extraordinary index of 900,000, but the overlord has attribute resistance, and it is still a mechanical system, so Zhang Raiden Fox's combat power has to be discounted!"

This is also the strength that Lin Ge dares to challenge, if he changes to other extraordinary pet beasts, Lin Ge will not be sure of winning steadily.

In contrast, Chen Yuting seemed to be afraid, and her water source spirit was killed by lightning.

Lin Ge walked out, his eyes staring at the lightning fox tightly, and then revealed a light smile.

"Come out! Overlord! The

white summoning array lit up, and the mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex appeared, stepping on the ground and roaring!

The lightning fox also immediately flashed silver-white electric arcs all over its body, croaking.

The atmosphere of the battle was imminent, making this mountain become serious.

The live broadcast camera of the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination was instantly reversed, and various pictures were enough.

"It's coming, it's coming! Finally, someone has challenged this lightning fox!

"Wow! Mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex! It's just handsome! Why is there no such mechanical extraordinary sale in Nandu? "

President Lin Ge's signature pet beast, even if there is, we can't cultivate him to the level."

"Leave him alone! This wave is cool first!

"I'll go! Everyone, the extraordinary index of the mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex and the lightning fox are completely incomparable! Dare this also challenge?

"It should be attribute restraint or attribute resistance, right?" Otherwise, this can't be beaten? "


As the aura of confrontation became more and more dignified, the extraordinary index of Overlord and Thunder Fox also soared.


The overlord took the lead in attacking, suddenly roared, and then opened his mouth and vomited, and the dragon flame instantly gushed out!

The blazing flame of

the blazing dragon instantly went towards the lightning fox, and the scorching high temperature made the vision slightly distorted.

The lightning fox is not a vegetarian, its body suddenly lowers, enters a combat state, and the power of thunder and lightning on its body emerges!

Immediately after that, a high-level thunder light instantly split out, separated the flames, and hit the overlord fiercely!

Zila la ——!

The electric light flashed, the overlord paused slightly, and the corners of Lin Ge's mouth also rose at this moment.

"That's true."

Lin Ge pushed his glasses, and when he looked at this lightning fox again, he was already full of smiles.

The overlord tilted his head, his red eyes were full of doubts, what was the situation just now? It's a little crispy... A little numb again... And with a little excitement?!

The Overlord instantly wagged his tail, and the entire mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex began to get excited, as if he had found a toy.

Seeing this, the lightning fox was stimulated, and the fox's face was instantly furious, and the hair all over his body stood up, and a lightning arc burst out.


The lightning fox roared angrily, and then the power of thunder and lightning on his body burst out!


- "Is it a high-level lightning stance?"

Lin Ge said loudly, the corners of his mouth were still smiling, this was a little angry and corrupt?

"Tyrannosaurus rex, then charge the super electromagnetic cannon, come and be ruthless!"

The overlord immediately exuded dragon power, and the scale armor on his back also began to condense light!

The dragon power is pervasive, and the thunder fox is holding up the thunder and lightning stance, and he is not afraid at all!

This made Lin Ge slightly puzzled, it turned out that this lightning fox had not yet learned extraordinary will?

But if you think about it, the original thunder and lightning system is already very powerful, and then with extraordinary will, who can fight?

"Overlord! Dragon Blessing! Dance of the Dragons! Dragon King Realm! "

Lin Ge is unceremonious, and all kinds of amplification skills are superimposed.

Overlord's extraordinary index began to soar at this moment!

People from all sides exclaimed.

The lightning fox felt that he was scorned, and suddenly a white light appeared on his body, his hair flew, and he looked fluttering.

Lin Ge was slightly surprised, and said, "Oops! You won't have extraordinary will, but you learned super-level skills first! "

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