[Lightning Super Skill: Lightning Technique! ] ]

With the white light on the lightning fox, thunderclouds began to condense above the sky of Zhongsha Island, although it was not very big, but coincidentally, today is a rainy day....

With the lightning technique of the lightning fox launched, thunderclouds gathered for a while, and the rain continued.

"Run! Thunder on rainy days, lightning system to electrocute!

"I lean! Make no mistake! I almost defeated that extraordinary beast. "

Damn, then the Thunder Fox designation is also a problem, how can a junior transcendent beast have a super-level skill?"

"You call it so much! Thunder and lightning are unreasonable! Run! For

a while, the candidates of Zhongsha Island quickly scattered and fled.

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing also quickly summoned the dragon system.

Zhao Yun said: "Lin Ge, let's go out and hide, you can solve it yourself."

Chen Yuting also jumped on Chen Yunjing's dragon system machinery and said: "My water system, I can't help, I will go first." The

three ran quickly.

Lin Ge's eyelids jumped, and he looked at the lightning fox again, and couldn't help but snort twice.

"Where did Mayor Luo Xiang catch this lightning fox?"

If it is an ordinary lightning technique, then there is no problem, easy to deal with.

But...... The rain continued continuously, and small raindrops fell on the face, revealing a little coolness for a while.

"Little Kim! Come out! "

There is no way, Lin Ge can only summon Xiaojin out again.

As soon as the fire master appeared, he said that he was very upset, saying that he would take him to play, and as a result, he had been sleeping in the imperial beast space.

Lin Ge patted Xiao Jin's head and said, "Don't lose your temper first, give me an extraordinary fire to the sky, and bake it dry." "

Xiao Jin's extraordinary fire, the proficiency level is almost at the perfect level, and the power is terrible.

Xiao Jin opened his mouth and suddenly sprayed into the sky, and the extraordinary fire did not burn!

And at this time, the Overlord's amplification skill was also superimposed, and the lightning detonation technique of the lightning fox was also successful!

A thunder fell above the sky, like a thunder dragon falling from the sky, first a white light lit up, and then there was a thunder explosion between heaven and earth!


The thunder rolled, making the drones live broadcast all fail, and the picture was once snowflakes.

Before the ink-black mountains, Lin Ge hid under the protection of Xiaojin, safe and sound... He scalded his head.

Xiao Jin was numb, and his little tail was dangling.

Lin Ge trembled all over, and the clothes on his body were all electric.

Lin Ge looked at the overlord, and Fang Cai's thunder was endured by the overlord.

As far as the eye could see, the overlord's head was scorched black, and thunder lit up from time to time crackling all over his body.

Although it seems that the Overlord is very embarrassed, but Lin Ge can see from the feedback of the Royal Beast Contract, the Overlord's energy at this moment has never been more charged!


Suddenly, the overlord moved, and the mechanical back lit up step by step, and the super electromagnetic charge reached its peak at this moment!

The overlord suddenly opened his mouth and vomited, and the laser of the super electromagnetic cannon shot straight towards the lightning fox!

At this moment, there seemed to be a pillar of light rising up above the earth!


That ink-black mountain was instantly cut off a mountain!

And the lightning fox actually dodged!!

Lin Ge wrinkled his eyebrows: "Thunder flash?!" "

At the moment when the Overlord attacked, the Thunder Fox used Thunder Lightning!

"Even if you can dodge, otherwise if this shot goes down, you are estimated to die."

If he really killed this lightning fox, Lin Ge felt a bit of a pity.

Being able to learn super-level skills in the primary transcendent stage means that this lightning fox's talent is good, or it has mutated.

Lin Ge is very interested in this kind of thing, and it should be very good to use it for research.

"Tied, it should be fine, right?"

Lin Ge thought for a while, and then nodded: "Hey, no matter how I say it, I am also the president of the mechanical department of Nandu, my own person!" How can the thing of a reader be called a tie-up? How vulgar! My name is Na!

"Overlord! Do it! I want to live! "

This lightning fox has an extraordinary will not awaken, and actually ran to learn the super-level skill first, this Lin Ge must find out what the situation is.

It's like a child who hasn't learned to climb and suddenly runs away, which specifies what the situation is.

Hearing Lin Ge's words, the Overlord quickly attacked, and high-level super speed and jet propulsion instantly burst out!


A close side, the overlord is immediately a raptor swing tail!

The lightning fox used the thunder dodge again, dodging the Overlord's attack, and then pounced again, trying to bite the Overlord.

It's just that...... The steel body of the overlord, I am afraid that if it breaks a mouthful of teeth, it can only be tickling.

Seeing that the tearing and biting could not work, the lightning fox also jumped away, but the overlord had the blessing of the dragon's blessing, and his luck in all aspects was good!

The overlord's eyes suddenly lit up, the mechanical analysis was activated, and the huge body suddenly moved at high speed.

The overlord poked out with a claw and suddenly pinned the lightning fox! Shoot it into the mountains!

Zi la la!

At this moment, the plasma splashed everywhere, as if he heard a fox wail.

Lin Ge looked at the mountain peak and ordered, "Overlord! Dragon Burn! Force the Thunder Fox out! The

Overlord opened his mouth and vomited, and the dragon flame instantly filled the cave space inside the peak.

The lightning fox couldn't stand the scorching heat and immediately fled out of it.

This time, the lightning fox learned well, and actually came directly to Lin Ge, full of thunder and lightning!

Lin Ge's eyes were indifferent, and Xiao Jin next to him immediately got up and suddenly slapped the ground!

The Great Earthquake trembled!

At this moment, it was like an earthquake erupting, and it was difficult for the lightning fox to stabilize its figure!

"Overlord! Roar of the Dragon! Shock him to me! Taking

advantage of the Thunder Fox's unstable mind, Lin Ge naturally would not let go of such a good opportunity!

The Tyrannosaurus's dragon roar immediately burst out, and the lightning fox was shocked in place on the spot!

"Grab it!"

The overlord strode forward, and the two small short claws immediately grabbed the lightning fox!

Victory and defeat have been scored!

The lightning fox still wanted to struggle, twisting and biting madly, and an arc of electricity erupted on its body.

But in the hands of the overlord of the mechanical department, the more this toy struggles, the more excited the overlord is.

Every time the Thunderbolt Fox releases power, it is a small charge for the Overlord.

Overlord exited red-eye battle mode, his blue expression full of comfort.

At this moment, the Overlord had a huge affection for the extraordinary beasts of the Thunder and Lightning System.

Lin Ge suddenly covered his face, why is this still addictive?

And the struggle is hopeless, Raiden Fox also chose to give up, every burst of electricity is a consumption for Raiden Fox.

Lin Ge looked at the lightning fox and pondered, "System, can I create a mechanical transcendent of the mechanical lightning system?" System

: "Ding! Back to the host, this is of course possible, but given the current weaponry, the extraordinary may not have a powerful means of attack.

Lin Ge groped his chin: "It seems that you have to create equipment that relies on electricity to launch attacks first." "

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