"Ding! Post the task! Please the host to research the mechanics, lightning dual-system machinery extraordinary! Mission Rewards! EMP equipment! The

sound of the system sounded.

Lin Ge pondered that although there are currently several mechanical equipment that are rewarded by the system, those that rely on energy reactors can be used.

What Lin Ge wants is the Thunder and Lightning King!

It is the kind of existence of crazy electric people, see who does not obey, directly come to a set of electric shock therapy.

Lin Ge felt excited when he thought about it, and couldn't help but laugh, and suddenly felt that this attack method was also quite handsome.

Seeing that his Royal Beast Master suddenly showed such a lewd expression, Xiao Jin walked away sideways in disgust.

The overlord wagged his tail excitedly and looked! Isn't the Royal Beast Master the same as him!

The knowledge in his mind instantly gathered, and all kinds of calculations, Lin Ge's ideas became more and more.

Mechanical lightning systems are also becoming increasingly viable.

Simply creating a department extraordinary, Lin Ge can do it, but the attack means of discharge are only afraid that there is none.

Even if the energy reactor contains unlimited energy, it needs the corresponding weapons and equipment to launch an attack.

Lin Ge took out a small book, recorded this idea first, and then slowly transformed and implemented.

"The EMP is also good, it should give some inspiration."

After recording these inspirations, Lin Ge put away the small book, and the prototype of the birth of the Thunder and Lightning King was already there.

Lin Ge looked at the lightning fox that was caught in the hands of the overlord, because with the inspiration of the thunder and lightning king, Lin Ge's good impression of this lightning fox now rose sharply.

The overlord showed a look of excitement, wagged his tail, and had great mood swings.

Master, shall we keep this little thing?

Lin Ge suddenly felt helpless, you are addicted to electricity, right? I've loaded you with two energy devices!

The overlord replied, this cannot be compared! This sudden electric shock numbness is simply cool.

Xiao Jin suddenly rolled his eyes in disgust, what is the refreshing method?

Lin Ge waved his hand, and the overlord leaned down and lifted the lightning fox out.

Lin Ge immediately changed his smile: "Thunder Fox, how do you see me?" "

Thunderbolt foxes are not birds, a little arrogant to skim their heads.

Lin Ge continued: "From me, anyway, you have already reached the limit of the primary transcendent beast race value, how about following me to eat fragrant and drink spicy?!" The

lightning fox said that he was not willing to submit to the human beast master.

Lin Ge said: "Don't give a face, ha, people like me are crazy and terrible." "

Raiden Fox is very humane with a contemptuous smile, what can you do with me? Big deal.

Lin Ge waved his hand, and the overlord immediately understood, and his small short hand suddenly clenched.

The lightning fox was immediately squeezed out of a body of electricity, and the entire extraordinary beast struggled.

The overlord's small short hand loosened again, and the lightning fox suddenly relaxed, but before he could catch his breath, the overlord repeated the operation again.

In a tight and loose lightning fox, the lightning fox was squeezed out of all the electricity on his body.

The overlord is like pinching a small toy to decompress, and every time this small toy can release a trace of electricity, although it is not much, but it is very cool.

The lightning fox was already powerless to struggle, and the electricity on his body had been absorbed by the overlord, and he collapsed weakly in the overlord's multi-mechanical claw.

Lin Ge then asked, "How is it?" Obeying or not convinced? If you don't obey, continue to torture until you do.

Raiden Fox's eyes widened, it was the first time in his life that he had suffered such humiliation.

Abominable human beast master!

But he didn't think that the human beast master said again: "If I can let you evolve, will you surrender or not?" "

The lightning fox is very intelligent, and when he hears that he can evolve himself, he can consider it.

Lin Ge grinned, the experimental subject has it!

Looking at the smile of the human imperial beast master, the lightning fox suddenly felt bad.

And as the battle ended, the candidates who escaped also turned back.

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing also returned, but Chen Yuting did not return, but joined the candidates in Sichuan City.

"I lean!" Zhao Yun spoke up: "Lin Ge, you really won?"

Lin Gebi gestured.

Chen Yunjing quipped: "Senior Lin, your explosive head is really good-looking.

Lin Ge touched it, and there was still some numbness in the palm of his hand, obviously the static electricity on his body had not been eliminated.

The overlord put the lightning fox on the ground, and at this moment the lightning fox was already weak, and even his legs were a little soft.

Lin Ge waved his hand and took back the overlord and Xiaojin, as for this explosive head, it is estimated that it has been a while.

"Whew! Solved! Did you bring the Imperial Beast Ball?

Lin Ge asked, his Royal Beast Space Ring was already full of things, and he really couldn't hold this lightning fox.

Chen Yunjing said: "I have one, but ordinary, Senior Lin, do you want it."

Lin Ge took it, directly pressed the imperial beast ball, and then threw it at the lightning fox, and the lightning fox did not resist, and was accepted with a buzz.

Zhao Yun scratched his head and asked curiously, "Lin Ge, you want to contract this lightning fox?"

Lin Ge shook his head and said, "No, I just want to do an experiment with this lightning fox and supplement a little of the species of the mechanical department." The

two suddenly realized, Lin Ge is so powerful, how could he contract this lightning fox?

And after subduing this lightning fox, Lin Ge's score also skyrocketed to the first position.

Having defeated two extraordinary bosses sitting in the exam, Lin Ge's score must be the most.

"Gone! Went back. After

weighing the Royal Beast Ball, Lin Ge put it away.

There was only half a day left in the imperial beast college entrance examination, and Lin Ge and the three of them also returned to Dongsha Island to check the information.

After everything is done, this also means that the imperial beast college entrance examination that belongs to them has been successfully completed.

And here Lin Ge also met acquaintances, Gao Qiangsheng, Chen Yuting, and Yan Jin's trio.

Lin Ge asked Gao Qiangsheng, "What's wrong?"

Gao Qiangsheng nodded and said, "Of course, I won, the first failure was careless, and the second time I was on guard."

Chen Yuting also bowed her head slightly, signaling a greeting.

Time passed, and the imperial beast college entrance examination in Nandu City was finally over.

The statistical score ranking must still take time, so everyone took a yacht back to Nandu.

However, there is no doubt that Lin Ge's score must be the highest, followed by Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing, and Gao Qiangsheng and Chen Yuting are naturally close behind.

And the most eye-catching thing is naturally the martial arts of Wuwangfu, this guy went to challenge the powerful orangutan at the beginning, did not get a score at all, and was directly defeated by Lin Ge and sent out of the examination room.

And now the martial arts of King Wu's Mansion are also famous.

But for these Lin Ge, he was not interested, and simply got together with friends and went home.

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