Nandu, a municipal hospital.

In one of the wards, Wu Qi, covered in bruises and in a plaster cast in one hand, was sleeping at the moment.

This is a remedy to avoid physical injury and reduce suffering.

Healing-savvy herb warriors use sleeping pollen to put patients into a state of slumber to relieve their pain.

At the same time, deep sleep can also allow patients to quickly repair their injuries.

The doctor ran back and forth, and as soon as the doctor left the ward, an uninvited guest appeared here in an instant, a middle-aged man with white sideburns.

Huo Kaishan looked at Wu Dong lying on the hospital bed, and a deep anger surged in his heart.

"Abominable Lin Ge! It actually beat me to such an extent!

Huo Kaishan grimaced fiercely, and his fists were also clenched tightly.

In his opinion, all this was that Lin Ge's fault!

Didn't Wu Dong rob him of an extraordinary index detector? Why hurt people so much?

"Cruel boy! I, Huo Kaishan, will definitely make you pay!" "

It's just an extraordinary index detector, he Wuwangfu can't afford it, why hit someone?

So in Huo Kaishan's opinion, this is all that Lin Ge is too stingy!

That mechanical department is rubbish! The newly born system also dares to call out their martial arts department!

"And the guys from Nandu! Look at that Lin Ge beating me so badly! You didn't even stop it! Really when I Huo Kaishan can't see it, can I?! Huo

Kaishan gritted his teeth, Fang Tianyuan, the vice president of the Nandu Royal Beast Master Association, was at the scene at that time, and that fat man Fang could obviously stop it!


Huo Kaishan looked out the window, and outside was the bustling urban avenue of Nandu.

And a few streets further ahead of this urban avenue is the Royal Beast Master Association in Nandu!

"Luo Xiang! Ma Bao! You pretend to be blind too, right?! Good! Good! It's really good!

Huo Kaishan glared angrily, didn't he feel that Wu Dong had done something wrong, wasn't it just that he snatched Lin Ge's extraordinary index detector?

How big is it? And did not tear his ears off.

But that little thief actually shot so ruthlessly, and he also took advantage of people's danger!

"Division... At

this time, Wu Qi's awakening, although he was treated for the first time, he was still very weak.

Huo Kaishan quickly pulled over the stool and sat down, saying, "Master is here."

Wu Dong nodded lightly, and said, "Master, it hurts, my arm seems to be wasted."

Huo Kaishan said loudly: "It's okay, it's okay, just recuperate, when you return to King Wu's Mansion, Master will apply some ointment to you, there will be no sequelae."

Wu Dong snorted softly, and then fell asleep again.

Huo Kaishan's face immediately turned angry, and he left the ward, just in time to see the treatment doctor who took care of Wu Dong.

Huo Kaishan suddenly shook the doctor with one hand and threatened, "If something happens to my move!" You all have to die! The

doctor did not have the slightest strength to resist, and was strangled by Huo Kaishan's throat, and his face instantly turned red.

This scene startled the people around.

Huo Kaishan snorted coldly, threw off the doctor, and then left with a gloomy face.

The treatment doctor who was thrown out was picked up by his colleague and said urgently: "Quick! Call the mayor and president! "

The sun shines brightly ————

, and the sun makes the room bright.

After the imperial beast college entrance examination, Lin Ge finally had a rare good night's sleep.


Lin Ge stretched out and yawned heavily, this is the ghost awakening.

"I haven't been so relaxed in a long time."

The spirit that had been tense for a long time was finally relieved after this sleep.

After changing clothes, Lin Ge came downstairs, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and just saw Lin Mu watching TV.

And Lin Mu also turned around and saw Lin Ge who woke up.

"I didn't cook today, but there is skinned egg lean porridge, you can eat it hot."

Lin Ge nodded, walked into the kitchen, and didn't bother to heat it, so he simply served a bowl to eat cold.

"Mom, have you ever considered moving out?"

Lin Mu looked at it and said, "Where else do you want to move?" Xiaoge, although you became famous at a young age, you can't be proud and indulgent, you still need to study hard, and you can't relax because your third year of high school is over.

Lin Ge replied angrily: "I know, it's always like this."

Lin Ge drank a few mouthfuls of skinned egg lean porridge and asked, "Mom, do you want to contract pet beasts?" "

Lin Mu also has the talent of imperial beasts, but she is not high, and she has not become a royal beast master in her life.

And hearing Lin Ge's words, Lin Mu shook her head: "Without this thought, just live a dull life."

Lin Ge stopped talking about this, but just said: "Mom, outside the southern city, it is the mouth of the Nanyan River, the research building that started construction there was developed by me with the bonus of extraordinary appraisal, and when it is built there, we can move over and live without living in this community."

Lin Mu turned around and said, "Yo? Understand filial piety to honor the old mother?

Lin Ge drank a few more mouthfuls of skinned egg lean porridge, and the bowl was already bottomed out, and he could only use this to ease the atmosphere.

Mother Lin said: "You have this heart, my mother is already very relieved, but over there is your research base, my mother is a layman, so I won't go, otherwise it's not good to disturb the research for my baby son."

Lin Ge looked at the porridge in the bowl, and there were many preserved eggs.

"I can go over and live for a few days when I have time, anyway, your son has a show now, mom you can also relax, don't worry so much."

Lin Mu picked up an orange and peeled it, and said: "I know, anyway, now that the southern city has also been developed, it is convenient to go to and from your research building, take a bus, and take a few stops." Hearing

this, Lin Ge silently took out his mobile phone and clicked on the chat box of the old driver.

Lin Ge: "Senior Sister Jiang, trouble help me sell a comfortable car, suitable for middle-aged women."

Jiang Meier quickly recovered: "Wow! Junior, how do you know I'm just picking a car? Suitable for middle-aged women? Gave it to your mother? No problem!

Lin Ge replied: "The money is counted as I owe you, and I will pay it back later."

Jiang Meier was driving fast: "It's common to pay back, don't you want to go to Dongshan City with Yunjing's little brother, just right, me and Sister Yun Qian will also go, we have a companion?"

Lin Ge finished eating the skinned egg lean porridge, and when he saw the news, he immediately grinded his teeth.

"Not quite, right?"

Jiang Meier replied: "What's so bad about this, just go out and play, it's such a happy decision, bye, Senior Brother Lin."

Lin Ge helplessly put away the mobile phone and put the bowl away.

"Mom, I'm out, I don't have to leave my dinner tonight."

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