Under a "severe torture to extract a confession", Raiden Fox finally 'succumbed into a trick'.

When Raiden Fox said how he had mastered the method of super-level skills, Lin Ge and they all looked at each other.

"Thunder Power Stone?"

Everyone glanced at each other, never expecting that this lightning fox's luck would be so good, and he actually swallowed a thunder power stone by mistake when he was young.

Professor Lin said: "It turns out that it was only by beating a series of source stones that you mastered the super-level lightning technique. "

A series of source stones, one of the series of treasures, this royal beast world contains many strange things, in addition to extraordinary beasts, some special things in this world will become a series of treasures for various reasons.

The treasures in the series can be natural spars, plant fruits, or rare treasures born in heaven and earth, and even alien objects.

Each of these things has a different set of attributes, corresponding to a variety of attributes that are extraordinary.

For example, Lin Ge has taken the soul fruit, which is also a kind of a series of treasures.

And this lightning fox had good luck, swallowing a thunder power stone when he was young.

And it was the Thunder Power Stone that allowed this Thunder Fox to master the Lightning Technique in the elementary extraordinary race value.

Professor Lin said: "If this is the case, it is not surprising, after eating a series of source stones, it is naturally not unusual for this lightning fox to grow to such an extent. "

It is common for both series of source stones and series of treasures to enhance the potential of extraordinary beasts, make them grow more powerful, comprehend more powerful and multi-skill, and even open up new evolutionary forms.

The evolution of extraordinary beasts probably belongs to this kind.

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly: "Hey, series of source stones, you are lucky." "

No wonder this lightning fox did not master the extraordinary will, but mastered the super-level skill.

Chen Yunjing cast an envious gaze and said, "Envy, if only my little treasure could have a series of source stones, so that I wouldn't have to study so hard." "

After the extraordinary beast devours a series of treasures, the vast chance is to develop for the good.

Lin Gemo paused for a moment and said, "Professor, if I can find a series of source stones and use it to create mechanical transcendence, will it be more powerful at the beginning?"

Professor Lin said: "I haven't experimented with this, you know more about the mechanical department than me, you still come to ask me?"

Lin Ge said: "It's not that I haven't seen the series of source stones, so I asked for your old opinion."

Professor Lin said: "I don't know the rest, but I do have the dragon series source stones.

Lin Ge suddenly said excitedly: "Hurry up, take it out and admire it." Professor

Lin could only helplessly take out a dragon series source stone and put it in front of everyone.

The source stone of the series is about the size of a dragon's eye, and the whole body is an irregular stone, with distinct layers, and the crystal golden luster forms a dragon pattern, which is emitting light.

"This is the series source stone?"

Lin Ge picked it up and observed it in the light, looking like a gem.

Professor Lin said: "The series of source stones are basically the same, except for some of the general series source stones, the others are all with attribute marks, which is easy to recognize.

Lin Ge observed and said, "I don't know if the Overlord can load one."

Professor Lin said, "You just thought, where is this series of source stones enough for your overlord to consume?" This piece is for Lu Lingyi.

Lin Ge grinned, looked at Professor Lin, and said, "Professor, how can I say that I am also your disciple, I can't favor one over the other, right?"

Professor Lin took back the series of source stones and said, "You still want to hit me this old man's idea?" You even made the mechanical department, can't you make a series of source stones suitable for the mechanical department? Lin

Ge just wanted to speak, but the system voice in his head suddenly sounded!

"Ding! Ask the host to create a suitable mechanical series treasure for the mechanical department! Mission completed, reward the Royal Beast level level three! Reward two mechanical assistant operating arms!

Lin Ge couldn't help but snort twice in his heart, sure enough, everything depends on himself.

"Alas, headache."

Lin Ge rubbed his eyebrows, he suddenly looked forward to the mechanical assistant.

"Mechanical Mansion! My mechanical building, when will you finish it?" It's so painful for me to wait for you. "

Before the construction of this mechanical building, Lin Ge belonged to 'it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice', relying on this little equipment in the school laboratory, it was really difficult to come up with anything powerful.

Professor Lin said: "This dragon series source stone will be given to Lu Lingyi first, the other of you series source stone, when the time comes, Professor I will find a piece, which can be regarded as a gift for your further education."

Everyone was excited, and hurriedly thanked Professor Lin.

Lin Ge could only sigh helplessly, in fact, Lin Ge also understood that the simple series of source stones, the mechanical department could not absorb, or had to make their own.

However, Lin Ge still pleaded: "Professor, what about me?" Isn't there any benefit for your disciple?

Professor Lin looked at Lin Ge and said, "It's not nothing, aren't you going north with Chen Yunjing, just right, help me go to the Divine Frame when you come back."

Lin Ge was puzzled and said, "Why go there?" "

Divine Frame, the gathering place of the primeval forest with the most extraordinary beasts in the Great Xia Dynasty! The Royal Beast Legend Liu Meng came out of it!

Professor Lin said: "I have an old friend who has not been in touch for a long time living in seclusion in the sacred shelf, and a few days ago suddenly sent me a letter asking me to go, but I was busy at that time, so I replied, saying that I had accepted a disciple and asked the disciple to go, and he said it was okay.

Lin Ge wrinkled his eyebrows and said loudly, "Is there any benefit?"

Professor Lin nodded: "Of course there are, there are many treasures in the divine shelf, if you have the ability, you can take it away, and the soul fruit you eat is picked from the divine shelf."

Chen Yunjing said: "Hey, professor, did your old friend say what to do?"

Professor Lin shook his head and said, "I didn't say this, but rest assured, my old friend can still be trusted, of course, I do research, so my old friend may..." Professor Lin

pointed a finger at his temple and circled it a few times, understanding everything.

Chen Yunjing said: "Then it's no problem, anyway, Senior Lin is sometimes not normal.

Lin Ge heyed: "Hey! Brother! How do you speak? What does it mean to be abnormal sometimes?

Zhao Yun raised his hand and said, "Normal people don't think about doing research in their minds every day, especially the research on bionic mechanical evolution."

Lin Ge wiped his nose and replied, "I'm not taking more notes."

Professor Lin spoke up: "Okay, okay, you can go out this time to relax, research when you want, don't be too crazy." It doesn't matter if you go to Dongshan City first, and then go to the Divine Frame when you come back. "

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