The evolution of the lightning fox has been put aside for the time being, and Lin Ge has not yet figured out how to build the mechanical evolution form of the lightning fox.

And there is currently no suitable lightning fox evolution, blind evolution, there will be some gains and losses.

And since the lightning fox cannot evolve for the time being, then raise it first, anyway, there is no shortage of lightning foxes to eat in a bite.

"Celebrate tonight?"

Professor Lin was the first to speak up: "You have already passed the heavy high school period, and you are ready to run around for a while, and tonight's gathering should be a relaxing meal." "


There was a party, of course, it was happy, and everyone looked at Lin Ge and cast their eyes one after another.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "Just wait." Which one to eat?

Qin Qingyun raised her hand and said, "I know that there is an open-air barbecue bar that is very good, rich in varieties, and the taste is also great, and it is grilled with fruit charcoal."

Lin Ge nodded and said, "Good!" Just eat this one, I'll treat you.

Everyone was overjoyed, and it was rare for Lin Ge to entertain.


late at night, the stars were lit, and everyone was full of food and drink, chatting freely for a long time.

The starry sky is silent, the sound of crickets in the grass is noisy, and the guests are dispersing one after another in the open-air barbecue bar.

Lin Ge and they are naturally going to leave.

Lu Lingyi and Qin Qingyun went all the way, and Professor Lin had already returned by taxi.

Lin Ge and the three of them strolled through the city late at night, digesting the food in their stomachs, and roaming under the neon lights with a slight drunkenness.

On the way, Chen Yunjing said: "Senior Lin, when are we leaving?"

Lin Ge replied, "Why is it so urgent, go to the association tomorrow and get the Royal Beast Ring first." "

The Royal Beast Ring made by the Red Dragon Grand Master's Royal Beast Relic is finally done.

Chen Yunjing immediately rejoiced: "Is it finally okay?" This is really wonderful.

Zhao Yun put his hands behind his head, listening to Lin Ge and Chen Yunjing's conversation, and said something intentionally or unintentionally.

"How quiet is it tonight? After the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination, no one came out to play?

Lin Ge frowned and asked, "How much is it now?"

Chen Yunjing looked at his watch and replied, "It's just twelve o'clock, it's still early, and the night owls don't sleep at this point."

Lin Ge raised his head, above the steel and iron building, the sky was dim, and there was no moonlight.

"The night is dark and the wind is high..."

Lin Ge had no reason to say this sentence in his heart, and his footsteps suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing were both puzzled.

Lin Ge locked his eyebrows, looking ahead, at the corner of a street lamp, there was a figure hidden in the darkness, unable to see his face clearly, only a little outline was reflected by the light.

Lin Ge's gaze became more and more solemn, looking at the figure, the atmosphere was heavy and surprised for a while.

"Who are you?"

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing were startled in vain, and quickly stood still, their eyes staring closely at the dark figure around the corner.

"Huh! Who am I?

The figure walked out, with a hideous and crazy smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You actually dare to ask who I am?!"

Huo Kaishan glared angrily, gloomy and cold, and his appearance also appeared in front of Lin Ge's eyes.

Zhao Yun's pupils shrank suddenly, and he muttered: "King Wu Mansion, eighty-level royal beast legend!" Huo Kaishan! Huo Wuzun!

As soon as these words came out, Lin Ge and Chen Yunjing's hearts fell to the bottom!

Lin Ge wrinkled his eyebrows, "You came for revenge for martial arts?"

Huo Kaishan's voice spoke coldly: "Not for revenge? Isn't it a congratulations to you? My child is still lying in that hospital bed! You're eating barbecue and talking! It's not cheerful! In

the end, Huo Kaishan was already gritting his teeth.

Chen Yunjing said solemnly, "Senior! You are a level eighty legend! It's not appropriate for a few of us juniors, right? If it is passed out, it is not afraid that the Martial King Mansion will be notorious?

Huo Kaishan smiled coldly: "Hehe! So you look, is there anyone else here? There

was silence around, no half of the figures, only the neon lights flickering.

This is simply an impossible late-night scene in the southern city!

Zhao Yun suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and said, "It's the Martial Fighting Enchantment!"

Huo Kaishan looked at Zhao Yun and said, "Summon that rabbit of yours!" I have to kill!

Lin Ge's face was solemn, looking at this Huo Wuzun, calculating their winning rate in his heart.

Be...... Zero!

Lin Ge's heartbeat became more and more rapid, sweat had already come out unconsciously, and his back was already soaked!

Facing the invisible coercion of Huo Kaishan, Lin Ge only felt that it was an unattainable mountain ahead!

And now this mountain is about to crush over and take their lives!

"King Wu's Mansion can't afford to lose like this? Or do you a level eighty legend can't afford to lose?

Huo Kaishan snorted coldly, and his voice was like thunder, exploding in Lin Ge's heart!


Lin Ge and the three of them all felt as if their heartbeats stopped for a moment, and then they beat extremely fast, their bodies trembling unconsciously, and they were afraid!

"It's sad that you are such a teacher at the martial arts stall!"

When Huo Kaishan heard this, he was furious in vain: "What did you say?!" In

the next second, Huo Kaishan had already stepped out in one step, disappeared in an instant, and his figure had already appeared in front of Lin Ge!

In that instant, Huo Kaishan spread out his big hand and walked towards Lin Ge's façade!

This palm is only afraid that it can smash Lin Ge's face!

The breath of death rushed to his face, and in this instant, Lin Ge suddenly stretched out his hand, the imperial beast space ring turned, and a pistol suddenly appeared in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at Huo Kaishan's eyebrows!


Lin Ge decisively pulled the trigger, the bullet came out with firelight, and the gun sounded!

Huo Kaishan had to turn his palm and grab that fiery bullet instead!

"Do you think you can kill a Royal Beast Legend with this kind of thing? Hehe! Garbage Machinery Department!

Huo Kaishan then grabbed the small peanut rice, and then the corner of his mouth sneered.

Lin Ge's pupils shrank and quickly retreated!

I saw Huo Kaishan flick his fingers, and the small peanut rice instantly burst out!

Huh -


Lin Ge only felt a sense of penetration coming from his left leg, as if something had shot through his thigh.


Lin Ge fell to the ground, his teeth clenched, cold sweat on his forehead, and he endured the pain and fired several shots at Huo Kaishan.

But...... This is useless, for a level eighty legend, the damage of these peanuts is not as high as that of a level thirty extraordinary beast.

"Lin Ge!"

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing were shocked in vain, and so many things had happened in an instant, so they couldn't react.

Lin Ge gritted his teeth and said, "What are you still stunned for!" Come on!

Huo Kaishan quickly shot and beat the two to the ground on the spot, and even Lin Ge didn't see clearly how this Huo Kaishan moved his hand.

"Run? In front of a level eighty legend, do you still have a part to run? "

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