In just one face, the three of Lin Ge had already fallen to the ground, and they all suffered heavy blows.

Lin Ge's right thigh was bloody, and Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing were no better, each hit Huo Kaishan's punch, and at that moment it seemed that the pupils were about to fall apart!

Boom! Boom!

There is no resistance, not at all! Even if he summoned a pet beast, he was not qualified to compete!

The gap between Lin Ge and Huo Kaishan was too big!

Huo Kaishan walked in front of Zhao Yun, grabbed Zhao Yun's neck, and lifted it up smoothly.

"Summon that rabbit!"

Huo Kaishan's face was hideous, like a wild beast, fierce and fierce.


Zhao Yun's face was flushed, it was difficult to breathe, and as Huo Kaishan's five fingers became harder and harder, Zhao Yun's face turned purple and blue at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Huo Kaishan scolded angrily, "I said! Summon that martial arts rabbit! Did you hear me!

Zhao Yun's face turned blue, his eyes were bloodshot, and he still said firmly: "No... Summon! "

With Huo Kaishan's ability, as soon as the martial arts rabbit is summoned, there is only one end!

Huo Kaishan said coldly: "Then I will pinch you to death!"

Zhao Yun struggled, and he was about to die.

Suddenly, a roar sounded, and then a mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex appeared, instantly crashing towards Huo Kaishan.

The overlord's sudden attack made Huo Kaishan have to abandon Zhao Yun and face the overlord's attack instead.

Zhao Yun was able to retrieve a life, fell to the ground, and gasped for air.

"What a mechanical department! In my opinion, it's a pile of broken copper and iron! "

The overlord is furious, there is no need for Lin Ge's order, the blessing of the dragon, the dance of the dragon, and the realm of the dragon king are added together in an instant!

This is followed by the super-level Dragon Claw!

Huo Kaishan scoffed, for him, this lethality was simply not worth mentioning!

Huo Kaishan made a move, and a finger shot out, and a powerful force penetrated through the overlord's body!


The broken mechanical parts were scattered all over the place, and half of the overlord's body was destroyed by Huo Kaishan.

The overlord didn't care, his tail hooked, he took out the mechanical sword, and the tail held the hilt of the sword and swept towards Huo Kaishan!

Huo Kaishan was not afraid at all, his fingers were together, and at that moment, his fingertips were already suddenly poked on the mechanical sword!


The mechanical sword broke in response!

Huo Kaishan stepped forward again, made a sword gesture with two fingers, and slashed towards the overlord!


Sparks splashed everywhere, even if the overlord was a mechanical body, it still couldn't withstand Huo Kaishan's attack!

Level 80 Legend is terrifying!

With a boom, the overlord had already lost his combat effectiveness, and his mechanical body was broken in two.

Lin Ge suffered an unprecedented blow.

Huo Kaishan said coldly: "It's really the mechanical department of garbage!" Since you are stubbornly resisting! Then let's all die!

Huo Kaishan walked towards Lin Ge and them with the steps of death, and at this moment Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing were deterred and stunned in place.

Lin Ge is also sad and indignant, it doesn't matter if the overlord is broken, it can also be rebuilt, mechanical, the biggest advantage is here.

But the three of them... Could it be that you are going to die here today?

Lin Ge was a little unwilling, looked at Huo Kaishan and glared angrily, and said in a loud voice: "Today I can be regarded as having seen the shame of King Wu's Mansion!" You Huo Kaishan is a level 80 Royal Beast Legend!

Huo Kaishan looked like a crazy person, and when he heard Lin Ge's words, he burst out angrily: "You three little ghost heads!" Not you guys yet?! If nothing happens to my movements! Will I come to you guys for trouble? You're all going to die!

Lin Ge smiled, losing too much blood, which already made his face a little pale.

"Wudong deserves it! Now it seems that he has today thanks to you, his temper, I can see who the teacher inherits! It's all made by you Huo Kaishan!

"Shut up!" Huo Kaishan shouted violently, his eyes split: "My movinger is born excellent!" It's you guys who are too petty! A tattered transcendent index detector! It's not you who are aggressive yet! He's still lying in his hospital bed!

Lin Ge laughed, laughing very presumptuously, and said with a fierce face: "You Huo Kaishan opened my eyes!" "

Huo Kaishan is already crazy at this moment, and in a step, the breath spreads, and the power of the eighty-level legendary imperial beast is surging like the sea.

Suddenly, at this time, Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing actually joined hands and both summoned the dragon system.

Lin Ge instantly spoke up, "What are you going to do?"

Zhao Yun said, "Lin Ge! Sorry!

Chen Yunjing also nodded: "Senior Lin, let's delay a little time for you and avenge us in the future!"

Lin Ge scolded angrily, "Stupid! How did you beat him!

Zhao Yun clenched his fists and said, "If you can't fight, you have to fight!" Aren't you all on board?!

Lin Ge was slightly stunned, and the next moment, he was suddenly picked up, and when he looked back, it was Xuewu Rabbit.

"Xiao Wu! Send Lin Ge away!

Xuewu Rabbit looked sad and indignant, but still obeyed the order of the Royal Beast Master, and instantly rushed out with Lin Ge in his arms, tossing and turning, and had already disappeared in place.

Huo Kaishan said coldly: "This is already my martial arts enchantment, where can you run?!" Seeing

that the martial arts rabbit and Lin Ge were there, Huo Kaishan did not spare his hand, and quickly chased and killed Lin Ge!

"Stay with us! Dragon Machinery! Flame! The

two-headed dragon machine instantly erupted into fiery dragon flames, blocking Huo Kaishan's pursuit.

But Huo Kaishan is an eighty-level legend after all, and his strength is so strong that it is not something that two extraordinary beasts of more than ten levels can stop!

Huo Kaishan waved his sleeves, and instantly the wind howled, blowing away the dragon flame.

"Get out of here!"

Huo Kaishan didn't look at it, and kicked the dragon machinery, thanks to the urgency of pursuing Lin Ge, otherwise Huo Kaishan's kick would have killed these two dragon machines.

The dragon system machinery flew out upside down, and then smashed Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing out.

Huo Kaishan moved between this late night city, the speed is amazing!

After a while, they caught up with the martial arts rabbit and Lin Ge.

"Still want to run? Give me death! Huo

Kaishan struck again, and the martial arts rabbit and Lin Ge immediately flew out.

Lin Ge clenched his teeth and gasped, and the excessive blood loss had already made him start to faint.

The martial arts rabbit got up and blocked in front of Huo Kaishan, his martial arts posture was straight, very serious.

Huo Kaishan pointed out with one hand and said, "I'll kill you beast first!" Kill that Lin Ge again! Huo

Kaishan quickly flew over, the momentum was huge, and the place was cracked.

Huo Kaishan was already coming towards the martial arts rabbit with a palm, and with the strength of the martial arts rabbit, Huo Kaishan's palm was enough to kill him!

When it was too late, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the martial arts rabbit, carrying one hand on his back, and the other hand stretched out to face Huo Kaishan.

"Huh! The eighty-level legend actually pulled down his face to face a few children to shoot, and the Martial King Mansion actually fell to such a point, it was simply a shame. "

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