Imperial capital.

Li Muzhi worked as usual, dealing with some affairs of the Great Xia Dynasty, but on this day, he didn't know why, and he felt a little more uneasy in his heart.

Taking off his glasses, Li Muzhi rubbed his dry eye sockets, then took a deep breath and entered the working state again.

Knock knock!

There was a knock on the door.

Li Muzhi did not raise his head: "Please come in." Hua

and Rong pushed the door in, holding two documents in their hands, their steps clicking, and their expressions were a little tight and solemn.

Li Muzhi seemed to hear the tension between Hua and Rong's steps, and only then looked up and asked, "What's wrong?" Listening to your footsteps, it seems to resonate with the uneasiness in my heart. Hua

and Rong's faces were twisted together, Liu eyebrows locked, and handed the two documents in his hand to Li Muzhi's desk.

"Secretary, something big has happened."

Li Muzhi put on his glasses, only then picked up the two documents and examined them intently.

But it's good that this doesn't look good, and I was shocked when I saw it.


Li Muzhi suddenly slapped the table and shouted angrily: "How dare this Wuwang Mansion?!" That Huo Kaishan is also too presumptuous! These

two documents were jointly reported by Luo Xiang and Ma Bao, Nandu.

Hua and Rong had already rushed over as soon as they got these two documents.

Hua and Rong spoke up: "Now this matter can't end, if you don't give an explanation that can make them obey, I'm afraid that the friction between Nandu City and Wushi will become heavier and heavier."

Li Muzhi looked at the two documents, and his heart beat violently.

The mechanical department was already on the right track, but I didn't expect that the first one to face Shanglin Ge was not an enemy, but his own imperial beast legend.

If it weren't for Zhang Rabbit's rescue in place, I'm afraid Lin Ge would already be dead.

Li Muzhi couldn't help but say out loud: "Give an explanation to the public?" I want to too. "

King Wu's Mansion has been disobedient to discipline for a long time, and as one of the most outstanding forces in the Great Xia Dynasty, King Wu's Mansion can be said to be the most idle.

Suddenly, Li Muzhi suddenly raised his head, quickly picked up the two documents, and after some comparison, his mood fell to the bottom.

Hua and Rong asked, "So what now?" The rabbit grandmaster of Wudang Mountain will not stay in the southern city for a long time, Huo Kaishan is a legend, but he can't tolerate the slightest sand in his eyes, and his eyes will be rewarded, and Gao Shenglong alone can not stop Huo Kaishan of the martial arts department. "

If it is a legend of other departments, Gao Sheng Long can still fight a dozen, but the martial arts department..., the martial arts department is a well-known fighting master.

Li Muzhi smiled bitterly and said, "This is not what I'm worried about now. "


bell - Li Muzhi's telephone landline rang at this time, and the ringing of the bell bell was extremely eye-catching.

Looking at the beating landline phone, Li Muzhi couldn't help but lose his voice: "This matter can't be closed." Hua

and Rong didn't know why, and when she was about to ask, a sense of fear surged in her heart, as if some peerless existence was about to descend here, making her tremble with nervousness.

I saw that Li Muzhi picked up the phone, and he just made a sound, and the next second the space was distorted, as if someone had crossed a distance of thousands of miles, and the entire room was instantly filled with that heavy and oppressive breath.


figure appeared here, it was a man who looked to be in his early thirties, the man had deep eyes, wearing a loose and usual white casual clothes, the white casual clothes faintly saw the dragon shadow swimming, the appearance was as clear as a knife, the body was straight as a pine, but there was a scowl on his face, like a dragon who had been offended!

When Hua and Rong saw the person coming, they instantly lowered their heads and stepped back to the side one after another, not daring to look directly at them.

Li Muzhi was gentle and cultivated, first pushing the document aside, and then pouring a cup of hot tea from his teapot.

Li Muzhi and Xi said: "The legend of the dragon family came here, but it scared me, come and come, drink a cup of tea, and extinguish the fire."

The man put his hands in his pockets and said lightly: "Secretary, this cup of tea can't extinguish the fire, and I crossed thousands of miles, and I didn't come here from the northern territory to drink tea."

Li Muzhi smacked his mouth, so he drank the tea, then sighed and said, "What are you going to do about this?"

The man still had a flat posture and said, "Just do whatever you want."

Li Muzhi nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, I know, Huo Kaishan is indeed too much." The

man looked out the window and said: "In peacetime, let them all be too comfortable, there is strength not to use outside, sprinkle it on their own people, secretary, you let them live too comfortably, among the many forces, the Wuwang Mansion did not do the slightest."

Li Muzhi nodded, and this time the old man also had anger in his heart.

With the sale of Lin Ge's mechanical department, Daxia made a lot of money, but the problems that came with it were also obvious.

As originally expected, no one can resist the broad path of the mechanical department, and many human countries have begun to develop the mechanical department vigorously, striving to rely on the mechanical department to create a high-level mechanical transcendence as soon as possible.

The undercurrents of all parties were surging, and Li Muzhi did not expect that the first crisis Lin Ge encountered was from King Wu's Mansion!

And the reason for the correction turned out to be just friction between juniors!

King Wu's mansion's martial arts were originally wrong, but King Wu's mansion actually connived at Huo Kaishan's selfish desires to take revenge on Lin Ge.

This made Li Muzhi a little unbearable.

"Since the departure of the previous generation of Martial Saints, the Martial King Mansion has actually fallen here, alas, since things have developed to this point, I don't think about any old feelings, dragon legends! How to come you casual! But I only have one request, today's Daxia is at the time of employing people, and high-end combat power cannot die in the hands of its own people, at least not in the hands of its own people. The

dragon legend's brows suddenly frowned: "Secretary, you are a little embarrassing me."

Li Muzhi smiled helplessly and said: "Sorry, let me be a wicked person this time, it's okay how you teach the Wuwang Mansion, but you can't die, this is a small request from me."

"Now that the Great Xia Dynasty is surrounded by dangers, high-end combat power is really in short supply, it really can't work, you can also capture them and go to the northern territory."

The man's eyes were calm and he said, "Capture the Northern Realm? I thought they had soiled my battlefield.

Li Mu was helpless for a while, and could only say: "Then I'll wipe my ass afterwards, alas."

The man smiled slightly and said, "It's hard to be a good man, secretary, you should be glad that Lin Ge didn't really have an accident." The

corners of Li Muzhi's mouth tugged, and he was already scolding his mother in his heart.

The legend of the dragon line disappeared, and as the man left, the oppressive atmosphere finally disappeared.

Hua and Rong were relieved, but their hearts were still shocked, and they were even more sweaty behind them.

"King Wu's Mansion is a little unscrupulous."

Li Muzhi sat down, to be honest, he was a little nervous, the dragon legend said that if he was really angry and unreasonable, it would be the Wuwangfu who deserved it.

"Withdraw my other trips, I'm going to knock on the Wuwang Mansion, the nest has been running for twenty years, and it's time for this group of Wufu to serve the country."

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