South City, inside the hospital.

In a ward, after taking Zhang Rabbit's pill, Lin Ge finally woke up at noon today.

Zhou Peanut, the sixty-level water system healing system beast master, summoned the pet beast again to feed Lin Ge.

Looking at the sea-blue round blister summoned by Zhou Peanut, Lin Ge couldn't help but be a little surprised.

[Intermediate Extraordinary Beast: Mutated Round Round Blister] [Attribute: Water System

] [Race Level: Level 60 (Extreme

)] [Growth Level: Level 60 (Limit

)] [Extraordinary Skill: Advanced Spa Technique (in use), Didi Didi (Detective)] [Extraordinary

Index: Eight Million]

"Mutant Round Round Blister


This extraordinary beast is an accidental product of the sea, and it is also a kind of water element, which has no strong combat power, but has mastered several healing skills of water systems.

Zhou Peanut nodded and said, "Well, the round blister is only a beginner transcendent, and mine only reached this race value through mutation and taking a series of water elements." The

round blisters wrapped Lin Ge, and the light blue light slowly lit up, helping Lin Ge repair his injuries.

Zhou Peanut sensed and said: "You have recovered very well, the broken leg bones have also been connected, it is estimated that you can walk on the ground in about a week, but you still have to recuperate, try not to do too strenuous exercise."

Lin Ge nodded, he also knew the extent of his injury, Huo Kaishan's shot was indeed ruthless, and it was thanks to the speed of dodging at that time, otherwise it would not be as simple as a leg.

Lin Ge looked at the other two beds, and Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing had already gone out for a walk.

The physical fitness of the Royal Beast Master is still very strong, and the extraordinary power can also repair the injury.

Lin Mu entered the ward with the boiled big bone porridge, and seeing that Lin Ge was still treating, she could only sit on the side and wait.

Lin Ge could only give an ugly smile to this.

Lin Mu suddenly became angry and scolded: "Laugh! Laugh! Laugh a fart! He didn't kill you!" What a person, and people are so uneasy!

Lin Ge said: "I was beaten to death, isn't it still your mother who is sad." Isn't it?

Lin Mu gave a blank look, and could only support her chin with one hand, quietly waiting for the end of the medical treatment.

Lin Ge thought for a while, but still said: "Mom, I'm sorry to worry you."

Lin Mu turned her head, hearing the news of Lin Ge's accident last night, she almost didn't faint.

"Next time, you can't scare your mother like this, your mother only has a child like you."

Lin Ge nodded heavily.

And at this time, Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing also walked back.

Seeing that Lin Ge had woken up, they were also relieved.

Lin Ge asked, "What about Grandmaster Rabbit?" I have to thank him.

Zhao Yun said with a smile: "Grandmaster Rabbit took Xiao Wu out to train, hehe, my three ribs are broken!" In exchange for the personal guidance of Grandmaster Rabbit!

Chen Yunjing secretly poked, and Zhao Yunlong grinned in pain.

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly, and asked again: "Is your dragon system machinery okay?" "

At that time, after looking at the mechanical break of the dragon system, with their strength, they were not Huo Kaishan's enemies at all.

Chen Yunjing said: "It's okay, Huo Kaishan chased you wholeheartedly at that time, our ribs were broken by Huo Kaishan's flying dragon system, alas, why don't I have an extraordinary totem to teach Xiaobao."

Zhao Yun smiled lightly, and then felt a little sad, and said to Lin Ge: "Lin Ge, your overlord..." The

overlord was the most miserable, almost destroyed by Huo Kaishan.

Lin Ge said lightly: "It's okay, the overlord is a pure mechanical creation, the core data is still there, I will build a body for him afterwards, and it is guaranteed to be stronger than before." "

The biggest benefit of the mechanical department is this, no matter how big the injury, only the core data is still there, everything can be repeated.

Lin Ge frowned and asked, "My overlord, did you take it back for me?"

Luo Xiang pushed the door in, holding high-grade fruits in his hand, and said, "Here I am." Putting

the fruit down, Luo Xiang took out two imperial beast space rings and handed them to Lin Ge and Chen Yunjing respectively.

"This is the Royal Beast Space Ring that you deciphered the Red Dragon Ruins, Lin Ge this is yours, and the Overlord is also in it."

Lin Ge put the Royal Beast Space Ring on his right wrist, and the size changed accordingly, just fitting his wrist.

Lin Ge was linked through the power of the imperial beast, and the information of this imperial beast space ring instantly appeared in his mind.

In the white space barrier, there is a barren land of more than five hundred meters, the terrain is quite gentle, not very large, but definitely not small.

This is also much better, better than Vice Mayor Qin Mu's five-square-meter ring.

After switching things over, Lin Ge took off Qin Mu's Royal Beast Space Ring.

"Trouble help me return it to Vice Mayor Qin Mu, thank him for his Royal Beast Space Ring."

Luo Xiang took the Royal Beast Space Ring, and his face was a little strange.

Lin Ge didn't care about this, but closed his eyes and observed the inside of the Royal Beast Space Ring.

Some information debris was piled up on the side, and in the five hundred meters of land, the broken overlord was in the center.

Although it was destroyed in two by Huo Kaishan, and the parts were scattered all over the place, the overlord at the moment seemed to be in good condition.

After all, it is equipped with two energy sources, and the overlord still has sufficient energy use, and the two bodies play their own games, one is mindless, and the other is unhappy.

The Overlord still has a small short hand on his upper body to use, and he is currently building blocks with his broken parts.

As if sensing Lin Ge's consciousness, the overlord raised his head and roared twice into the sky.

Imperial Beast Master! Save my little sword first!

Lin Ge looked at the mechanical sword next to him that was also broken in two, and couldn't help but feel a little helpless, when is it, are you still thinking about this sword?

I already knew that I didn't equip the overlord in the first place, which was simply a plaything.

Wielding a mechanical sword all day long, he transformed into a dragon swordsman.

"During this time, you will stay here well, and when I have built your new body, I will help you recover."

The overlord roared twice, as long as he saved his small sword sword first, resuscitation or something meant that it didn't matter, no hurry.

Lin Ge suddenly lowered his eyebrows and said: "That's just right, during this time, I will cultivate Xiaojin, there is paper and pen over there, if you are willing, you can also draw your future body style, of course, whether I am willing to help you transform it will be another matter." The

overlord poked his head and looked at the corner where Lin Ge was piling up debris, and his interest rose, building a future body, which was much more interesting than stacking blocks.

Lin Ge's consciousness withdrew from the Royal Beast Space Ring, just as the treatment of the round blister was over.

Zhou Peanut said: "Well, today's course of treatment is here, and if you stick to it for another seven days, you can be discharged." After

getting Zhou Peanut's words, everyone was relieved.

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