Successfully completed the discharge procedures, although Lin Ge still jumped a little when walking, it was no longer a big deal, and the rest could rest by himself.

Along the way, Lin Mu was worried: "Don't run around casually next, take care of your injuries, my mother has quit her job, and you can give me peace of mind."

Lin Ge wiped his nose and said loudly, "I want to go to Dongshan City."

Lin Mu was angry and said angrily: "You must toss yourself to death, right?" Can't you let your mother worry less?

Lin Ge pleaded: "Mom, I graduated from high school, I am an adult, and your son is now a royal beast master, there will be no problem, and I don't cause trouble."

Lin Mu suddenly patted Lin Ge's left leg and said, "Don't cause trouble? How did you break this leg? You don't have points in mind.

Lin Ge hissed and said: "This can only be regarded as an accident, oh, Mom, don't worry, your son I will take care of himself, you just let me go?"

Lin Mu huffed, waved her hand, and said, "Oops! Sick of it! Go go, go! Love to die and don't want to pay attention to you.

Lin Mu strode away, and Lin Ge chased after him with a little limp in his steps.

On the lively street, an oil-paper umbrella is particularly eye-catching, and under the umbrella are Hua and Rong and Li Muzhi.

Hua and Rong are still a noble lady posture with a high split cheongsam.

Li Muzhi is like a perennial high-ranking person with a degree of cultivation and a high breath of a superior person.

Li Muzhi said with a smile: "It seems to be quite good, better than I expected."

Hua and Rong also followed and said: "Lin Ge's state of mind is also very good, it has not been affected, now it seems that the legend of the dragon system is a little..."

Li Muzhi said: "Ignore him, let him wake up the Wuwang Mansion, let's go over and wipe his ass afterwards, alas, it's really not worrying, he actually caused me to do something at this juncture, Huo Kaishan is also true, it's all eighty level legends, the things between juniors, let them solve it themselves."

Hua Rong took out an extraordinary index detector, put it on, and used it to observe the extraordinary beasts pulled out by the imperial beast masters on the street.

Hua and Rong said: "Secretary, this thing is really useful, it can detect extraordinary beasts, and it can also be used as a contact.

Li Muzhi took it, put it on and observed it, and said, "Is it? ...... Yo, it's really interesting, it's a practical gadget, this extraordinary exponential detector can be developed.

Li Muzhi was playing with the extraordinary index detector, very satisfied.

"I heard that Lin Ge also developed a mechanical giant cannon turtle with a race value of level fifty?"

Hua and Rong nodded and said: "Not only that, Lin Ge's luck is really good, before the Deep Sea Demon Chapter in the South China Sea died, he laid an egg, which was also obtained by Lin Ge, and the Royal Beast Master was discussing how to raise this thing."

When Li Muzhi heard this, he was slightly surprised, and couldn't help but say out loud: "Is Lin Ge's luck so good?" The eggs of the Deep Sea Magic Chapter? Gee, the southern city is blessed. "

The Abyssal Sea Demon Chapter, whose race is worth level ninety, grows up to be a supreme, and if it is cultivated well since childhood, it is the protector of the Great Xia Dynasty.

With Professor Lin here, Li Muyi was not worried at all.

Just thinking of Professor Lin involved another problem, and Li Muzhi couldn't help but frown.

"This year's Shenlong Kingdom trainees seem to be reviewing exceptionally fast."

In the past few days since he came to Nandu, the information of students from all over the Great Xia Dynasty who have reported to study in the Shenlong Kingdom has been submitted to the envoys of the Shenlong Country, and the reply is very fast.

"This year's training starts ahead of schedule, and you are ready for Daxia."

And unlike in the past, Li Muzhi received the news that the Divine Dragon Kingdom not only recruited dragon royal beast masters this year.

Hua and Rong nodded and said, "I have had contact with the extraordinary people of the Divine Dragon Kingdom, and in addition to a few places this year, I have also decided on a few.

Li Muzhi said: "Talk about it.

Hua and Rong replied, "Chen Yuliu of the Chen family of the imperial beast of Sichuan City, Lu Lingyi of the Lu family of the imperial capital, Qin Qingyun and Lin Ge from this side of the southern city, a total of four people.

Li Muzhi's eyebrows showed doubts, and said: "Lu Lingyi and Lin Ge, I can still understand, these two are considered to be dragons, but this Chen Yuliu and Qin Qingyun are not dragons, right?" The Shenlong Kingdom has really changed its sex this year?

Hua and Rong replied: "I have investigated, Qin Qingyun is an ice system royal beast master, and the pet beast is an ice sky snow woman, as for that Chen Yuliu, the royal beast Chen family protects him very well, and there is very little information that can be obtained, it seems that this Chen Yuliu's imperial beast talent is a little wrong." "

Something wrong with the talent of the imperial beast? What do you mean?

Hua and Rong shook their heads and said: "I don't know, the Royal Beast Chen family didn't say, but it's definitely not weak, and Chen Yuliu's sister Chen Yuting is also a genius, and the generation of the Chen family in Sichuan City is crazy."

Li Muzhi thought for a while, smiled, and said, "Genius? More good, more good, no matter what his talent is, since he can go to the Divine Dragon Kingdom for further study, it must be desirable. "

Li Muzhi is very happy, this is another thriving generation.

Hua and Rong spoke up again at this time and said, "Secretary, there is one more thing.

Li Muzhi's face suddenly fell, his eyelids jumped, and he couldn't help but ask, "Is it a bad thing?"

Hua and Rong both nodded a little embarrassed and said, "It's from the Divine Shelfare." "

Divine Frame?" Li Muzhi suddenly froze and said, "What happened over there?"

Hua Yourong shook his head and said, "I don't know for the time being, Secretary, you also know that no one can enter the divine frame without the permission of that strange man, and as for why it is a bad thing, it is because someone found that there are outsiders from other countries who have entered."

Li Muzhi's face changed, and he couldn't help but say, "What is that guy doing?" What about Liu Meng? Let him go back and see!

Hua and Rong replied: "Liu Meng has rushed back, but there is no news for the time being, the area of the divine frame is vast, the network has not been covered, and Liu Meng has no news."

Li Muzhi couldn't help but snort: "It's really eventful, even if it's chaotic outside, it's chaotic inside, alas, headache, are those outsiders who enter the divine shelf smugglers or formal channels come in?"

Hua and Rong replied: "There are all, and they are very mixed, and there is not even a lack of human beast masters from the extraordinary beast country, there are strong and weak, in short, there is now a pot of chaotic porridge in the divine shelf."

Li Muzhi pushed his glasses, sighed in his heart, and then looked at Wushi and said: "Let's solve it one by one, so many things piled together, it's really a headache." "

The incident in King Wu's Mansion, the selection of people from the Divine Dragon Kingdom for further study, and the outsiders of the Divine Frame are all big things, and none of them are small.

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