Wu City, Wuwangfu.

A taxi stopped in front of King Wu's mansion, and then a man in white casual clothes stepped down from the car.

Lin Hao put his hands in his pockets, raised his head slightly, and looked at the antique high hanging plaque on King Wu's mansion.

"The most holy martial arts."

Lin Hao smiled shallowly at the corner of his mouth, a little disdainful, and muttered: "The current Martial King Mansion is no longer worthy of these four words."

Lin Hao stepped out, and the two guards on duty in the Martial King Mansion immediately stopped him.

"What man! Please stop! This is King Wu's Mansion!

"No entry for idlers! Don't trespass!

Lin Hao ignored it at all, continued to step out, and the next moment the two guards only felt that the sky was spinning for a while, and when they returned to their senses, they were already lying on the ground.

"What's the situation? What's going on? "

Kick the pavilion! This is someone kicking the pavilion! Fast! Let's go ring the martial arts bell! "

It's just that they didn't see it, and the plaque in King Wu's Mansion has also been taken down.

Lin Hao stepped inside the Wuwang Mansion, the path was clear, just walk forward, all the obstacles along the way, whether you are a high wall or a mountain rock, all kicked and shattered.

Knock knock!

The melodious bell rang, and at this moment the Wuwang Mansion seemed to come back, and the sleeping lion finally woke up.

Lin Hao heard the bell and shook his head with a sigh: "The martial arts bell that was once used to resist foreign enemies, the bell ringing is not only a martial saint thing that is destroyed, but it was knocked so casually, hehe, the previous generation of martial saints estimated that they didn't expect this scene until they died."

And as the martial arts bell rang, those martial arts royal beast masters in the Martial King's Mansion also appeared, and they discovered the intruders one after another, and one came out to block Lin Hao.

A level 60 martial arts grandmaster shouted at Lin Hao, "Stop coming!" Who are you? Dare to come to King Wu's Mansion to kick the pavilion!

Lin Hao just wanted to speak, but suddenly looked up, and saw a Grandmaster Rabbit standing between the buildings in front of him.

"Zhang Rabbit, you also come to make fun."

Zhang Rabbit looked at the man in front of him in the martial arts arena, and his heart was full of shock and shock.

That familiar face, that similar look, and that temperament.

"I'll drop a good drop! King Wu's Mansion is afraid that he will not regret his intestines.

Zhang Rabbit quickly condensed into a line and said respectfully: "Wudang Mountain Zhang Rabbit has seen the legend of the dragon line!"

Lin Hao bowed his head slightly, and then said: "Thank you for Xiaoge's matter."

Zhang Rabbit was flattered, quickly bent down, and replied: "A small matter, not worth mentioning."

Lin Hao also no longer paid attention to Zhang Rabbit, but said to the sixty-level Royal Beast Grandmaster of the Martial King Mansion.

"Today Lin Hao came to kick the pavilion, only hit the old, not the small, you Wuwang Mansion has one to count, just shoot, I promise not to kill you."

Lin Hao casually threw the piece of Martial Dao Supreme Saint in the Martial King Mansion to the ground, pointed to the four-character plaque, and said, "You can go up together, I will use this plaque to wake you up for your ancestors."

That level 60 martial arts grandmaster suddenly became angry and said, "How daring! Whoever you are! Dare to insult my Wuwang Mansion like this! Hello! That

Royal Beast Grandmaster immediately swept out, and the surrounding Martial King Mansion disciples looked lively.

"It's really looking for death! Sect Head Hong is a level sixty-seven grandmaster! Dare to come to our Wuwang Mansion to kick the pavilion! I don't know if I'm alive or dead.

"Look! Hong Sect Head made a move! I bet that guy won't last a round!

"Hmph! That's so popular! I don't know how many pounds and taels my strength is, I'm afraid that I will be beaten down by Hong Jiaotou in one round.

Then, in front of everyone's eyes, the head of the Hong Sect of King Wu's Mansion finally approached Lin Hao.

And then... Syllable!

A violent, crisp and pleasant slap sounded.

Above the same place, Lin Hao and the two sides inserted pockets, where is the shadow of the head of the Hong Sect?

Everyone's eyes were sluggish, and they slowly turned to the side, only to see that the wall over there ran all the way out, and the end of their vision was the Hong Sect Head they worshiped.

"Not good! Hong Jiao's head was stunned!

"That guy is a tough guy! Fast! Hurry up! Hurry up!

"Please come out with the legend of our Wuwang Mansion!" Legend please! Above

the building, green bricks and gray tiles, Zhang Rabbit heard those words, and saw those disciples of the Martial King Mansion who were making a mess.

Zhang Rabbit was already eager to jump down and put it down one by one.

"A bunch of shameful things, it's only been twenty years, how did King Wu's Mansion become so rotten?!"

On the martial arts arena, Lin Hao casually took out a small maza, sat down so casually, took out the fruit he got from Lin Ge, and ate it slowly.

It's really not in a hurry.

As the disciples of the Martial King Mansion rushed to tell each other, those seventy-level grandmasters and eighty-level legends of the Martial King Mansion also appeared on the edge of this martial arts arena one by one.

Zhang Rabbit frowned, because these numbers were too small compared to the Wuwang Mansion twenty years ago.

"Alas, pity the efforts of the previous generation of martial saints."

When the previous generation of martial saints was there, the Martial King Mansion was really the martial arts supreme worshiped by the world's martial arts forces, and everyone expected it!

Looking at it now, it's a world at a time.

A level 80 legend said, "Your Excellency?! Dare to hurt people in my Martial King Mansion!

Lin Hao said nonchalantly, "Call Huo Kaishan out for me."

The man wrinkled his eyebrows and said loudly, "What are you looking for Senior Uncle Huo Kaishan?"

Lin Hao directly slapped it and flew it out: "Let you find you, what are you doing with so many words?" When I have a good chat? Seeing

this scene, everyone in the Wuwang Mansion was stunned, and there was another human seal running through the wall, and at the end of the field of vision, there was no accident that there was another person.

Lin Hao was still doing it on that little pony, and he couldn't even see how he did it.

The people of the Wuwang Mansion are not stupid anymore, this designation named Lin Hao has two brushes, which is not something they can provoke.

"Hurry up, hurry up! This person is not my other enemy, go to Huo Kaishan, Huo Wuzun! It

didn't take long for Huo Kaishan to be found, but at this moment, Huo Kaishan was also bruised, and although he used medicine, Zhang Rabbit hit too hard after all.

Huo Kaishan's face was now full of displeasure, and he was about to burst out in anger, but he heard that a legend had been pumped out.

Huo Kaishan could only straighten his expression and said respectfully to Lin Hao: "Your Excellency, it seems that we have never met, why did you hurt the people of my Martial King Mansion?" What is the so-called matter with me Huo?

When Lin Hao heard these words, he laughed slightly and said, "Huo Kaishan, forgot about things so quickly? Lin Ge won the martial arts, you came to the door, well, you injured Lin Ge, now I also come to the door, you tell me who I am? And why did it come?

Huo Kaishan was stunned in vain and said, "You are Lin Ge's teacher?

Lin Hao's eyes instantly narrowed, and at this moment, the breath of the Martial King Mansion was a little depressed.

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