
An unprovoked explosion sounded, and everyone in the Martial King Mansion was terrified at this moment.

On the same ground, Huo Kaishan had disappeared, and in its place, there was another figure running through the wall, smashing several walls in a row.

When Zhang Rabbit saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the wall, so decent, he suffered from this vain calamity.

Huo Kaishan's aura also rose in anger, rushed back, and angrily scolded Lin Hao: "This is King Wu's Mansion!" Not where you are presumptuous! No matter who you are! You will pay the price today! When

Zhang Rabbit heard this, he immediately opened his mouth, and then gave a thumbs up to Huo Kaishan.

"Awesome! Worthy of being an old maniac, reckless enough, your courage is beyond my imagination!

Lin Hao squinted slightly, listening to Huo Kaishan's words, and laughed.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Lin Hao, Lin Ge's father, according to your Huo Kaishan's rules, it is reasonable for me to strike at you, rest assured, I will not kill you!"

When he said the last sentence, Lin Hao's voice was extremely solemn as he said the last three words.

Huo Kaishan was already roaring: "Whoever you are!" Death! In

Huo Kaishan's eyes, this guy named Lin Hao's strength is just like that, after all, he came over with a palm, and he didn't suffer any injuries.

Seeing Huo Kaishan rushing towards him, Lin Hao slowly stood up, his right palm, five fingers moved, and his eyes were extremely indifferent.


The sound of the slap is crisp and loud, and the time at this moment seems to stand still.

Huo Kaishan was stunned, his face was provocative, his breath was mixed with anger, his fists were clenched, and his green tendons burst out.

Lin Hao looked at his right palm, and then said to Zhang Rabbit: "Grandmaster Rabbit, am I too gentle to fight like this?"

Zhang Rabbit suddenly snorted and said: "In front of you, where can I afford the word grandmaster, but the legend of the dragon line, you fight like this, it is indeed a little too gentle, the eighty level legend, it is not so easy to die."

Lin Hao nodded and said, "Understood." Then

he suddenly turned around and swept a kick on Huo Kaishan's face!


Huo Kaishan had no power to fight back, and fell heavily to the ground, almost smashing the ground out of a personal seal.

At this moment, after everyone returned to their senses, Huo Kaishan had already fallen to the ground, his eyes were slightly sluggish, and Lin Hao's kick kicked him out with a concussion.

However, in the end, it is a level eighty legend, and this injury, Huo Kaishan can still endure.

It's just that when he looked at Lin Hao this time, his eyes were already full of fear.


This is Huo Kaishan's most intuitive feeling, he has already noticed that no matter how he resists and how he strikes, he is not the opponent of the man in front of him!

"Who are you?"

Lin Hao sat back on the little horse, white casual clothes, delicate and clean, not even a drop of sweat.

"Who am I? Hehe, I already made it clear.

Huo Kaishan still said incredulously, "Impossible! How could that Lin Ge have such a father as you!

Lin Hao smiled playfully and said, "How come?" Hehe, Huo Kaishan! What do you think should be done about this?

Huo Kaishan lowered his gaze and said, "I, Huo Kaishan, recognize it." "

Confession?" Lin Hao's eyes flashed with light, "Just one sentence to recognize the plant?!" The

next moment, the invisible space suddenly began to collapse and twist, and Huo Kaishan's left leg began to twist like a twist.


A painful scream sounded, and Huo Kaishan was already holding his left leg and screaming.

"You! You! Don't lie too much! This is King Wu's Mansion! I, Huo Kaishan, am still a level eighty imperial beast legend! I will go to the imperial capital to sue you!"

Lin Hao sneered: "Sue me? Hum! Just by you? Is it eligible? If it weren't for someone who wanted to be a rotten good person, I, Lin Hao, would have destroyed your Wuwang Mansion today!"

Zhang Rabbit trembled, and at this moment he smelled the killing intent from Lin Hao's words!

Huo Kaishan was terrified, and instinctively called for help: "Martial Saint save me!" Lord Save me! Someone is making trouble in my Wuwang Mansion! Don't come out to preside over justice yet!

Lin Hao's face was expressionless, just doing it on the little horse, and his gaze was lightly brushed aside.

"Is it that you two are going to come out and preside over justice?"

Two figures appeared, one respectfully saluted, like sitting on pins and needles, and the other was carrying his hand with an indifferent face.

Lord of King Wu's Mansion! Eighty-nine-level martial arts system imperial beast master, Han Xiu!

Wuwangfu contemporary martial saint! Ninety-four-level martial arts is an extraordinary legend! Guan Shengyun!

"I've seen the legend of the dragon line!"

Han Xiu said respectfully, Guan Shengyun was more of a peer salute.

And at this time, Han Xiu naturally did not dare to speak more, the contemporary martial saint was there, where would it be his turn to preside over the situation?

Guan Shengyun spoke up: "Lin Legend, let's leave this matter at that, Lin Ge injured a leg, Huo Kaishan also broke a leg by you, this matter has been leveled."

Lin Hao's face was displeased, and he said lightly: "Guan Shengyun, you don't look like a person who presides over justice, and this matter can not be leveled by one leg!"

Guan Shengyun frowned and said, "Lin Hao, this matter is making a big fuss, and it's not good for us!" And Lin Ge is not dead! That's pretty much it.

"Almost?" Hehe.

Lin Hao stood up, put his little horse back with him, and looked at Guan Shengyun.

Lin Hao said faintly: "Is it that I have been in the northern territory all these years and rarely come out and move, making you Guan Shengyun think that I am a good talker?" How? Do you think that if you have cultivated to the ninety-fourth level, you are qualified to discuss with my peers?

Guan Shengyun frowned and said in a deep voice, "Lin Hao!" This is King Wu's Mansion! Same as a legend! There is not a lot difference between us!

Lin Hao laughed lightly, and waved his hand, at this moment, the entire Martial King Mansion was already separated from the outside world!

Lin Hao said: "Guan Shengyun! Count you in this matter! I don't summon pet beasts! You call over everything you can in your Wuwang Mansion!"

Guan Shengyun's body was cold, and he already felt Lin Hao's abyss-like battle intent!

At this moment, Han Xiu did not dare to move, his body was terrified, and he trembled unconsciously.

Huo Kaishan also shrank his pupils at this moment, trembling all over!

Extraordinary legends! Even a transcendent legend that is even more powerful than a Martial Saint!

Guan Shengyun's pupils shrank suddenly, and he exclaimed in shock: "Level ninety-seven?!" You're already level ninety-seven!!

Lin Hao had already answered him with strength, and slammed Guan Shengyun's façade with a punch, and with a bang, the entire Martial King Mansion seemed to be cut open by a ditch!

"Guan Shengyun! Don't think that if you get a chair on an equal footing with me in the imperial capital, you really feel that you can be my equal!" Hum! It's only level ninety-four, do you Guan Shengyun really think that you are a former martial saint? In front of me Lin Hao, what score do you pose? What to pretend to force? Are you qualified? The

bridge of Guan Shengyun's nose collapsed, blood flowed, and he was terrified at this moment!

Because in Lin Hao's punch just now, he felt the breath of death!

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