The Fierce Light Tiger, who was seriously injured and dying, returned to the bluestone room, and Tai and the old grandmaster made a move, barely hanging the Flame Tiger so that it would not die so quickly.

Lin Ge has already communicated the system halfway, transforming the Fierce Light Tiger, and it is really difficult to complete it without some equipment.

"System! Put the mechanical research laboratory into my Royal Beast Space Ring!" System: "Ding! The mechanical research laboratory is completed! Please pay attention to the host!" Inside

the Royal Beast Space Ring

, the Overlord is sketching a drawing with his only remaining arm, and there is already an initial mechanical model on the drawing paper.

Next to the overlord was full of dissatisfied waste paper, and suddenly a thick fog filled the field of vision ahead, and the overlord was suddenly a little stunned, not knowing what the situation was.

Lin Ge's consciousness had already entered this imperial beast space ring.

"Overlord, I'll borrow your energy reactor. "

Overlord is equipped with two core energy sources, anyway, he can't use it in this situation now, Lin Ge first used it to start this mechanical research laboratory.

The dense fog cleared, the mechanical research laboratory appeared in this beast space ring, all kinds of luxurious and exquisite research equipment at a glance, all of which are startable top

mechanical equipment! research bench, operation table, mechanical transformation warehouse, robotic arm, stereo projector, mechanical equipment and so on.

Installing an energy reactor of the Overlord, the equipment was started, and the equipment was lively, and Lin Ge was able to withdraw from consciousness.

Only the overlord was still a little stunned to look at those 'uninvited guests', seeing that Lin Ge was not there, the overlord's blue eyes suddenly had a look, and then revealed a smile full of fun.

In front of the bluestone room, Lin Ge withdrew from the Royal Beast Space Ring, slightly relieved, thanks to the fact that this task reward has not been used, otherwise he really couldn't find something to transform this Flaming Light Tiger for a while.

Seeing Lin Ge's expression of some relief, Tai and the old grandmaster knew it in their hearts, and said out loud: "What should I do now?"


Yunjing nodded repeatedly: "Oh, okay!" Tai

and the old grandmaster were a little puzzled, not knowing what Lin Ge was planning to do.

In the eyes of the old grandmaster, this blazing light tiger was already helpless, and the injury was too serious.

Xiong Tieer saw that the old grandmaster was puzzled, so he explained: "Grandpa, you haven't gone out for a long time, you don't understand the things outside, so let's explain it to you."

Under the words, Xiong Tie Er immediately explained Lin Ge's fame to Tai and Old Grandmaster, and explained the concept of mechanical department.

Tai He Old Grandmaster raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised: "Mechanical Department? There is such a series? "

Being able to create metal machinery is extraordinary, and it can also transform creatures extraordinary, which makes the old grandmaster a little unimaginable.

If nothing else, we still have some strength.

Lin Ge was naturally not polite and said, "Then let's all help." "

There is free labor, who would dislike it?

Oriented to the Royal Beast Space Ring, Lin Ge urged the power of the Royal Beast, and the Space Ring immediately revealed a portal.

Xiong Tieer looked a little envious, and said to Tai and the old grandmaster: "Grandfather, the Royal Beast Space Ring, when can I have one." Grandmaster

Tai and Old Master said, "When you can master your talent, I will give you another one." Looking

at Lin Ge's imperial beast space ring again, Tai and Old Grandmaster were slightly surprised.

"The space ring made from the imperial beast relics of the grandmaster level?

Lin Ge smiled indifferently and greeted: "Come in, take the handle, it's not very convenient to rely on Yunjing alone." "

Everyone entered the Royal Beast Space Ring together, and the space of five hundred meters was still very wide.

"Hey, Overlord!" Chen

Yunjing saw the Overlord standing in this space, but compared to the beginning, the current Overlord was a little shabby.

The other half of the overlord's mechanical body has been dismantled by Lin Ge and is now lying on the side.

Seeing Chen Yunjing appear, the overlord also roared excitedly twice.

It was also very shocking to let Tai and Old Grandmaster and Xiong Tie Er meet, after all, it was the first time to meet the mechanical transcendent.

Looking at the overlord's broken body in two, Xiong Tieer couldn't help but ask out loud: "Lin Ge, why are you mechanical extraordinary?" Lin Ge

waved his hand and said: "Something happened and was interrupted by someone, it's okay, when I go back, I will help him recover, the mechanical department is not afraid of this damage." "

Tai and the old grandmaster are sighing, the Flaming Light Tiger has been hit hard and is already dying, this mechanical transcendent broken into two like a nobody, look at that state, it seems to be not bad?

Lin Ge waved his hand, and the stereo projector immediately scanned the dying blazing light tiger.

Soon the overall data appeared on the computer, Lin Ge looked at the data panel of the blazing light tiger, the value had all dropped to the freezing point, and he almost didn't die in one breath.

"Old Grandmaster, trouble hang his life and put him in the mechanical warehouse. Tai

He Old Grandmaster quickly stepped forward and took out a piece of life source qi that exuded green crystal light from his imperial beast space ring.


Ge was also unceremonious, using a purifying water to help the Flaming Light Tiger clear some negative states and recover some injuries.

"Yunjing, Xiong Er, go over there and move

the mechanical parts over!" Lin Ge pointed to the mechanical parts that had been put here from the space ring before.

Let Zhao Yun and Wushu Rabbit work hard to build so many metal parts in order to cope with the current situation.

Ten races with a value of fifty mechanical transcendence, this task Lin Ge wanted to complete long ago.

However, he has never been able to find a suitable transcendent beast to transform.

But this Flaming Light Tiger is the second.

Various data appeared, and Lin Ge quickly entered the working state, like a very 'crazy' scientist.

Lin Ge not only had to record the data of this blazing light tiger, but also used mechanical parts to transform a suitable evolution scheme and record it.

Fortunately, Lin Ge is already familiar with this point, and there is Tai and the old grandmaster, and the process is very stable.

"The chest cavity of the Flaming Light Tiger has to be made of a metal skeleton, and then the limbs and body..." Lin

Ge's eyes were cold, simply ruthless, and the bionic mechanical evolution was done to the extreme!"

System, help me calculate whether this Flaming Light Tiger will die!" System: "Ding! Return to the host! The Flaming Light Tiger's

desire to survive is extremely strong, not only that, its foundation is very good, and after taking a sixty-level extraordinary treasure, the chance of bionic mechanical evolution is very large!"

Lin Ge looked a little crazy, and grinned: "Okay, I'll work harder!"

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