Lieguanghu had already been put into the mechanical warehouse, and the golden parts were put into the operating table by Chen Yunjing and Xiong Tie Er, and Lin Ge controlled it precisely and sent it into the mechanical warehouse piece by piece.

Xiong Tie Er may not understand what to do, but Chen Yunjing knows, and helping Lin Ge to fight is not once or twice, just by looking at Lin Ge's projection image, he clearly knows which part of the part to want.

"Xiong Er, you have a lot of strength, you move that metal skeleton

!" Xiong Tie'er nodded: "No problem!" These

golden parts are made of mixed with Variety Source Gold, which has a certain repair ability and is more suitable for the body of the creature.

Tai and Old Grandmaster watched Lin Ge operate, although it looked a little 'crazy' and difficult to look at directly, but when those metal parts were assembled on the body of the Bright Light Tiger piece by piece, it seemed to be full of infinite possibilities.

Such a process would logically be painful, but the Flaming Light Tiger was now completely unconscious, and in a state of near death, its consciousness was already completely asleep.


Ge replied: "Old Grandmaster, you shouldn't ask me this question, but ask that Flaming Light Tiger, can he? The

old grandmaster took a puff of smoke, to be honest, he didn't have a bottom, in other words, he had now dug a pit and had buried this blazing tiger.

Pieces of eroded flesh and blood were removed, and Lin Ge used the operating table to transplant the metal bones into it, and then installed the metal parts one by one.

Perhaps it was this blazing light tiger's life that should not be extinguished, Tai He Old Master's sixty-level extraordinary life treasure, Lin Ge's fifty-level purified water.

Let this blazing light tiger keep hanging that breath, and survived Lin Ge's transformation time.

On the computer display, there

was a faint sound of dripping from the weak fluctuations.

The overlord in the distance kept his gaze here, at Lin Ge, and at the console.

In the anxious waiting of everyone, Lieguanghu's consciousness awakened little by little, but Lieguanghu could not master this transformed mechanical body for the time being.

Lin Ge frowned, could it be that this Flaming Light Tiger would have a reaction?

Over time, the spirit of the Flaming Light Tiger also began to revive little by little, and the metal parts on his body began to flow with extraordinary power.

Lin Ge frowned and said loudly: "It's not enough!"

Resolutely walked off the console, Lin Ge removed the energy reactor and installed it on the body of the Fierce Light Tiger!

And with the fusion of the energy reactor, the metal body of the

Flaming Light Tiger was finally driven at this moment! There was no rejection

! "Roar!" The

Flaming Tiger roared, and seemed to feel the changes in his body, and at this moment he felt that his body was filled with infinite power!

"Was it successful?!" Tai

and Old Grandmaster and Xiong Tie Er both stretched their necks and looked closely at the state of the Flaming Tiger.


process of fusing and adapting to these metal parts lasted for a long time, but the good news is that it finally survived

! The Flaming Tiger slowly stood up, and his figure was still a little shaky, but the next moment, the eyes of the Flaming Tiger suddenly widened, and then burst out a burst of light!

"In... Evolved?!" At

this moment, everyone was extremely surprised, even Lin Ge felt a little unbelievable!

Originally thought that after transforming it into a mechanical extraordinary, this blazing light tiger would have to find an evolutionary object to carry out mechanical evolution.

Lin Ge looked at the blazing light tiger tightly and muttered, "Is it the tenacious vitality that bursts out that has prompted life to complete its evolution?"

Lin Ge recorded this scene, which is really rare, there are no preconditions for evolution, there is no evolution, relying on its own tenacious struggle, bursting out of super vitality, completed evolution.

"It is estimated that the source of life and the purifying water also played a role.

Lin Ge analyzed that many times some opportunities are always indispensable, and there are always prerequisites for the chance of things to happen.

The rich white evolution light bloomed, and the body of the Flaming Light Tiger also changed at this moment.

Under the influence of the light of evolution, the golden parts also began to follow the evolutionary will of the Fierce Light Tiger to transform into a perfectly matched mechanical body

! It is no longer as simple as simple implantation and transformation, but completely fused together!

The light of evolution dissipated, and a mechanical blazing light tiger appeared in front of everyone, the metal armor attached to the body surface, the whole body seemed to be armed by metal, but you can still see part of the original flesh and blood body of the blazing light tiger.

Not only that, the Flaming Tiger seems to have long canine teeth, its body is more powerful, and its body is stronger.


saber-toothed tiger?" Lin Ge was slightly stunned, because the appearance of this mechanical light tiger really resembled a mechanical saber-toothed tiger.

Lin Ge turned on the Transcendent Index Detector, and after some detection, the panel of the mechanical light tiger immediately appeared in front of him.

[Intermediate Extraordinary Beast: Mechanical Light Tiger

] [Attributes: Mechanical, Beast, Fire, Light

] [Race Level: Level 60 (Extreme)

] [Growth Level: Level 35] [

Extraordinary skills: super level hunting, super level beast fighting, super level beast king power, high level tiger roar (extraordinary will), high level tiger pounce, high level tiger inflammation, high level flame explosive claws, advanced mechanical defense, intermediate flash technique, intermediate low-level hunting pursuit, low-level tearing and biting...

] [extraordinary index: 2.2 million]

This numerical panel is already

very high! Not only that, this blazing light tiger is afraid that it is still an incomparably rare four-series extraordinary

! The skill configuration is also very high!

Lin Ge was a little excited to see it, the sixty-level race value! You can reach the high-level transcendent with one kick at the door

! "Ding! Congratulations to the host for researching the third race level of more than fifty level mechanical transcendence for the Great Xia Dynasty (current task progress: 3, total task progress: 10)!"

Tai He Old Grandmaster smiled leisurely and looked at this reborn blazing tiger.

Xiong Tie Er was slightly stunned, after all, his relationship with this Flaming Light Tiger was not very good.

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