Higashiyama City, Royal Beast Master Association.

Lin Ge and Tai and Old Grandmaster arrived early the next morning, and the Royal Beast Master Association in Dongshan City also warmly welcomed Lin Ge when they learned that he was coming.

The president of the Royal Beast Master Association in Dongshan City, Zheng Quan personally came out to greet him, and the treatment was naturally the highest.

Zheng Quan, a seventy-eighth-level Royal Beast Grand Master, a dual-line Grand Master of the Fierce Beast Department and the Martial Fighting Department, is extremely powerful.

"Machinery will grow up and come, and there will be a long way to welcome, and there will be a long way to welcome." "

Zheng Quan is a tall middle-aged man, and he is also very bold in speaking.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "Chairman Zheng, I'm bothered."

Zheng Quan patted Lin Ge's shoulder and said, "Everywhere, it's all people from the association, why bother, Grandmaster Tai is also there?

The thin Tai and Old Grandmaster He Xi smiled and replied, "It's true that I haven't seen you for many years, and this time I came to you as a guest."

Zheng Quan greeted: "Good talk, come in quickly." "

The layout of the Royal Beast Master Association in Dongshan City is also very rough, except for the iconic statue that any association has, the association building in Dongshan City is very casual.

It even feels like there's an alternative in this high-rise building.

Zheng Quan rubbed his fists and said, "If you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, I don't know why President Lin Ge came to me?" The

Royal Beast Master Association in Dongshan City has a position in the mechanical department, but it is not yet extraordinary in the mechanical department, so the position is still vacant.

Seeing that Zheng Quan said so, Lin Ge also said straight to the point: "Naturally, I came to negotiate a deal with Grandmaster Zheng."

Zheng Quan said very directly: "Mechanical Department?"

Lin Ge nodded and said with a smile: "I don't seem to be able to get anything else except this."

Zheng Quan waved his hand and said, "Hey, Chairman Lin's words are out of sight, in addition to the extraordinary mechanical department, the mechanical equipment, weapons, and even the drawing drawings you developed, which one is not a good baby." "

Extraordinary index detectors, super electromagnetic cannons with fixed super-level skills, energy reactors, and some low-level pet beast drawings are all Lin Ge's signatures.

Zheng Quan said: "Although Dongshan City is famous for its beast lineage, we do not reject others.

Lin Ge smiled shallowly and said, "In a hurry, I didn't bring so many things, but I still have a treasure here that can trade with Chairman Zheng." Tai

He Old Grandmaster smiled, brushing his beard with one hand and watching a play.

Lin Ge did not bother, and directly summoned the mechanical light tiger from the imperial beast space ring.

As soon as this mechanical blazing tiger with a strong body and a body full of metal texture appeared, it instantly attracted Zheng Quan's attention.

"This is ... Lin

Ge nodded and said, "Yes, the bionic mechanical evolution was successfully completed on the side of Taihe Old Grandmaster's White Hair Mountain, and this is his race value panel. Zheng

Quan took it, looking at the Mechanical Light Tiger while looking at the race value panel.


Ge said, "I plan to sell the birth method of the mechanical light tiger to your Dongshan City, of course, I know my rules, Chairman Zheng."

Zheng Quan pondered and said: "Chairman Lin, can you guarantee that every mechanical light tiger is this panel?" Lin

Ge shook his head and also replied: "No, this mechanical light tiger can be so strong and also with a bit of chance and luck, but I have another version, in the period of the little fierce tiger to carry out bionic mechanical evolution, the same can reach this level, of course, the mechanical evolution is more thorough, will lose the light system, and finally can only be three series of extraordinary, but it can carry mechanical weapons." "

This simplified version, Lin Ge has also been deduced by the system, and the race value can also reach level sixty.

Zheng Quan was a little moved, not every extraordinary beast can stably reach the sixty-level race value, even if it is the same kind of extraordinary, it will grow differently in the end because of all kinds of similarities.

Mastering a stable evolutionary path is the dream of a big force.

This is also the reason why the mechanical system can develop so rapidly, and after the mechanical evolution, the values provided can help the latecomers stabilize the evolution level.

Even if the data is a little more mature, it can be directly built with machinery

! "No problem! The bionic mechanical evolution data of the mechanical Flaming Tiger, I want it in Dongshan City."

Lin Ge smiled slightly and taught Zheng Quan a data USB flash drive that had already been copied.

"The data is all inside, my Imperial Beast Master Association salary card, which Chairman Zheng found through the background of the president's authority.

Zheng Quan took the USB flash drive and sighed slightly: "This change is really fast, in just half a year, just such a small thing can actually contain the race value data of an extraordinary beast with a level of up to sixty." "

In the past, the Great Xia Dynasty was recorded in archives, and those stable evolutionary paths that were mastered were recorded in books.

But after the mechanical department came out, the evolution data of the mechanical department was too convenient.

It's simply an open-book exam, with the R&D team copying the answers.

Zheng Quan put the USB flash drive away, looked at Lin Ge, and then looked at Taihe.

Zheng Quan said: "Why did Old Grandmaster Tai come down this time?"


Quan was suddenly a little surprised, Taihe Beast Training Ground has not participated in the beast battle for several years.

"Enough people this time?"

Lin Ge nodded and said, "Yes, just five."

Zheng Quan said with a slight surprise: "President Lin participated on behalf of the Taihe Beast Training Ground?" Lin

Ge smiled and said, "No?

Zheng Quan said with a smile: "Okay, of course, the beast battle, my side directly arranged." "

The Beast Battle is a traditional beast master festival in Dongshan City, led by major training grounds, with the participation of graduates of major colleges and universities, and it lasts for several days.

Zheng Quan said to Grandmaster Tai and Lao: "Alas, the idea of Golden Tooth beating Baimaoshan, originally I was still having a headache about this, since President Lin Ge wants to participate, then this year Grandmaster Tai is stable." "

The hills around Dongshan City are all rented for major training grounds, and once the training grounds are dissolved, these hills will naturally start bidding for leases again.

And Tai and Old Grandmaster, with their own strong power, occupied five hills, which made other training grounds coveted for a long time.

Among them, the most rapidly developing golden tooth is the most worried, and has written to Shangxian several times to rebid for these mountains.

Tai He Old Grandmaster brushed his beard and said, "President Delin Ge helps, this time it is barely enough." "

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