It's really barely enough, and it's just enough to put it together.

After all, Lin Ge and Jiang Mei'er are not beast masters.

As for why Lin Ge was obsessed with this, it was naturally to smoke the face of the golden tooth.

You trained well in Baimao Mountain, and you Qi Zhenshan ran over to die.

Zheng Quan spoke up: "As long as the old grandmaster takes a good rank in your training ground this time, my side can operate it, and there will be no problem in three or five years."

Lin Ge came up with an idea: "How can it be so troublesome, I will directly take the first place, and afterwards change the mountains of Taihe and the old grandmaster into a demonstration point of extraordinary beasts of bionic mechanical evolution, which is used to study the mechanical transcendence of the beast lineage, and directly withdraw it to the name of the Royal Beast Master Association, who dares to fight the idea of these mountains?"

Lin Ge nodded: "At that time, I will make a name here, Baimaoshan is still Baimaoshan, and the old grandmaster is still the old grandmaster."

Tai He Old Grandmaster smiled and said, "Or do you young people have ideas. Lin

Ge smiled, he just wants to disgust the dead golden tooth, don't you want to get the white hair mountain, hey, I won't give it!

Zheng Quan said loudly: "The people with golden teeth are afraid to scratch their ears and cheeks urgently." "

Once Lin Ge's method is established, then those mountains will not be under the jurisdiction of Dongshan City in the future, but will be directly divided into Lin Ge's name!

Moreover, Lin Ge has now sold the birth method of the mechanical blazing light tiger, and Zheng Quan also needs the beast to be extraordinary, directly pushing the boat along the water, killing two birds with one stone.

Zheng Quan nodded and said, "Okay, it's so decided, as long as the beast battle is not at the bottom, I can operate." "

Now the Daxia Mechanical Department has started to wave, rushing to major cities like a flood beast.

The donation of Delin Ge over there in the southern city has already earned hemp, the dragon system guarding the palace, the mechanical giant cannon turtle, which one does not earn a lot of pots.

Nowadays, the southern city is developing vigorously, and other cities are very envious.

It's a pity that many cities have only developed some low-level mechanical transcendent at present, in addition to the fast speed of the imperial capital, they have already developed mechanical war howl beasts with a race value of more than fifty levels.

Other municipalities are still being explored.

but now he got Lin Ge's mechanical light tiger in Dongshan City, and naturally surpassed it.

Lin Ge put his hands in his pockets, and the mechanical light tiger rubbed Lin Ge affectionately.

The three of them also chatted idly, and the chatterbox opened, naturally chatting hotly.

There were still more than ten days left before the battle of the fierce beasts, and Lin Ge simply did not return to the side of Baimao Mountain.

Instead, he called Zhao Yun and asked him to send a batch of energy reactors and some metal parts.

The speed of express delivery is naturally very fast, because it is Lin Ge's express delivery, the Royal Beast Master Association in Nandu directly takes the fast channel, and the flight department Royal Beast Master personally delivers it.

The things were naturally stored in a low-level imperial beast space ring.

The Royal Beast Master Association does not lack this thing.

As for what Lin Ge wants to do, it is naturally to upgrade the equipment of the mechanical light tiger and return an energy reactor to the overlord.

Now that the Overlord is staying in the Royal Beast Space Ring, he is extremely bored, the drawings of his new body have been drawn, and he usually revolves around Lin Ge's research equipment when he has no time.

And these Lin Ge naturally do not know, Lin Ge now intends to complete the system task.

Research out the seven races that belong to the extraordinary beast races with a value of fifty levels, and get the transformation fire first.

To this end, the research team in Dongshan City was urgently mobilized by Lin Ge.

Strive to complete the research of seven races in just over ten days before the beast battle.

For this reason, on the first day these research teams came, they were forced to watch a full day of data videos of the bionic mechanical evolution of beasts.

Lin Ge took the exam on the spot, and continued to watch if he did not meet the standards until he wrote down all the data.

Those young researchers may cry wolves, but the old research professors are energetic and tireless.

Some of them had participated in the extraordinary appraisal, and naturally knew how much gold Lin Ge's mechanical system contained.

Now Lin Ge personally came to teach them how to conduct extraordinary research on machinery and how to develop beast machinery.

These old professors were excited one by one, like a demon.

Even several old professors with thinning hair and old age directly called Lin Ge a teacher.

Lin Ge felt a little embarrassed at first, but in the sound of the teacher, he gradually got used to it.

So in addition to the mechanical blazing light tiger, within two days of hard work, the mechanical howling moon wolf was also successfully studied.

With the successful development of this fourth one, the voice of the system also sounded in Lin Ge's mind.

However, Lin Ge can't relax, Dongshan City is a lot of land, and there are many extraordinary beasts, so when is it better not to study at this time?

And these can make money.

He Lin Ge is the most short of money, his trouser pocket is cleaner than his face, and he naturally has to study more beast machinery to make money.

Anyway, Dongshan City gave research funds, and those researchers, especially the old professors, paid to work one by one, for fear that Lin Ge would not teach them.

Lin Ge was reluctant to feel embarrassed by this, only tears in his eyes, these old professors were too dedicated.

Twelve hours a day was not enough, and he was willing to pay.

Lin Ge was extremely moved, "I'm really a sinner, what else is worth hiding." Lin

Ge also opened the door of the mechanical department, and after each study, he immediately held a meeting in place, and everyone sat on the floor and listened to Lin Ge explain the attention points of the mechanical department.

An elderly professor almost pulled over.

"It's okay, help me up, I can still listen to the class."

Lin Ge looked at his watch, only to find that he had been working for sixteen hours today.

"Let's go here today, everyone go back and rest, Chairman Zheng Quan has prepared extraordinary nutrition for everyone. But

not a single old professor left, one by one, he continued to work with nutritional products, and the prototype of a beast with extraordinary machinery was quickly born.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Quandu sighed politely: "Chairman Lin, you are really an evil person." Lin

Ge spread his hands, he was innocent, who knew that these old professors would be so crazy?

Under such a futile work, Lin Ge finally completed the few remaining extraordinary before the arrival of the beginning of the month.

As the last one successfully completed the evolution, the sound of the system also sounded.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for researching the tenth race level of more than fifty mechanical transcendent for Daxia (current task progress: 10, total task progress: 10)!"

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