As the sound of the system sounded, a shape-shifting tinder about one meter long, long diamond-shaped, pointed at one end, dark golden overall, full of mechanical sense appeared in the forest singer.

The amount of deformed tinder is very large, and it is heavy in the hand.

System: "Ding! Morphing Tinder can give the mechanical system the ability to change the form, so that it can be converted on the mechanical form, no longer limited to a single mechanical form, what form to be transformed into, the host can set the data by itself."

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly, of course he knew this, and he was very clear about the purpose of the transformation fire.

And with this deformation fire, Lin Ge can have the ability to create deformation tinder.

Opening the Royal Beast Space Ring, Lin Ge entered this Royal Beast Space.

Re-installing an energy reactor in the mechanical laboratory, Lin Ge put the deformation tinder on the research bench.

Anatomize and analyze the data of the deformed tinder, and then archive and copy it, and you can make your own deformed tinder if you want it later.

Seeing that Lin Ge entered here again, the overlord slid and leaned over.

Because the body was broken in two, the overlord lost the ability to move, so the last time Lin Ge returned the energy reactor, the overlord asked Lin Ge for four wheels.

It is the kind of large wheels of the heavy truck, which matches the color scheme of the overlord, so after having these four wheels, the overlord action is very convenient.

Seeing that Lin Ge was operating a small metal part again, the overlord lowered his head and came closer to watch, and at the same time he was very puzzled.

Lin Ge explained: "A new part, the deformation tinder, after installation, can give you the ability to deform mechanically, I am copying data, you don't bother me." In


with Lin Ge's current ability, he could install a pronunciator for the overlord, but Lin Ge didn't want to.

Because the overlord's personality is very naughty, he is a dragon swordsman with a dog nature, and I don't know what it will become when he puts on a voice maker.

Moreover, the overlord is a combat-type machine, is it equipped with a pronouncer so that it can wail when it is beaten?

Lin Ge turned around and looked at the overlord's current state, only the upper half of the body, probably the position of the stomach, the bottom is equipped with four heavy truck wheels, usually relying on this activity.

Lin Ge turned his head back and said: "As long as it is a mechanical department, anyone can use it, but now there is only one, wait for me to study it, by the way, you wasted so much paper on me, have you drawn your own new body style?" The

overlord twisted his head and secretly glanced at his latest drawing, which was a giant dark-colored metal tyrannosaurus rex appearance.

The Overlord looked at the shape-shifting tinder lying on the research bench again, this thing can change form?

The Overlord rubbed the paper, and then threw it casually, and then shook his head.


the Overlord manipulated his tail to sweep the paper farther and dig a hole to bury it.

Lin Ge didn't notice this, so he said: "You'd better get it done quickly, when the holiday is over and after returning to the southern capital, I will start to upgrade and restore you, if you don't get the drawings done quickly, I can't prepare the materials, and then I will delay my affairs."

The Overlord nodded, indicating that he would draw faster.

Then glanced at the deformed tinder, how can such a good part not be equipped?

Lin Ge copied the data and stored it in the computer, which is to take off the white coat.

"I'm busy during this time, you speed up the progress yourself, and after returning to Nandu, I'll start immediately."

The Overlord nodded, and then pointed to the metal materials stacked on the other side, can those be used by themselves?

Lin Ge glanced at them, those are all metal parts cast by studying the beast machinery these days, and some can still be used on the Overlord.

Lin Ge said: "Yes, there is a research operation console, with your excellent level of intelligent god network, it should be no problem to use these devices, you can build a model yourself, be careful, don't mess it up for me."

The Overlord nodded, indicating that he would be careful.

Lin Ge put on his black-framed student glasses, waved his hand, and said: "Okay, so be it, you are already a mature mechanical transcendent, some things do not need me to tell you all the time, you arrange it yourself, I am going to participate in the beast battle."

Lin Ge left.

The Overlord was excited, looking at the mechanical equipment that had not yet been turned off, and the Overlord tried the control stick and buttons with his own small short hand.

No problem.

Although it is necessary to pinch an orchid finger to operate, but it can always be operated!

The overlord became excited, roared twice, and then quickly drove towards his lower body.

In fact, this body can still be used, but it is broken in two, and the mechanical metal damage at the wound is serious.

Overlord skillfully disassembled the parts that could no longer be used, and looked for replacements from the metal materials that Lin Ge had stored in.

Even if you don't have it, it doesn't matter, there is an operating table and you can assemble it yourself.

The overlord was excited like a child, running back and forth, and the originally broken lower half of his body was repaired little by little.

The same is true for the upper body, the metal materials prepared by Lin Ge are very sufficient, and they have been cast and built, and they are all metal parts that can be used immediately.

At the same time, these golden parts are mixed with a variety of source gold in the process of building, which has a certain repair ability, allowing the overlord to assemble twice the result with half the effort.

Seeing that the body was almost the same, the overlord turned on Lin Ge's computer again and skillfully operated the painting software that Lin Ge usually used.

Isn't it fast to use a computer? Isn't it fragrant? Overlord

even opens the data link to carry out intelligent Shenwang data painting, where to use that little mouse?

I saw that the computer screen changed rapidly, and the painting software changed rapidly, from scratch, from the line to the overall basic image, and then to the stereoscopic graphics!

The overlord even used the stereo projector in these devices to project the graphics he painted.

Because he is familiar with Lin Ge's operation, Overlord easily found Lin Ge's commonly used mechanical system data, and Overlord also found the template when he upgraded.


Overlord began to add transformations, building his latest form.

The Overlord glanced at the deformed metal again and grinned.

Then another window opened, and Overlord began to build his own morphosis.

The basic dragon form already exists, but he overlord is a dragon swordsman, why can't there be no

human form? Think about it carefully, the overlord feels that a human form does not seem to be enough, and looks down at the wheels used now, all with feelings, a little reluctant.

So Overlord opened a new window....

Lin Ge was completely unaware that within his Royal Beast Space Ring, the Overlord was using his research equipment to undergo earth-shaking changes.

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