Royal Beast Master Association, Beast Battle, No. 1 venue.

"Gentlemen, ladies, audience friends, hello!" The

host held the microphone and said loudly: "Welcome to the knockout scene of the beast battle! Today's first battle can be described as full of highlights! Our current number one Golden Tooth Training Ground in Dongshan City will fight the former First Taihe Training Ground! Both sides are young and excellent imperial beast masters of more than 40 levels!"

"Let's first welcome! Excellent trainees of the Golden Tooth Training Ground! Qiu Zhi! Forty-eight-level Royal Beast Master of the Beast Department! Qiu Zhi trainees are young and promising! And this year is also his last battle! I hope it can bring us a perfect graduation grade!" Qiu

Zhi appeared in response, as if for this last battle, he was dressed very gorgeously, and he looked polite.

The cheers at the scene sounded, especially some young women, after all, Qiu Zhi is also a handsome and golden young generation, coupled with strong strength, he is the dream lover of many female students.

The host continued: "Next, let's welcome the trainees of the Taihe Beast Training Ground! Jiang Meier!" "

This Jiang trainee is amazing, the age is even younger than the Qiu Zhi trainee, he is already a forty-third imperial beast master, and he is also very sweet and cute, I just don't know what the strength is, whether he can resist the attack of the Qiu Zhi trainee!" Jiang

Meier jumped out, her expression was very cheerful, and the choppy scenery caused a flower to be jealous.

Jiang Meier waved towards the side of the audience, and Lin Ge also waved in response.

Qiu Zhi was a little stunned when she saw Jiang Meier's figure.

To be honest, with Jiang Meier's appearance conditions, there are rarely no dislikes.

"Two contestants! Beast battle! Level 40 battlefield! Knockout first game! Start now!" As

the host's words fell, Qiu Zhi straightened his expression and made himself look very gentlemanly and polite.

"Girl Jiang, are you interested in coming to my Golden Tooth Training Ground?" replied Jiang

Meier with a smile: "No."

Qiu Zhi still kept smiling and said, "That's a pity, I still want to have an in-depth exchange with Miss Jiang."

Jiang Meier pursed her mouth with one hand, pretending to be surprised: "Ah, in-depth communication

?" Qiu Zhi smiled, summoned his pet beast, and said: "Girl Jiang, are you interested in leaving a contact information after the game?" Qiu Zhi's pet beast

is a tiger with a level of fifty, the beast and the water dual system are extraordinary, and their strength is extremely strong.

"It has appeared! It is Qiu Zhi trainee's long-known Jiaohu! He has two super-level skills! He even has an auxiliary skill to change the terrain! The strength is very strong! I don't know how Trainee Jiang will resolve it?" In

the audience, Chen Yunqian crossed her arms around her chest and said lightly: "The victory and defeat have been divided." "

Even if the battle has not yet begun, this battle is already without any suspense in her opinion.

Xiong Tie Er scratched his head and hummed: "Although I don't want to hit everyone, but Qiu Zhi's strength is really powerful, and the talent of the imperial beast is also an amplification skill, so I can't see the conclusion now, right?"

Chen Yunqian was very confident and said: "From Qiu Zhi's words, there is no suspense in this battle."

Lin Ge squinted his eyes and quietly watched the match on the battlefield.

Jiang Meier didn't panic at all, just looked at Qiu Zhi with a smile on her lips.

"You are not as good as my junior brother Lin, you can't drive, and you look handsome and have a fart." "

How handsome her brother is, a cold male god, but in Jiang Meier's opinion, he is also a disability.

It is still good for Senior Brother Lin, with a high IQ, a fast driver, and the ability to invent things that move up and down.

Qiu Zhi just snorted lightly: "When your Taihe beast training ground is defeated, see if you still have the face to stay in Taihe, haven't you obediently come to my golden tooth

?" Jiang Mei'er grimaced slightly and said: "How? Do you think you can win me a few levels higher than me?" Jiang Mei'er

took out a royal beast ball and released the nine-tailed charm fox that was subdued from Baimao Mountain and designated as the second pet beast.

Because the Transcendent Index Detector has been popularized in the Great Xia Dynasty, when the panel of the Nine-Tailed Fox appeared, everyone present was in an uproar!

This...... This is simply unbelievable! Trainee Jiang actually used a nine-tailed charm fox with a level of up to sixty! Can her forty-three-level imperial beast power be a royal envoy?, isn't she afraid of backlash?!" In

addition to Lin Ge and them, don't say the audience and the host at this moment, even Qiu Zhi was slightly stunned.

"Level 60 Nine-Tailed Fox, how is this possible? Impossible! She is only level 43! It is impossible to be envoyed!" "

Non-contract transcendent beasts can also be envoyed, but the risk is very high, and few people can grasp it.

The extraordinary beast ignores the order at light, and the heavy one eats the imperial beast master.

The previous beast battles were not that no one had used non-contract transcendent to pass, but the results were not very good, and the transcendent beasts did not listen to orders at all, and even once directly bit the Royal Beast Master to death.

So when Jiang Mei'er used the nine-tailed charm fox, those people all had only one thought in their minds! Jiang Mei'er couldn't

have been the envoy of this nine-tailed charm fox with a level of up to sixty

! Qiu Zhi looked grim and said: "Hmph! The nine-tailed charm fox is only, my jiaohu also has level fifty, and it is not without the ability to fight!

This forty-level battlefield champion, I want it, so I'm sorry, I can only eliminate you. Qiu

Zhi said coldly: "Shameless, but if you can't make that nine-tailed charm fox, this battle is considered my win! And my jiaohu is not without the power to fight with the nine-tailed charm fox! Even if it is consumed, my imperial beast power is more than yours!" Jiang

Meier's expression was full of playfulness, and said with a smile: "Actually, I don't value these, you have high combat effectiveness, or a high level of imperial beasts, for me, as long as you empathize, it seems to me to be the same."

In the audience, Chen Yunqian was already shouting: "Dead Nizi, don't let it go!" Jiang

Meier grimaced mischievously, and then said to Qiu Zhi: "Sorry! Please step down!" Qiu Zhi

was like a great enemy, at this moment, he couldn't even have the strength to resist Jiang Meier, as if his whole body was paralyzed.

Jiang Mei'er had already ordered: "Nine-tailed charm fox, use charm, use lunar phoenix upside down." The

nine tails behind the nine-tailed fox swayed, exuding a beautiful atmosphere.

At this moment, Qiu Zhi and that tiger were intoxicated, trapped in it, and could not extricate themselves.

At this moment, within the battlefield, a scene of pink and spicy eyes appeared.

Qiu Zhi unconsciously hugged his pet beast...

The hosts were stunned.

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