
After Qiu Zhi came to his senses, the battle was over, and the audience had already run out.

"Ah! Abominable, I'm going to kill you! Kill you!" In

this battle, Qiu Shu's face was greatly lost, and with that deeply disgusting scene happened.

Even together with the Golden Tooth Training Ground, they were reprimanded, and for a while, the wind was everywhere, and countless people looked at the Golden Tooth Training Ground with a bad and disgusting look.

Public opinion is full of opinion, no matter how the people at the Golden Tooth Training Ground clarify it, it is useless, after all, the facts are in front of you.

Just two skills, Qiu Zhi turned out to be with his pet beast...

This battle can be described as far-reaching, and Qiu Zhi's reputation is completely rotten.

The golden tooth is no better, and in the end it can only be accused of this is the evil art of the Taihe beast training ground, and they violated the rules.

However, discerning people know that the nine-tailed charm fox is a dual line of fierce beast and demon, and the charm skill can be broken free by extraordinary will.

Qiu Zhi is already a forty-eight-level imperial beast master, and the pet beast Jiaohu is even more fifty-level, and his extraordinary will has already been possessed.

So for a while, after Jiang Meier's victory over Qiu Zhi, this big milk loli was also regarded as the biggest enemy by the opponents of the other forty-level battlefields.

Many people also began to pay attention to the Taihe Beast Training Ground.

In the Royal Beast Master Association, Chen Yunqian was scolding Jiang Mei'er, and said: "In the future, you have to pay attention, don't use those skills indiscriminately!" Jiang Mei'er

spread her hands very innocently and said: "Sister Yunqian, you can't blame me for this, and I didn't expect ah, that guy actually had such a deep empathy, directly..." "

Shut up!

"Oh. Jiang Meier replied weakly.

On the other side, Lin Ge, Chen Yunjing, and Xiong Tie Er were already hiding far away, and they all looked at Jiang Meier with a strange gaze.

Jiang Meier smiled again and said, "Why do you look at me like that? It's okay, as long as you keep your body clean, my skills are useless to you."

Lin Ge was suddenly taken aback and said, "You don't want to use these skills against us, do you?" Jiang

Meier mumbled: "I've used it earlier, you guys are like a wooden lump, you don't feel anything at all."

Lin Ge suddenly got goosebumps, and secretly spoke out in his heart, and he should pay attention to chatting with this guy in the future.

Chen Yunjing jumped up and shouted: "Wait, I often had spring dreams when I was in junior high school, are you a ghost?" Jiang

Meier covered her mouth and laughed, and her eyes looked at Chen Yunqian.

Replied, "Brother Yunjing, no."

Chen Yunjing hurriedly said to Lin Ge: "Senior, after I go back, I'll move in with you."

Lin Ge gave a blank look: "Get out."

Chen Yunjing hurriedly sent a message to Zhao Yun: "Brother Yun, I'll go back and move with you."

Chen Yunqian coughed a few times and said, "Okay, okay, don't mention these things in the future, I promise with Jiang Meier's dog head that these skills will not be used on you."

At the same time, she glared at Jiang Mei'er fiercely, and said in a deep voice: "Give me honesty, otherwise I will beat you into the cold palace!" Jiang Mei'er

spat out her little tongue, very playful, and smiled with a grin.

Xiong Tieer only felt that this world was too terrible, which made him feel uneasy.

"I kind of understand what Grandpa said. "

Lao Tzu has done good deeds and accumulated virtue in this life, and he has made good connections, but he never thought that he would see this kind of thing, it is really a crime.

"Who is the next battle?" In

order to enliven the atmosphere and change the topic, Lin Ge hurriedly spoke up.

Xiong Tie Er looked at the schedule and observed it and said: "Next to Chen Yunqian, then tomorrow it will be me and Yunjing, and the day after tomorrow it will be Lin Ge you."

Lin Ge leaned over and looked at it, Chen Yunqian's opponent's strength was not much different from her, and he was a college student in Dongshan City.

Then he looked at the schedule of Chen Yunjing and Xiong Tieer, and did not match the people of the golden tooth.

At the same time, Lin Ge also saw the players arranged by the Golden Tooth Training Ground on the level 20 battlefield.

Xu Qian at level twenty-five, Su Yun at level twenty-six.

These two people can be regarded as the best in the twenty-level battlefield, and the pet beasts are also very powerful.

Lin Ge also saw his opponent and was not afraid.

Chen Yunjing spoke up: "Senior, you can be regarded as standing out in the thirty-level battlefield, only you are a sixteenth-level, and the others are all thirty-level level."

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly, but he was not afraid, the strength of the mechanical light tiger was also in the middle and upper reaches of level thirty.

Soon, the second battle came with the time.

Again the number one venue, again familiar audience and host.

Seeing Lin Ge and them appear, the host wiped his cold sweat.

"Welcome to the level

20 battlefield where the beasts are fighting! This is the eighteenth stage of the level 20 battlefield elimination

!" "The opponents of this match are! Dongshan City No. 1 High School's outstanding graduates this year! Pei Hong! Taihe Beast Training Ground! Chen Yunqian!"

Chen Yunqian waved his hand to everyone, this familiar scene made countless spectators' eyelids jump.

Pei Hong looked at Chen Yunjing, slightly relieved, and soothed himself and said: "It's okay, it's just a level twenty imperial beast master, although he is also a girl, I don't believe it will be so clever."

The host wiped the cold water and said: "That level forty game in the morning was really eye-opening, I have hosted the beast battle for so many years, and this morning's game is really ... "The

audience went crazy when they heard these words, and quickly burst into an uproar."

"Don't say any more! I've finally forgotten!" "

Damn it! Bad memories are attacking me! Host! You're in trouble.

The host hurriedly corrected the topic and quickly spoke up: "Next, let's enjoy the wonderful battle brought to us by the two players!

Pei Hong swallowed his saliva, and then summoned his pet beast.

"Come out, Bull Demon!" Chen

Yunqian took a deep breath, and also summoned his own evolved pet beast, the nine-tailed charm fox!


again! Here it is again!" "Don't, the people at Tai and the Beast Training Ground are terrible! How is it a nine-tailed fox!" At

this moment, all the audience felt that the backyard was tight.

Lin Ge and they were smiling except for Jiang Meier, and the three boys covered their faces.

Pei Hong was frightened and said loudly: "You are also a nine-tailed charmer!

Don't use the skill of the Nine-Tailed Fox on me! Ah, it's terrible!" At

this moment, everyone remembered the fear of being dominated by Jiang Meier in the morning.

"Player Pei Hong abstained, player Chen Yunqian won! Today's game is over, everyone bye!" The

host and the audience scattered, Pei Hong also ran, and only Lin Ge and them were left in the No. 1 venue.

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