The competition venue was instantly empty, leaving only Lin Ge and them stunned.

Chen Yunqian won without a fight, only feeling a wave of anger fall on the cotton.

After training hard and hard to successfully evolve the pet beast, I thought I could fight heartily, but I thought this was the result.

At this moment, Chen Yunqian couldn't help but look at Jiang Meier with resentment.

Jiang Meier smiled and spread her hands on the matter.

Both matches were surprisingly smooth, perhaps because Jiang Meier's first battle was won too strangely.

That's why Chen Yunqian also won this game easily.

In this regard, Lin Ge just said lightly: "The two openings, the golden tooth's Qiu Zhi has also been eliminated, and the forty-level battlefield is no longer in suspense." "

With the strength of Jiang Meier's nine-tailed charm fox, winning the forty-level beast battle is simply easy.

On the side of the level 20 battlefield, Lin Ge is slightly worried, after all, the strength of Xiong Tie Er and Chen Yunjing is still at level 19 and 18, and the chance of overturning is still there.

But the problem does not seem to be big, whether it is Xiong Tie Er or Chen Yunqian sister and brother, they have all grown very much, the pet beast has completed its evolution, and its strength is stronger.

Everyone returned to the Royal Beast Master Association, tonight's rest well, after all, tomorrow is the match between Xiong Tie Er and Chen Yunjing.

And when Lin Ge and them rested, the outside world was already in trouble.

Because these two matches at Tai and the Beast Training Ground were too eye-catching, almost won without a fight.

Whether it was Jiang Mei'er or Chen Yunqian, it was too easy to win.

Powerful and mysterious.

The people at the Golden Tooth Training Ground didn't expect that Senior Qiu Zhi, whom they admired, was actually killed in the knockout round.

The forty-level battlefield directly eliminated their golden toothed people.

"Abominable Taihe Beast Training Ground! Despicable

!" "That's it! actually use the Nine-Tailed Charm Fox! Otherwise, with Mentor Qiu's strength, it is impossible to lose

!" "The forty-level battle champion is already hopeless, but we still have twenty-level and thirty-level ones!" "

Xu Qian! Su Yun! Tomorrow, you must observe the strength of your opponents more!

"Qi Zhenshan, Yu Zeyang, you too! Since that Lin Ge is so dead, dare to participate in the thirty-level battle with the sixteenth level, you will also eliminate

him!" Qi Zhenshan sneered: "Don't worry, the teaching director, the first battle of the thirty-level battle is me fighting Lin Ge! I must defeat him!" The

teaching director of the Mediterranean said: "Even if you can't win, you have to force out his full strength!"

I'm a level 30 imperial beast master, and I can't beat him a level 16?" The

teaching director said: "Don't take everything lightly, Tai and that old thing are willing this time, didn't you see that Jiang Mei'er used a level 60 nine-tailed charm fox, this Lin Ge dares to participate in a level 30 battle, then he is estimated to be the same as that Jiang Meier, the imperial envoy has a fierce beast of about level 30 is extraordinary, I just don't know which category."

Qi Zhenshan didn't care, in his opinion, that Lin Ge didn't have the ability to control a level 30 extraordinary beast!"

"Hmph! I will tear him apart in battle



The battle between Chen Yunjing and Xiong Tie Er has also arrived, not the people of the Golden Tooth, but the opponents of other training grounds.

When the two opponents heard that it was Taihe's person, they couldn't help but snort.

However, when he heard that Chen Yunjing and Xiong Tie's pet beast was not a nine-tailed charm fox, he was slightly relieved.

The first game of the morning was Xiong Tieji coming first, and his opponent was a twenty-first level imperial beast master.

This strength is simply a piece of cake for Xiong Tieer.

"Come out, Earth

Brute Bear!" Seeing that Xiong Tieer summoned this pet beast, Lin Ge was slightly stunned, for the Earth Brute Bear, Lin Ge can be said to be very familiar.

Although Xiong Tieer's Earth Brute Bear is only level nineteen, the feeling that it will not be broken makes everyone understand that Xiong Tieer's pet beast may break through level twenty at any time.

Moreover, Xiong Tieer's imperial beast talent is also terrifying, and under an increase, the strength of his Earth Brute Bear has skyrocketed to a very terrifying point.

The first Xiong Tieji won without suspense.

The power of the Earth Brute Bear was so strong that it almost won by an overwhelming advantage.

Lin Ge was not surprised by this, except for the speed of the earth brute bear, which is a small shortcoming, the rest of the aspects, both strength and defense, are first-class strong.


The third game, which belonged to the Taihe Beast Training Ground, was also successfully won.

In the afternoon, it was Chen Yunjing's competition.

The opponent's strength is slightly higher, reaching the level of twenty-three.

However, Chen Yunjing was not afraid at all, his expression was indifferent, and he did not have the previous tension, replaced by composure.

Thanks to the cultivation of following the Xiaoyue Wolf King, Chen Yunjing now also exudes an aura of a hunter.

"Come out, Xiaobao!" The

evolved beast dog also appeared, larger and more mature!

It is said to be a dog, but the actual size is already more than two meters, comparable to the howling moon wolf.

Lin Ge immediately probed.

[Intermediate Extraordinary Beast

: Beast Dog] [Attribute: Beast Line

] [Race Level: Level 60 (Extreme)

] [Growth Level: Level 19

] [Extraordinary Skill: Hunting (Launching-), Didi Didi (Detection-)] [Extraordinary

Index: 610,000].

This panel is already very powerful, and the transcendent index is also abnormally high, reaching a value of 610,000.


is not a one-time skill, it is a continuous skill, firmly locking the target, treating the target as prey, once the prey falls into the downwind, the 'hunt' will feedback information.

Therefore, the skill of hunting, even in the super skill, is considered to be an excellent skill above the average.

It is the signature super skill of the Beast lineage.

Hunting locked, the opponent's pet beast is just a demon beast double-lineage maned rat, which is not the opponent of the beast dog at all.


Yunjing has been staying with Jiang Meier for a long time, and he also has a very good set of how to fight the demon department.

The battle barely lasted long and ended with a bite from the beast dog.

His opponent also has to thank Chen Yunjing for not killing him, otherwise his pet beast is afraid that something big will happen.

To this, Chen Yunjing only bowed his head slightly, and then made a victory gesture to Lin Ge.

"Congratulations to Tai and Chen Yunjing of the Beast Training Ground for their victory!" At

this point, only Lin Ge had not completed the first battle.

Lin Ge looked at the schedule, and his opponent was Qi Zhenshan from the Golden Tooth Training Ground.

"It's really a coincidence. "

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