Rock trails obscure the view, making it impossible to see what is happening inside the grounds.

The audience has to activate the God perspective on the screen, otherwise they can only wait for the pangolin king's rock trail effect to disappear.

The level 30 Qi Zhenshan player actually entered a defensive posture, but it was the level 16 Lin Ge player who took the initiative to attack!"

In the field, the mechanical blazing light tiger tossed and turned, and its huge body was constantly changing in this rock track, approaching the pangolin king step by step.

And this scene, Qi Zhenshan naturally saw clearly, the rock trail is the skill of the pangolin king, and as a royal beast master, he can naturally distinguish the changes in the field.

"Pangolin King, launch the rolling stone!" Qi

Zhenshan immediately spoke up, wanting to use the Rolling Stone skill to force the mechanical light tiger back.


the rock trail, a huge rolling stone appeared out of thin air, which was not a real stone! but the pangolin king held himself into a ball form and rolled.

The mechanical blazing light tiger naturally also felt it, the tiger eye was cold, and its figure was slightly low.

Lin Ge stared at it and said loudly: "

Mechanical Flaming Tiger! Use Mechanical Defense! Use Tiger Pounce!" In the next second, the body of the Mechanical Flaming Tiger, the metal of the whole body shined, and then suddenly swooped towards the pangolin king in the form of a ball! The pangolin king

was still rolling at high speed, and the mechanical blazing tiger used its two front paws to hold it in place.

The corners

of Lin Ge's mouth raised shallowly, and he said loudly: "Mechanical Flaming Tiger! Use the tiger roar!" The

power of the beast king was superimposed in front, and at this moment the mechanical blazing tiger roared blatantly

! Roar! The tiger roar shook the mountains and forests, and the extraordinary will instantly shocked the pangolin king!


Qi Zhenshan was suddenly shocked, and hurriedly ordered: "Pangolin King, we also use extraordinary will!" The extraordinary will

can suppress and deter the opponent, once it is shocked, it is to be passively beaten.

The pangolin king naturally also has extraordinary will, hearing the order of the imperial beast master, the pangolin king also uses extraordinary will to fight against the mechanical blazing light tiger! The pangolin king is already the king of the group, it is an evolution of the small pangolin, and it is comparable to the mechanical blazing light tiger in will!

Who can break this deadlock first?" The

effect of the rock trail disappeared, and the mechanical light tiger was desperately pressing the pangolin king in the form of a ball, and the pangolin king was also staring at the mechanical light tiger through the gap between the scales and armor!


Zhenshan sneered: "Lin Ge, although my pangolin king's combat power is not comparable to your mechanical light tiger, but in terms of defense and endurance, my pangolin king can throw your mechanical light tiger for several streets!

Qi Zhenshan's words are really not wrong, the pangolin king's defense is really high, born wearing a pair of scale armor, when the tiger claws of the mechanical blazing tiger press the pangolin king rolling at high speed, the sparks splash like fireworks.

And it is not good for Lin Ge to consume it, the pangolin king can completely shrink and keep the ball form to fight.

But...... Lin Ge didn't intend to stare at him here.

Taking advantage of the gap between the extraordinary will of the two sides, Lin Ge suddenly raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said: "Qi Zhenshan, you seem to have forgotten that my mechanical light tiger is a four-series extraordinary! In addition to the mechanical system and the beast system, he also has the light system and the fire system!" When Qi

Zhenshan heard these words, his pupils shrank instantly, and he had a series of attributes! It means that he can learn some skills

! Only to hear Lin Ge already shouting: "Mechanical Flaming Light Tiger! Use flash techniques!"

The light suddenly lit up under the control of the mechanical blazing light tiger

! The light passed through the gap in the pangolin king's armor and shone dazzlingly into the pangolin king's

eyes! "Not good!" Qi

Zhenshan's face changed instantly, because he felt that the pangolin king's eyes were flashed by flash at this moment!

The instinct of the creature, the pangolin king after the blindness involuntarily withdrew from the ball form, shaking his head frantically, wiping his eyes!


Zhenshan also counterattacked, ordering: "Pangolin King! Use the Claw of Digging Power!" The

Pangolin King waved his sharp claws, but the already blind Pangolin King did not know where the target was, and could only attack indiscriminately.

On the contrary, the mechanical blazing light tiger is waiting for the pangolin king's stubborn claws to disappear, like an excellent hunter, waiting for its prey to lose its combat effectiveness.

"It's now! attack!" Lin

Ge seized the opportunity, and a hot flame instantly burned above the tiger claw of the mechanical blazing tiger, and the tiger's claw was red, and it immediately swung its claws out towards the pangolin king!

Hurry into a defensive stance!" Lin

Ge shouted first: "It's late! Mechanical Flaming Light Tiger! Use the beast to fight!" The Mechanical Flaming Light Tiger

instantly pounced, interrupting the pangolin king's spell casting and fighting with him.

As the

king of the forest, the mechanical blazing light tiger's fighting and killing technique naturally needless to say, the pangolin king has no ability to resist at all

! Blood is flying, and the mechanical blazing light tiger has already bitten the pangolin king's throat

! The scene is bloody, and the most common bloody scene of the

beast battle is "It is a super-level beast fight! The battle situation has been decided! How should the Qi Zhenshan players choose?"

Two choices, the first, wait for the pangolin king to be bitten to death by the mechanical blazing light tiger, and Qi Zhenshan uses the second pet beast to continue the battle.

The second, throw in the towel and abstain.

Lin Ge was already with his hands in his pockets, his eyes were faint, and he said, "Make your choice."

Qi Zhenshan clenched his fists, looking at the pangolin king who was locked by the mechanical blazing tiger, and it was already difficult to breathe.

He lost! He lost in the hands of an opponent who was only sixteen levels! I

don't know how many people want to laugh at him in the future!

Qi Zhenshan trembled with anger.

"You only have a minute! The Pangolin King won't last long!"

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