"Time is only one minute left! How should

Qi Zhenshan choose?" Qi Zhenshan gritted his teeth, he could not accept either of the two results.

The pangolin king was already wailing, bitten by the mechanical blazing light tiger, and death was already counting down.

Lin Ge wrinkled his eyebrows and reprimanded: "The Golden Tooth Training Ground will hand over your kind of garbage? Or are the entire people in the Golden Tooth Training Ground as entangled as you when faced with this choice?

In the audience, the people in the Golden Tooth Training Ground were all pale, and Lin Ge was not only scolding Qi Zhenshan.

It can be said that after this battle, their golden teeth are designated to be poked in the spine! People

who can even pet beasts are not qualified to be royal beast masters! Although Lin Ge is very disgusted with people with golden teeth, but if there is no bottom line as a royal beast master, then you Qi Zhenshan is too sad! For

the victory of a game, people who can even pet beasts can abandon, no matter where they are, are rats crossing the street!


Zhenshan finally sat down weakly, and the whole person seemed to have lost his heart.

"I admit defeat. With

the appearance of these three words, Qi Zhenshan can also be regarded as guarding the last bottom line as a Royal Beast Master.

The mechanical blazing light tiger let go of the pangolin king, and Lin Ge looked indifferent.

The Pangolin King quickly ran back to Qi Zhenshan, not caring about his own safety, and actually comforted his imperial beast master first.

Lin Ge spoke up: "You should be glad that you made the right choice, if you choose another path, I don't mind letting all the imperial beast masters in Dongshan City carry out a big reform!" "

Those who have lost the bottom line of the imperial beast master can no longer become the imperial beast master in this life!

To put it bluntly, once Qi Zhenshan chose another result, I was afraid that without waiting for Lin Ge to make a move, everyone in the Golden Tooth would have to go to the Royal Beast Master Association to wait for the training.

At that time, it will not only be as simple as a major reform, but the entire city will be taken over by the big people who have parachuted, and the unit where the offender belongs will also serve! Until it is completely changed

! Because in the history of the Great Xia Dynasty, this kind of thing has indeed happened!

Lin Ge turned away, and the mechanical blazing tiger glanced back at Qi Zhenshan slightly, and the tiger's roar was low.

If it is a little later, as soon as the Pangolin King dies, the mechanical blazing light tiger will definitely pounce on Qi Zhenshan immediately!

The host loudly announced the results of this competition, and also said: "Qi Zhenshan player, the cliff is still saved, this competition only hopes that everyone remembers that this is just a competition! "

In the past, most of the deaths caused by fierce beast battles were the deaths of angry guys.

"This game is a wake-up call for everyone, we are not on the battlefield of war with the Extraordinary Beast Country, this is just a game, a battle, the victory is good, and life is the most important.

"This is the end of today's first half of the competition, the afternoon is the schedule statistics, all the participating beast masters, take a good rest and rest!" The first

round of knockout is already over.

All three arenas have already been rounded, eliminating nearly half of the people.

On the side of the Taihe Beast Training Ground, all five of Lin Ge advanced to the next round of elimination.


Zhenshan took back the pangolin king and withdrew from the battlefield in loneliness.

The people of the Golden Tooth Training Ground were also urgently summoned back and began a stern lecture that lasted for an afternoon.

As for what the content of the admonition is, this is unknown.

Lin Ge also returned to the Dongshan City Royal Beast Master Association with the mechanical light tiger.

Standing at the entrance of the association, Grandmaster Tai and Old Grandmaster saw Lin Ge returning, and said, "It's okay, it didn't make a big mistake. "

The Royal Beast Master and the Extraordinary Beast have made a contract, that is, honor and disgrace are shared, and they are one.

In the human kingdom, it is illegal to maliciously abandon pet beasts, or replace pet beasts.


Ge nodded slightly, also relieved, and said: "Old Grandmaster, this game, am I also pressing a little tightly?"

Tai He Old Master smiled and said: "You don't have to blame yourself, although it's just a game, but you have already seen it as a life-and-death battle, and when you reach the university and want to serve the country in the future, you will know what to do when you fight against the Extraordinary Beast Country." "

The territory of the transcendent beast is constantly expanding, and if it cannot be held, it will be occupied.

Therefore, in this imperial beast Blue Star, there are only strong human realms, and there are no weak ones.

Even if there were, it had already been swallowed up by the Extraordinary Beast Realm.

After all, with the development of the times, it is no longer uncommon for the Royal Beast Master to assist the growth of extraordinary beasts.

The extraordinary beasts also gradually did not reject the contract with the human imperial beast master, especially the royal beast master contract that matched their own imperial beast talent.

Lin Ge was silent, don't look at Tai and Old Grandmaster's words are still far away from him Lin Ge.

In fact, leaving the human city and entering those primeval forests is equivalent to entering the territory of extraordinary beasts.

It's just that it doesn't have the power and irascibility of the Otherworldly Beast Realm.

Lin Ge let out a heavy breath and said, "I'll go and transform the mechanical light tiger, there is still an opponent that has not been solved." Tai

He Old Grandmaster watched Lin Ge leave, just slightly brushing his beard, and his expression was kind.

"The young people of the Lin family are still so good. "

The Department of Mechanics... It's going to be messy again. Tai

and the old grandmaster also turned to leave, and the wise old man could always smell a hint of a hidden crisis.

Even though Tai and Old Grandmaster had not come into contact with the mechanical department before, now after seeing the growth of the mechanical light tiger.

Old Grandmaster Taihe also learned about the birth and development of the mechanical department.

In just over half a year, the mechanical department has developed from scratch to now an extraordinary machine with a race value of fifty in batches.

This is a very fast pace of development.

Lin Ge let him witness a miracle!

Tai He Old Grandmaster smiled leisurely, and couldn't help but mumble: "It seems good that old people come to old age, and they can witness the birth of a new legend." "

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