The battle of the beast is intensifying, the battle situation and process are getting faster and faster, and the opponents of the major college training grounds are being eliminated one after another.

Lin Ge and they sang all the way, and instantly started the Taihe Beast Training Ground.

Jiang Meier pushed all the way in the battle of level forty, relying on the strong strength of the level sixty nine-tailed charm fox, almost no one can resist, and those opponents can't help but tremble their legs when they meet Jiang Meier, and even abstain on the spot, it can be said that Jiang Meier won the championship of the forty-level battlefield without much effort.

Chen Yunqian is similar, the same nine-tailed charm fox, also has the charm skill, and the proficiency is not low, and within the realm of level twenty, only a few pet beasts of the imperial beast master have extraordinary will.

Therefore, Chen Yunqian's record is also singing all the way, straight to the final.

Xiong Tie Er and Chen Yunjing were less lucky, and they met Xu Qian and Su Yun of Golden Teeth in the third round, and the two sides fought inseparably.

Xiong Tie Er even entered the state of talent storming for a while, and the terrifying amplification force made Xu Qian's scalp numb, and finally the two were both out.

Chen Yunjing relied on the strength of the fierce beast dog to fight Su Yun, and the two sides also fought back and forth, and finally won with one and a half moves.

The beast dog stood up first.

Su Yun eliminated, and the people in the Golden Tooth Training Ground were all gloomy.

He could only look at the thirty-level battlefield, the last single seedling, Yu Zeyang.

However, after seeing Lin Ge's terrifying achievements of the mechanical light tiger, they were almost not optimistic.

As a four-series extraordinary, the skill configuration of the mechanical light tiger is too compatible, and the skill groups complement each other, Lin Ge does not even need to command the mechanical light tiger to fight, just relying on his instinctive hunting skills, he can win the battle.

As time passed, Lin Ge finally faced Yu Zeyang in the final battlefield of the thirty-level final.

And this game is undoubtedly the most attractive.

It can even be called the fateful battle between the Golden Tooth Training Ground and the Taihe Training Ground.

Once Lin Ge defeated Yu Zeyang, it represented Taihe's all-round victory and strong rise! On the contrary, Yu Zeyang did the same, defeating Lin Ge and

breaking the dream of a slam in Taihe's beast training ground!

Lin Ge and Yu Zeyang entered one after another, and the two sides faced each other, saber rattling.

The host also said out loud: "Welcome to the last match of the battlefield where the beast fights the thirty level! Lin Ge from the Tai and the beast training ground against Yu Zeyang from the Golden Tooth Beast Training Ground! Both sides are the leaders of the younger generation! The strength is extremely strong, and the skills of the imperial beast are even more amazing

!" "Let's look forward to their wonderful showdown!" Within

the battlefield, Lin Ge was already the first to release the mechanical blazing light tiger.

Compared with before, the mechanical light tiger has grown a lot, its size is larger again, and its strength is stronger.

Yu Zeyang didn't say a word, and also waved his hand to summon his pet beast!

[Intermediate Extraordinary Beast: Titan Python] [Attribute: Fierce Beast System, Water System

] [Race Level: Level 60 (Limit)] [Growth Level: Level 37

] [Extraordinary Skill: Didi Di! (Detecting——)]

[Extraordinary Index: 2.5 million].

This numerical panel is comparable to Lin Ge's mechanical light tiger! The combat effectiveness of the two sides is almost equal

!" "This must be a duel of kings!" Lin

Ge's mind appeared information about the titan python, looking at Yu Zeyang's titan python, obviously very well cultivated.

"Roar!" the

mechanical light tiger roared abruptly.


the Titan Python was also not to be outdone, hissing and repliing, the front half of his body raised, the same imposing.

Yu Zeyang took the lead in launching the attack and commanded:

"Titan Python! Use the water tide!" The extraordinary power of the water system appeared, and a circle of turquoise water tides instantly appeared around the Titan Python

! "There is a fire system in the secondary attribute of your mechanical blazing light tiger! My titan python is just restrained!"


What about the four series of mechanical light tigers, what's the harm in being restrained by you?

And these days, Lin Geke has still upgraded the version of the mechanical light tiger.

Now it's Mechanical Flaming Tiger 3.0

!"Mechanical Flaming Tiger! Use mechanical analysis!" After the transformation, the Mechanical Flaming Tiger also has some mechanical skills, and Lin Ge also equipped it with some mechanical weapons

! "Use the shoulder cannon!"

On the shoulder of the mechanical Flaming Tiger

, a small cannonball flew out instantly, instantly heading towards the Titan Python!

Yu Zeyang's face froze, it was no secret that Lin Ge would upgrade the Mechanical Light Tiger every time after the battle.

"Titan Python! Use the tail sweep!" The

tail of the Titan Python suddenly swept out, directly bursting those shells in the air.

Yu Zeyang took the opportunity to continue: "Titan Python! With the help of those explosive smoke! Use Wandering! Approach the mechanical light tiger!" His

Titan Python also has the same super level skills corresponding to the configuration, not only that, but the Titan Python will have higher combat effectiveness in close combat

! Once entangled by his Titan Python, this battle can be regarded as a winner and a loser!

But how can this small means evade the scanning of the mechanical Flaming Tiger?

Lin Ge ordered: "Mechanical Flaming Tiger! Use the power of the Beast King! and then use the roar of the tiger!" This

set of combined techniques can increase a lot of combat effectiveness and momentum

! Yu Zeyang was also not to be outdone, and commanded: "Titan Python! Use the power of Titan!

"It's amazing! The two contestants are really powerful! Whether it's the skill configuration of the pet beast! or the means of the imperial beast, it's simply pure fire! Who on both sides can have the last laugh?"

"Next is the advertising time, the wonderful will come back soon..."

The scene was immediately booed.

Lin Ge's eyes also became solemn, this Yu Zeyang is not conspicuous, and it is really a hard bone to fight.

"Gotta find a way for him to expose the weakness of the Titan Python. "

The universal weakness of snakes, seven inches and a soft belly.

But obviously Yu Zeyang protects both of these points well, and with the size of a titan python, it is almost impossible to hit its seven inches.

That being the case, then there is only one goal left.

Lin Ge's mind instantly analyzed.

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