Seeing Lin Ge's pensive brows, Yu Zeyang sneered: "Give up, I can't give you the opportunity to hit my weakness!" For

the weakness of the Titan Python, Yu Zeyang also had a way to deal with it.

As long as it is not revealed, Lin Ge's mechanical light tiger, there is no way to take him

! Moreover, the Titan Python does not rely on vision, and the flash technique of the mechanical Flame Light Tiger is useless

! Yu Zeyang will not make the same mistakes as Qi Zhenshan! As long as it continues to be consumed, he Yu Zeyang can find an opportunity to launch the Titan strangle! The Titan

Python can directly strangle Lin Ge's mechanical Flaming Tiger to death, so that he also makes the same choice as Qi Zhenshan

! !

So Yu Zeyang is very calm, just like his pet beast, it is a dormant

snake! The mechanical light tiger looked around, the titan python had occupied the center of the battlefield, the snake believed in it, and held the information of the mechanical light tiger!

"Mechanical Flaming

Light Tiger! Use Tiger Pounce!" Receiving Lin Ge's order, the Mechanical Flaming Light Tiger had already been impatient, and instantly pounced on

the Titan Python! "Find death!" Yu

Zeyang said coldly: "

Titan Python! Give me top! Use the collision!" The Titan Python also twisted its huge body, the speed was not slow, and the huge body collided with the mechanical Flaming Tiger with brute force

! Bang!

The two sides collide, making a violent sound, scales and metal collide, and there are also sparks splashing

! "Mechanical light tiger

! Use hunting!" "Titan python! Use hunting!" As

a beast system, the skill of 'hunting' can be described as a signature skill.


power of the Beast King and the power of the Titan were also activated again, and the two fought fiercely.

The audience watched hotly and their blood boiled.

The people at the Golden Tooth Training Ground were even more cheering, were they finally going to win the Taihe Game?

Over time, the mechanical blazing tiger began to exhibit feline irritability.

On the contrary, the Titan Python has always been calm and calm, and the characteristics of cold-blooded animals make the Titan Python extremely durable

! Lin Ge ignored it and continued to command: "Mechanical Flaming Light Tiger! Use the beast to fight!" This skill was launched, and the Mechanical Flaming Light Tiger instantly fought with the Titan Python!

Yu Zeyang's heart was excited, and he grinned: "Finally wait for you to launch this skill!"

The beast of the mechanical light tiger will pounce on the opponent, and the two sides will fight together.

And Yu Zeyang's Titan Python is waiting for this moment

! "Titan Python! Use Titan Strangle!" The

body of the Titan Python instantly wrapped around the body of the mechanical blazing tiger, even if the latter is a mechanical body, it also makes a clicking metal deformation sound under the terrifying strangling strength of the Titan Python.

After a while, the mechanical blazing light tiger was already strangled by the titan python! Yu Zeyang immediately spoke up: "Lin Ge! You lost!" Even

the host referee couldn't help but say out loud: "Titan strangle! This is the famous skill of the Titan Python! The mechanical blazing light tiger has been completely strangled!

The corner of Yu Zeyang's mouth sneered, and he said to Lin Ge: "Lin Ge, you also only have one minute!"

This scene is so familiar!

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and said, "One minute?

Yu Zeyang didn't know why, and wrinkled his eyebrows: "Lin Ge, my titan python has the ability to kill your mechanical bold light tiger!

Your pet beast is going to die!" Lin Ge smiled indifferently and said, "I'm sorry, it's your pet beast that is going to die." At

this moment, Yu Zeyang suddenly looked at the strangled

mechanical light tiger! "What's going on? What's going on? What a terrifying power fluctuation! It's a mechanical light tiger! He is still fighting!" Lin

Ge was already shouting heavily: "Mechanical Flaming Light Tiger! Use a super electromagnetic cannon!" Yes

! As early as in the improvement again and again, Lin Ge has given the mechanical light tiger this skill!

Yu Zeyang was shocked, and quickly ordered: " Titan Python, run away from him!"

But it was late

! The super electromagnetic cannon erupted, and the terrifying aftermath of the explosion instantly echoed throughout the competition venue!

When the dust cleared, everyone gasped.

I saw that both sides had already fallen to the ground.

Attacking at such a close range, the mechanical light tiger was also eaten back.

On the battlefield, blood is dripping, and you don't need to look at it to know that it is a titan python.

The Titan Python was covered with scales, flesh and blood, and its huge body fell to the ground.

The same is true of the mechanical blazing tiger, part of the metal has been deformed, and part of the body has been blown up.

However, it looks much better than the Titan Python.

Lin Ge's eyes were indifferent, and said: "Do you think I launched a fierce beast fight for nothing to create opportunities for you?" "

Mechanical Flaming Light Tiger, stand up!" The Mechanical Flaming Light

Tiger woke up again, shaking his head, although his body was broken, but he still had the power to fight!

On the other hand, Yu Zeyang's heart was like death, the titan python was seriously injured, although it did not cause death, but this battle was over.

"The titan python lost its combat effectiveness! Yu Zeyang lost regretfully!" "

Let's congratulate the Lin Ge player!

The salute sounded, which means that the victory and defeat have been divided

! Taihe Beast Training Ground has won an unprecedented Grand Slam!

Jiang Meier has won the championship of level 40, and Lin Ge has won the championship of level 30.

The remaining twenty-level battlefield is Chen Yunqian and Chen Yunjing's sisters and brothers fighting a civil war.

So the result is already obvious!

"Let's congratulate Taihe Beast Training Ground!" The

victory was decided, and the award ceremony was naturally attended by Chairman Zheng Quan himself.

At the same time, the Taihe Beast Training Ground has also returned to everyone's vision.

"With the help of this Taihe Beast Training Ground to win the championship, the president of this association has one more thing to announce

!" "That is, from today onwards, the mountain head owned by the Taihe Beast Training Ground will remain unchanged, and will be under the management of the Royal Beast Master Association, and serve as a model point for the birth of mechanical beasts!"

When this news came out, the people at the Golden Tooth Training Ground were also hopeless.

Not only that, in this beast battle, the Golden Tooth Training Ground lost face.

In particular, the two matches between Qiu Zhi and Qi Zhenshan had the greatest impact.

Even after the fact, it is necessary to teach investigation and review, it can be said that the Golden Tooth training has come to an end.

As for the Taihe Beast Training Ground, Taihe Old Grandmaster had no intention of accepting apprentices and managing it, and the Taihe Beast Training Ground naturally remained in a semi-closed state.

In the future, no one will dare to disturb Baimao Mountain.

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