The battle of the beasts is over.

Taihe Beast Training Ground successfully won the championship, and the Golden Tooth Training Ground was also reprimanded by the Royal Beast Master Association.

Lin Ge's trip to Dongshan City was a perfect end.

The goal when he came has also been completed, and the pet beasts of Chen Yunqian and Chen Yunjing have completed their evolution.

Lin Ge's Xiaojin also grew, and by the way, he completed a task and got it, transforming Tinder.

Therefore, they did not stay long in Dongshan City, and Lin Ge and they were already planning to set off.

Zheng Quan accompanied him and said, "Welcome the president of the mechanical department to come to Dongshan again when he is free." "

Thanks to Lin Ge's help, now the beast machinery in Dongshan City has developed wildly and is far ahead.

Lin Ge nodded and replied, "Yes, when the time comes, you will have to harass Chairman Zheng."

Zheng Quan smiled leisurely: "Good to say, good to say." Tai

He Old Grandmaster was also there, and said to Lin Ge: "Tai He Beast Training Ground welcomes you at any time, and Baimao Mountain will always be your home."

Xiong Tie Er said: "Remember to contact me when the time comes."


Everyone said goodbye, even the nine-tailed fox.

Chen Yunjing was also invited: "Xiong Tieer, we also welcome you to come to Nandu as a guest and come to play with us."

Xiong Tie nodded heavily.

Zheng Quan and Tai and Old Grandmaster all waved their hands and said goodbye to Lin Ge and them.

Lin Ge and the four of them got into the car for the return trip and prepared to return.

Only this time, Lin Ge had to transfer to the Divine Frame alone.

Jiang Meier would not miss the opportunity to be alone with Lin Ge, and instantly said in a loud voice: "Senior Brother Lin, are you going to the divine frame? Bring me! Take me!" Lin Ge

shook his head and said: "No, the professor has instructed that people who have not been invited cannot go to the divine frame, even me, can only go alone." "

The Divine Frame is the gathering place of extraordinary beasts in Daxia, a huge primeval forest, mysterious and dangerous.

Jiang Meier pouted and said, "Oh, it's okay, you can take me with you." "

With Jiang Meier's own loli appearance, it is really unacceptable.

However, Lin Ge didn't eat this set, and said sternly: "No!" Jiang

Meier could only turn her head.

Lin Ge checked his schedule, this single trip, except that Professor Lin could give him a little information, there was nothing else.

Chen Yunjing spoke up: "Lin Ge, I heard that the Divine Frame is a place that cannot be covered by the few signals in the Great Xia Dynasty, so don't be able to contact you at that time."

Lin Ge replied, "I made a portable signal booster, so I shouldn't have to worry about Zhang a little."

Lin Ge began to contact Professor Lin.

"Professor, I've already boarded the car to the Divine Shelcoming.

Professor Lin quickly replied, "Well, well, I wish you all the best."

Lin Ge asked, "Professor, don't you have anything to tell me?" Professor Lin

thought of something, and hurriedly replied: "Oh oh oh, I almost forgot, my old friend's name is Liu Yuan, after you arrive at the divine frame, you must remember to find him first, as long as you say that it is my disciple, he will accept you." "

Liu Yuan?

Lin Ge silently recited it several times in his heart, and then said: "Professor, let me run a trip to the divine frame, what you said, the extraordinary fruits I picked in it are all mine."

Professor Lin snorted and replied, "Yes, it's all yours, but Lin Ge, you have to remember that you must first find Liu Feng in the divine frame, and first obtain his consent and approval, don't be attracted by something and run away as soon as you enter, the divine frame is very dangerous."

Lin Ge said: "So dangerous, you still let me go?" Professor Lin

replied: "So didn't I let you go to Liu Feng first, with his permission, you will have no problem in the Divine Frame activity."

Lin Ge still wondered in his heart, who was this Liu Feng who could move freely in the divine frame with his permission?

Lin Ge looked at Chen Yunjing and said, "Yunjing, I remember that Liu Meng's legend also came out of the divine frame, right?" Chen

Yun nodded and replied: "Well, the legend of Liu Meng is indeed from the divine frame, and there has been no news of him for a long time, and the live broadcast room has been closed for a long time."

Liu Meng carried the stone out of the divine frame, all the way to the south on foot, it was a hot spot at that time, but I don't know why, then Liu Meng suddenly didn't carry it, the purple-black boulder was still halfway down, and there were still many challengers with an extremely heavy weight until now.

Lin Ge thought for a while, so Liu Meng Legend also returned to the divine frame? For a while, Lin Ge

smelled an uneasy smell.

"Professor, what will happen if I enter the Divine Shelf and I can't find Liu Yuan?" Professor

Lin pointed out: "Don't worry, there is only one way to enter the Divine Shelcoming, remember, after crossing that road, you will reach a valley, you will just wait there, if no one comes to pick you up during this period, you will exit after three days and return to the southern capital." Hearing

Professor Lin's words, Lin Ge felt strange how he thought.

After a few more simple conversations, Lin Ge hung up the phone.

Just stopped, Lin Ge thought about it and dialed another number, which was Liu Meng's legend.

Toot - Toot -

It's a pity that after a beep, the number has not been able to get through.

"Is it that the divine frame has no contact signal?"

In the end, Lin Ge could only stop it.

Chen Yunjing slumped in his position with his hands behind his back, and said: "Senior Lin, I heard that there is a grass and wood supreme in the divine frame, he can bear all kinds of mysterious fruits, if you can see it, take a few photos and see."

Jiang Meier interjected again: "I know! I know! it is a king of grass and trees, his canopy bears three thousand fruits with different attributes, if you can get a suitable fruit, not only can you break through the strength of the pet beast, but you can also unconditionally increase the level of the ten-level imperial beast!" Lin

Ge was slightly shocked: "So powerful?"

Chen Yunqian added: " It's a pity that this is the Grass and Wood Supreme has not been traced for twenty years, and even if the Great Xia Fang wants to communicate with it, he can't contact it.

Jiang Meier nodded: "Yes, it is rumored that he can command all the plants and trees in the divine frame to be used by him, and his strength is very terrifying."

Lin Ge's heart suddenly became curious about this Grass and Wood Supreme.

Jiang Meier took advantage of the situation and said, "So Junior Brother Lin take me, take me, please."

Lin Ge still shook his head and said, "You better go back to Nandu to accept the car that is about to be delivered."

Jiang Meier said: "Sister Yunqian helped sign for it, no problem, I also seem to go to the divine frame."

Chen Yunqian twisted Jiang Mei'er back with one hand: "Don't make trouble, just your head melon seeds, Lin Ge can see through what is inside at a glance, Anequinox." "

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