Lin Ge transferred halfway, said goodbye to Chen Yunjing and the three of them, and hitchhiked to the divine frame alone.

Jiang Meier could only wave her hand reluctantly.

Chen Yunjing said: "Okay, I have already booked a ticket to return to the southern capital.

Jiang Meier immediately cast a vicious gaze and said with a smile: "Brother Yunjing, how about we have a barbecue by the river tonight?"

In the end, it could only be Chen Yunqian who came out to play the round and said: "Lin Ge doesn't want you to go, don't you want to go, why are you still so dead-faced."

Jiang Meier leaned on Chen Yunqian's arm and said, "I just want to go, I'm so big, I haven't been to the divine frame yet." Chen

Yunjing felt bad.

Fortunately, Jiang Meier could still listen to what Chen Yunqian said, and said: "Let's go back to the southern capital first, and then you will consider whether to go or not."

Jiang Meier's chicken pecked at the rice and nodded repeatedly.


Lin Ge got out of the car, followed the guidance of the map, and went all the way to the divine frame.

Leaving the human cities, suburbs, and villages, the scenery along the way became more and more lush.

After transferring to various means of transportation several times, Lin Ge finally arrived in the Shenjia area.

In front of you is already the periphery of an ancient primeval forest, with rugged mountains and dense forests, and from time to time you encounter extraordinary beasts.

Lin Ge took a deep breath, this was the first step into the divine frame.

In the peripheral areas, there are still few and few visible transcendent beasts, and they are also very weak.

A mountain path almost covered in weeds with signs warning on the side of the road.

Lin Ge looked at this almost corroded brand, and he could already imagine how inaccessible this divine frame was.

Continuing along this mountain path, Lin Ge's mood slowly rose.

The quiet forest is full of insects and birds, accompanied by a few animal roars from time to time.

Lin Ge took out his mobile phone, it was already an accident that the signal had weakened, and he was afraid that if he went deeper for a distance, he would completely lose the signal.

"Isn't the signal booster useless?" Lin

Ge slowed down, took out the signal booster and tested it, but unfortunately, this god frame seemed to have some kind of magnetic field interference, and the signal booster was useless.

"Come out! Mechanical Light Tiger. Lin

Ge released the mechanical light tiger, but fortunately, the mechanical light tiger was not affected.

Feeling the strange environment, the mechanical light tiger was also a little nervous and scared.

Lin Ge took this scene into his eyes, the mechanical blazing light tiger felt the breath of a powerful extraordinary beast!

Fortunately, nothing happened, and after traveling a distance, Lin Ge turned over a mountain, and this mountain path suddenly became open, but it was gravel and rugged, and it was not easy to walk.

Lin Ge looked around, and finally saw a valley described by Professor Lin from a distance.

Without delay, Lin Ge rode on the mechanical light tiger and quickly headed towards the valley.

As far as the eye can see, at the entrance of the valley is a gravel and gravel field, and a few dead yellow weeds grow irregularly.

The valley is so high that only one canyon can be accessed, crooked, obscuring the view inside.

According to Professor Lin, you have to wait here, and if there is no one after three days, you have to leave.

Lin Ge was not in a hurry, so he found a place at the entrance of the canyon, and simply cleaned up, and then started a fire.

After walking all morning, the Temple of the Five Organs was already empty.

Because there is a royal beast space ring, it is very convenient to store items, Lin Ge does not worry about the survival of these three days, and if Lin Ge wants to, he can live a very moist life.

The mechanical Flaming Light Tiger guarded Lin Ge's side and took on the role of protection.

Lin Ge also probed Xiaojin during the period, and found that Guy Zhang was still sleeping, and there was no sign of waking up, but his breath had calmed down, and it was estimated that it would not take long.

Eating simple canned food, Lin Ge's eyes glanced at the Grand Canyon.

It is about 100 meters high and more than 10 meters wide, showing an 'S' shaped route, and when you look inside, about 50 meters inside, you are obstructed by a curve.

I don't know why, looking at this canyon, Lin Ge had an indescribable feeling.

Unconsciously, Lin Ge actually tilted his head, twisted his body, and looked at the canyon with a puzzled expression.

The first day was safe and sound, and Lin Ge passed safely.

The next day, Lin Ge felt a little bored, and after walking around in front of this canyon for a morning, he couldn't get bored, and finally helplessly provoked some extraordinary beasts.

But strangely, those extraordinary beasts showed a look of fear when they approached this canyon.

Even if it is comparable to the mechanical blazing light tiger, as soon as it sees this canyon, it will immediately break away and run away.

This made Lin Ge puzzled.

Even if the head iron went to provoke a fifty-level extraordinary beast.

However, neither Lin Ge nor the mechanical Flame Tiger sensed that anything was wrong.

The next day passed with doubts.

Until the third day, Lin Ge packed up the camp where he was staying, and just when he felt hopeless, the mechanical light tiger suddenly roared in a low voice.

Lin Ge turned his head and saw a golden monkey with golden hair and a strong physique walking out of the canyon.

This golden monkey is very huge, even if it lands on all fours, it is still about one meter and seven meters tall, if you stand up, I am afraid that it is more than two meters, and its body is also extremely strong.

Lin Ge looked at this mysterious visitor and forgot to probe him for a while.

The golden monkey was unceremonious, looked at Lin Ge, and then looked at the mechanical light tiger, and saw the mechanical extraordinary for the first time with a slight surprise.

The golden monkey beckoned to Lin Ge and motioned to follow him.

Lin Ge was a little puzzled and did not step out at the first time.

This golden monkey is obviously an extraordinary beast, and judging from this size, the strength is definitely not low.

The golden monkey beckoned again, signaling Lin Ge to follow him and enter together.

Lin Ge wrinkled his eyebrows, and after thinking about it, he still followed, and the mechanical light tiger followed closely and quickly followed.

[Advanced Extraordinary Beast: Golden Snub-nosed Monkey

King] [Attributes: Fierce Beast, Martial Fighting System

] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 70

] [Growth Level: Level 65

] [Extraordinary Skill: Didi Didi (Detective-)

] [Extraordinary Index: 25.6 million]

Lin Ge took a deep breath and asked, "This Golden Monkey King, do you know a person named Liu Yuan?"

The Golden Snub-nosed Monkey King looked back at Lin Ge, seemingly looking.

Lin Ge continued: "I am Professor Lin's disciple, my name is Lin Ge, and I came here specifically to find Senior Liu Feng this time. "

According to Professor Lin's meaning, this Liu Feng has something to find Professor Lin, but Professor Lin is not available, so he asked Lin Ge to come.

The Golden Snub-nosed Monkey King suddenly howled, then increased his speed and immediately ran out.

Lin Ge quickly mounted the mechanical blazing light tiger, "Quick


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