Divine Frame, Divine Man Mountain.

A luxuriant, lush fruit tree bears a golden fruit.

The fruit is crystal clear, and there is a dragon symbol inside!

And around here, there are human beast masters, extraordinary beasts, and pet beasts.

There is even an acquaintance here, the legendary Liu Meng of the Royal Beast!

And at this moment, Liu Meng is guarding in front of this fruit tree, his face is fierce and angry.

"Seven Islands Royal Beast Master! Targari family!" There is no doubt that Liu Meng's enemies are all outsiders, including the Seven Islands Dark Royal Beast Master, and the Western Targari Family Dragon Royal Beast Master

! And now the target of these people is naturally the dragon fruit behind Liu Meng!

Seven Islands' Imperial Beast Master Shindai Senkaku is a samurai with clogs on his feet, a samurai ghost demon knife, and a dark god by his side.

The Targari family is a beast master who made a contract with the dragon, Lors Auan Targaret.

Lorce said to Shendai Thousand Dao: "Your Excellency Thousand Dao, how about you and I join forces?"

Only when the Divine Dragon Fruit was ripe did they appear, not only that, but many extraordinary beasts in the Divine Frame were involved.

There were a lot of dead and wounded around, and there was even a small team of Daxia patrolling nearby.

Liu Meng made a blatant move, and the combined talent made Liu Meng incarnate into a humanoid ferocious beast, and his physical body was extremely powerful.

Liu Meng fought one against two, and did not fall behind at all!

It's just that Liu Meng was angry, fighting, and shouted angrily: "Where did you die old thing?"

Shendai Thousand Swords sneered: "I Seven Islands paid a big price to let him enter a crazy state again, you can't wake up!" Liu

Meng angrily looked at Shendai Thousand Swords, and scolded: "A dog thing with a thousand knives! Lao Tzu is going to tear you alive!" The

battle is still breaking out, but Liu Meng alone is unable to support him, he not only has to block the Shendai Thousand Swords of the Seven Islands, but also stops Rolls.

The pet beasts have also been released to deal with those extraordinary beasts.

At this moment, two figures appeared here in great disharmony.

"Come and come! See? See? It's that fruit, quick! Hurry up and pick it!" Liu

Meng was suddenly shocked: "

Lin Ge?" Lin Ge was also surprised, but he didn't expect that there was still a big battle in this divine frame.

Lin Ge not only asked: "Senior Liu Meng, what's going on?" Liu Meng

said extremely unpleasantly: "What else can happen, you quickly slap that old thing twice!

The raw pulling all the way made De Lin Ge's arm also appear one after another handprints.

Seeing that Lin Ge was indifferent, Liu Feng said in a deep voice again: "You go and pick it!

Liu Meng cursed: "Old thing, are you really crazy or fake crazy?!" Liu Feng was immediately attracted by Liu Meng's words, and said: "Who are you?


Shendai Thousand Dao saw Lin Ge approaching the Divine Dragon Fruit, and immediately scolded angrily, and immediately slashed at him.

The Golden Snub-nosed Monkey King instantly sneaked out and forced the god generation to turn the sword radiance.

Liu Feng ignored it, still pulled Lin Ge and signaled Lin Ge to pick the Divine Dragon Fruit.

Looking at the golden dragon fruit, Lin Ge couldn't help but swallow his throat dryly.

Liu Meng spoke up: "Lin Ge! Don't take it off! Don't take it off! That old thing is crazy now, he is emotionally unstable, and after you take it off, he will turn his face and not recognize people!" Lin Ge didn't

want to take it off, but he could now feel Liu Yuan's imminent anger.

Aren't you a dragon royal beast master! Lin

Ge only felt that his arm was gripped by Liu Feng and his blood was not smooth.

Liu violently forced back Shendai Thousand Dao and Lors, and immediately turned back and knocked off Liu Yuan's hand holding Lin Ge.

Liu Meng shook Liu Feng again, and shouted loudly: "Old thing, wake up quickly

!" Liu Meng still looked not very smart, pointed at Liu Meng and said: "What kind

of person are you?" "Fuck you!"

Liu Meng could only stomp his foot in anger, and could only put down Liu Feng to deal with the two outsiders.

Liu Feng tempted Lin Ge again and said: "Do you see it? Do you see it? That's the Divine Dragon Fruit! Ninety-level extraordinary fruit! Aren't you a dragon imperial beast master! Take it off and it's yours! Lin Ge's

scalp was numb, and he said: "Or, Senior Liu Yuan, you take it off for me?" Liu

Feng shook his head sharply: "No, no, no! I don't pick it, I don't pick it."

Lin Ge said, "I don't dare to take it off."

Liu Yuan's face suddenly became angry: "Pick! Aren't you a dragon royal beast master! Quickly pick! Hear no!!" Liu

Feng instantly became furious, his momentum was extremely angry, and a terrifying sense of oppression instantly filled him.

"Ninety-level Royal Beast Legend?!"

Lin Ge was shocked, turned his head to look at Liu Meng, and asked, "Senior Liu Meng, what should I do now?

Liu Meng couldn't do anything anymore, he could only say: "Lin Ge! listen to me! Run immediately after plucking! Hear no! I'll break it for you

!" Lin Ge had a little heart palpitations and said: "Then I took it off?" Liu

Meng gritted his teeth and said: "Pick it!"

Lin Ge immediately slowly stretched out his hand, and Liu Yuan's gaze became shrewd at this moment.

The handle of the fruit was torn off, and the extraordinary fruit that was as high as ninety levels immediately fell into the Lin singer.

At this moment, the aura of the entire divine frame seemed to change.

"Lin Ge, run!" Liu

Meng blatantly spoke, Lin Ge did not turn his head, and ran away.

No matter which direction, run first

! In the distant valley, the earth cracked, the mountains and rocks collapsed, a bone dragon woke up, white bones shining, evil qi!

Liu Feng also held his head and trembled at this moment, and suddenly shouted: "Ahhhh!!!h

"Your Excellency Thousand Dao, didn't you say that he couldn't wake up

?" Shendai Thousand

Dao also said: "Is it that he can't wake up, isn't that guy already crazy and didn't you see it?"

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