Divine frame.

I only heard the sound of dragon groans, rumbling continuously, and countless extraordinary beasts ran for their lives.

Lin Singer took the Divine Dragon Fruit and fled with some extraordinary beasts.

Behind him, terrifying dragon qi and evil qi raged wildly, accompanied by a roar of anger.

Lin Ge couldn't help but glance back, only to see that the strange man Liu Feng was standing on top of the bone dragon, holding his head and shouting, his voice crazy and crazy.

That bone dragon was wreaking havoc within the divine frame, and countless extraordinary beasts were suffering.

Liu Meng is dealing with the Shindai Sendao of the Seven Islands and the Rolls of the Western Targari family.

However, it is clear that the target of Shendai Thousand Dao and Rolls is no longer on Liu Meng's body, but towards Lin Ge.

"Hand over that Divine Dragon Fruit!" "

The speed of the Divine Generation Thousand Swords is the fastest, and the Dark Beast Master has a great advantage in this regard.

Lin Ge's expression was solemn, it was impossible to hand it over, this was a ninety-level extraordinary fruit!"

Mechanical Flaming Light Tiger! Come out!" The

speed of two legs was naturally unable to run four legs, so Lin Ge did not hesitate and released the mechanical Flaming Light Tiger.

As soon as he jumped up, Lin Ge rode the mechanical blazing light tiger and quickly tossed and turned in this forest.

With the cover of a large group of extraordinary beasts along the way, the Thousand Swords of the God Generation could not lock Lin Ge for a while.

Behind him, Liu Meng was already furious, and the God Generation Thousand Swords had no choice but to turn to Liu Meng.

And Rolls was not so lucky.

He is a member of the Western Targaret family, and the Targaret family is a well-known dragon family!

Under this circumstance, Lors naturally entered Liu Yuan's field of vision

! "Dragon! Dragon! Dragon Royal Beast Master!!"

Liu Feng has gone crazy, and the madness is not light, and he has been eroded by the dark god once before, and his sanity is even more difficult to be sober.

"Roar!" the

bone dragon roared, and immediately his body spiraled and hovered, heading towards Rolls

! "Can't grow! Why can't it grow?!ahh!!h

Lors couldn't care so much at the moment, and immediately summoned a white dragon and stood on the dragon.

Lors said, "Gulge, run away!" The

white dragon naturally felt threatened and fled immediately.

But Liu Feng didn't give this opportunity, he was still crazy.

"Answer me! You answer me?!Why can't it grow?!" The

bone dragon immediately exuded a heaven-destroying aura, and suddenly bit the western dragon!

Lorse's eyes widened, and he knew that the time of death had come.

The bone dragon tore the western dragon apart and ate it in three or two strokes, and a large piece of flesh and blood fell from the white bone.

Lois snorted, spat out a mouthful of blood, and his breath fell to a trough.

After eating the white dragon, the bone dragon still didn't get what he wanted, and killed Rolls with another tail.

Above the head of the bone dragon, Liu Feng was already scratching his ears and cheeks in a hurry, tearing his messy hair violently, even if the blood was dripping, he didn't care at all.

"Why didn't it work? He didn't work, woo-woo.

Suddenly, Liu Feng raised his gaze, his eyes froze, and looked at Lin Ge who was fleeing over there

! "You are also a dragon royal beast master! You tell me! You tell me!!" The

bone dragon roared, this time towards

Lin Ge! Liu Meng exclaimed: "Not good!" If

Lin Ge died here, it would be a big trouble.

Shendai Thousand Swords picked up a life, covering the chest that was collapsed by Liu Meng's punch, still having palpitations.

I want to get out of here!"


Lin Ge is riding a mechanical blazing light tiger and is fleeing between the forests, although he does not know where to escape, but it is inevitable to stay away from the battlefield.

Just for a moment, Lin Ge's heart was hairy, and his scalp was numb.

Looking back, Lin Ge was shocked in his heart, only to see that Liu Feng was already riding the bone dragon to catch up

! Liu Meng reminded: "Lin Ge! Run to the sacred mountain! There is a tree ancestor above the sacred mountain! Let the tree ancestor shelter you!" After getting Liu Meng's

words, Lin Ge immediately turned around and saw a big mountain in the distance, the top of the mountain was snowy and full of mystery.

"Mechanical Flaming Light Tiger! Quick!" The Mechanical Flaming

Light Tiger is already the fastest speed, being chased by the bone dragon, he is not stupid.

Behind Lin Ge, Liu Meng had already made a move to block it.

"Old thing! haven't you seen it yet, Long Bo is already dead! He has been transformed into a dark bone dragon! You still want him to come back to life! This is impossible

!" Liu Feng was already spitting and retorted: "You are talking nonsense! He is not dead! I learned the art of raising dragons from ancient books! He will definitely be able to survive!" Liu

Meng summoned his own mountain-moving ancient ape, and merged with other pet beasts to join forces to resist Liu Feng and the bone dragon!

The ancient ape that moved the mountain even used a multiplication, showing a tall body like a mountain, and slammed into the bone dragon fiercely.

The bone dragon was not afraid at all, and also swayed its body to meet it

! Bang!

The ancient ape that moved the mountain instantly flew out upside down, and was hit by the bone dragon.

Liu Yuanxin was not here, but stared at Lin Ge deadly.

The art of raising dragons will not lie to me!" Liu

Meng dragged the tail of the bone dragon hard, and his feet cut two ditches in the ground.

"Old thing! You should wake up! The Dragon Sutra is long gone! Your dragon raising technique is already incomplete! The dragon uncle is also dead! Are you still trapped in it

!" Liu Feng turned around and shouted: "You shut up! I have already memorized the Dragon Sutra backwards! Even if there is no Dragon Sutra, my means of raising dragons are still there! It will be resurrected! Flesh and blood will grow!" Liu

Feng looked at the dragon fruit among the Lin singers, and immediately said out loud: "By the way! That fruit was originally condensed from the essence of flesh and blood! As long as you eat it, the flesh and blood will definitely grow!"

Liu Feng was crazy, and his face was extremely angry: "Lin Ge! Quick! Quick, give me that fruit! Give it to me!" The

speed of the bone dragon suddenly increased

! Liu Meng gritted his teeth, and instantly merged with the ancient ape moving the mountain, and his body suddenly doubled!

Liu Meng jumped up and landed on the body of the bone dragon like a giant, and the sudden force instantly made the bone dragon fall to the ground.

"Wake up! wake up! wake up!" Liu

punched his fist to the flesh and smashed it on Liu Yuan's body, but unfortunately it had no effect.

"Dragon Flame!" The


of the bone dragon suddenly burst out a burst of white dragon flame, the fire

was shining, like a ghost! ——!Boom

! The bone dragon slammed Liu into the air with its tail, and immediately went towards Lin Ge again!

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