Three days passed in a flash.

Nandu Royal Beast Master Association.

In front of the Royal Beast Master Association, there is a place called Royal Beast Square, and a huge stone statue nine meters high is erected on the square.

The statue is the appearance of a middle-aged man, the man's eyes are resolute, looking straight ahead, as if there is a tendency to be a husband and a man.

It is rumored that the original owner of this statue is a god-level imperial beast master with a level of ninety-nine, and it is he who turned the tide and helped Daxia lay the foundation for the founding of the country, and he is also the first president of the Royal Beast Master Association!

And today, there are many young faces gathered in the Royal Beast Master Square, these are all young arrogants below the tenth level!

Under the shade of a tree in the Royal Beast Square, there are already two men, one woman and three figures waiting here.

Chen Yunqian and Chen Yunjing are two siblings, and there is a mother-fetus single old driver named Liubai, Jiang Meier.

Chen Yunqian said a little helplessly: "Xiao Mei, you won't really invite Lin Ge's junior, right?" Jiang Meier

nodded and said, "That's for sure, otherwise how boring I would be driving alone, and you wouldn't step on the accelerator."

Chen Yunjing hurriedly coughed a few times, in fact, Jiang Mei'er invited Lin Ge over, Chen Yunjing agreed in his heart, after all, there are not many people who can cure Jiang Meier, at least he Chen Yunjing can't.

Chen Yunqian didn't say much after she knew it, as she meant Jiang Meier, this girl was not much interested, only two, driving and finding a girlfriend.

Jiang Meier's persistence in these two things could not even be corrected by her parents.

Chen Yunqian could only say: "Whatever you want, anyway, after your driving skills surpass that Lin Ge, you should not be interested."

Jiang Meier grinned, gave a thumbs up to Chen Yunqian, then rubbed over and said softly: "Sister Yunqian, you still understand me."

Chen Yunqian gave her a blank look, and then pushed her away a little.

Chen Yunjing is sitting on pins and needles, this is not that and not, it can only be an embarrassing clasped hand.

Jiang Meier saw Chen Yunjing's embarrassment, changed her voice, and asked, "Brother Yunjing's beast hunting dog has also reached level seven, right?"

Chen Yunjian nodded: "Well, I just arrived two days ago, and I myself have now reached level six, and I expect to get the junior beast master badge before the end of the third year of high school."

Jiang Mei'er leaned over without hesitation and rubbed it: "Wow~ Brother Yunjing is so powerful, much more powerful than your sister."

Chen Yunqian hurriedly pulled away: "Okay, dead girl, are you afraid that others will not see your commotion?" Jiang

Meier stuck out her tongue and said coquettishly: "Why hasn't my senior brother Lin come yet?

Chen Yunjing coughed a few more times, covering up Jiang Meier's last two words.

Chen Yunqian was no longer looking, she could only move away slightly, and then covered her face with one hand and shook her head with a sigh.

Suddenly, at this moment, a voice sounded, not light or heavy, just enough for them to hear.

"Senior sister, are you serious?" Hearing

this voice appear, Chen Yunqian raised her head and just saw Lin Ge's smiling face leaning against the tree.

Chen Yunjing breathed a sigh of relief and politely beckoned to Lin Ge: "Good senior."

Jiang Meier said strangely: "Then it must be serious, how can it not be serious?" Lin

Ge said with a smile and said, "I have time to taste it."

Jiang Meier actually nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, Senior Brother Lin, the scenery of the Nanyan River at night is good, Senior Sister please eat delicious."

Lin Ge turned sideways and asked, "Is it fast food?" Jiang

Meier replied shyly: "It's okay to set food."

Lin Ge smiled and said, "Senior sister is powerful."

Chen Yunqian reminded with a cold eye: "Senior Brother Lin, if you don't want to hear the news of the death of someone in the Nanyan River the next day, it's best not to go."

Chen Yunjing also nodded immediately, as if to remind Lin Ge that driving is okay, but don't take it seriously.

Lin Ge said lightly: "I'm just talking about it, it's rare to meet such a good-looking beauty as Senior Sister Jiang, naturally I want to say more, isn't it Senior Sister

Jiang?" Jiang Meier smiled and replied: "Yes! Yes, yes, talking to Senior Brother Lin is easy!" Lin

Ge walked to Chen Yunjing's side and said, "So let's two go in together?"

Well, that imperial beast relic is two-person, and both sister and sister Jiang have reached level ten or above, and you can only invite senior to come.

Lin Ge said suspiciously: "Strange, after the discovery of the imperial beast ruins, the conditions for opening are basically one-on-one, and it is quite rare for two people to join forces to break through the level." "

The relic level is the opening condition that the Royal Beast Ruins will be born according to the will of the Royal Beast Master before their death before they are formed, some do not, and some need it.

These relic levels are normal and abnormal.

For example, Lin Ge learned that an abnormal one had a royal beast relic that needed the opener to raise flowers and grass in it for three years.

There are also normal, the royal beast master and the pet beast can join hands to break through those ruins levels, this is the most, basically the opening conditions of the royal beast ruins are the same.

But like two teenagers less than level ten joining forces, it is still very rare.

Therefore, in Lin Ge's opinion, this imperial beast relic is either very demanding, or it is a bad taste, purely playing the younger generation.

Chen Yunjing said: "Senior, I still want to ask, how many levels of Royal Beast Master are you now? It's not that the junior looks down on the senior, but the Royal Beast Ruins are also dangerous.

Lin Ge calmly replied, "Level six."

After Chen Yunjing heard this, he was slightly surprised, but he was still relieved, not afraid that Lin Ge's level was not high, he was afraid that his level was not high enough.

Lin Ge also knew what Chen Yunjing was worried about, so he said, "Don't worry, I won't hold you back, and I have a deep understanding of the Royal Beast Ruins."

Chen Yunjing could only say apologetically: "Thank you, senior."

Jiang Meier spoke up: "It's really true, Brother Yunjing, how can you dislike Senior Brother Lin, he was kindly recruited by my sister."

Lin Ge waved his hand and said, "It's okay, but all normal people will worry about it, and Senior Brother Chen has this idea for my own good."

Lin Ge asked again: "This relic is rewarded very richly, see how you are all looking forward to it?" Jiang

Meier nodded and said: "Yes, the bigwigs of Nandu City said, whoever can break this relic can get 10 million Daxia coins, and after the bigwigs have excavated the ruins, this relic will be refined into a relic ring to reward those who break it."

When Lin Ge heard this, he suddenly snorted, for these students, this was simply tempting.

If the two people divide it equally, it will be five million Great Xia Coins and a relic ring.

As for how big the space of the relic ring is, it depends on how big the imperial beast relic is as a whole, after all, it will be divided into two.

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