"All assemble!" At

this moment, a breathy voice sounded.

I saw a burly middle-aged man wearing a military uniform of the Great Xia Dynasty standing under the statue, with a loud voice and a serious expression.

"All those below level ten, all those who participated in the registration of the Royal Beast Ruins, all come and gather!" As the

officer called loudly, all the young people in the Royal Beast Square quickly gathered over.

Chen Yunjing said: "Senior, let's hurry up too."

Lin Ge nodded, and then walked quickly with Chen Yunjing towards the officer.

Seeing this, Jiang Meier also pulled up Chen Yunqian and said, "Sister Yunqian, let's go too."

Chen Yunqian stretched out her finger and said, "Don't you have to wait for them?" Jiang

Meier said: "Why wait for them?

Under the statue, the middle-aged burly officer held a megaphone and said: "My name is Han Wu, I am the person in charge of your trip to the Royal Beast Ruins, and the opening conditions of the Royal Beast Ruins outside the Southern City are set below level ten, so the Southern City invited you outstanding young people to experience and open the Royal Beast Ruins, as for the rewards, you should all understand, right?"

Everyone answered in a high-pitched manner, the voice sounded, and everyone held their heads high.

Lin Ge quietly observed that there were about thirty people here, some older and some younger.

Han Wu continued: "Extra nonsense, I won't say it, now all get on the bus, Nandu will help you solve the rest of the problems, your primary goal is to do your best to destroy that imperial beast ruin

!" "Yes!"

Everyone is ready, Nandu has prepared two large buses, the space is very large, even if it is a seat for one person, there is still space.

Lin Ge and Chen Yunjing naturally sat in the back seat of a car.

The bus slowly drove to the outside of the southern city, on the way, Lin Ge said: "Senior Brother Chen, how much do you know about that imperial beast ruins?"

Lin Ge immediately frowned after hearing this, and said in a loud voice: "So there is no information?" Chen

Yunjing glanced at it and said: "Maybe senior you can go to Officer Han to ask for a piece of information, although when you get there, you will definitely give us a brief introduction to the imperial beast ruins, but if you want detailed information, you still have to ask for it, I just don't know if people will give it." "

Every appearance of the Royal Beast Ruins, Daxia will investigate the origin, so the first-hand information about the Royal Beast Ruins must be the most detailed.

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly and said, "Understood." It

just so happened that the officer named Han Wu was also on this bus, and he had the intention of sharing hardships with these young people.

Lin Ge walked over and greeted, "Hello Officer Han, my name is Lin Ge, a student of Nandu No. 1 Middle School."

Although Han Wu looked serious, his smile was still a little approachable.

"Hello classmate Lin, is there something wrong?" Lin

Ge was also not polite, sat down opposite Han Wu, and said straight to the point: "That's right, Officer Han, I want to see the first-hand information of that imperial beast ruin." Hearing

Lin Ge's words, Han Wu frowned slightly, and said with a slight displeasure: "Classmate Lin Ge, right, don't you know that the first-hand information of each Royal Beast Ruins is the top priority, and when we get there, we will also answer the information of the Royal Beast Ruins for you, and there is not much difference."

Lin Ge nodded and said, "I know all this, but Officer Han, I think I have to take a look at this information."

Han Wu frowned, "Please give me a reason I can't refuse."

Lin Ge immediately said: "I am a student of Professor Lin of Nandu No. 1 Middle School, as his student, I feel that I have the right to know the first-hand information of this imperial beast ruin, and if Officer Han refuses, I can call the professor." "

Professor Lin has a great reputation, and he is also a big man who studies the dragon lineage, and he is a famous big man in the scientific research of Daxia.

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Ge's words, Han Wu couldn't help but frown, he was no stranger to Professor Lin.

"I still want to make sure.

Lin Ge nodded and said, "No problem.

After that, he called Professor Lin's phone, and the phone was quickly connected, and after a simple statement, he handed the mobile phone to Han Wu.

As soon as Han Wu took the mobile phone, he heard Professor Lin's voice: "Xiaowu?" Han Wu

suddenly became excited

: "Professor!" Professor Lin's laughter sounded: "It's really you, Lin Ge is my inner closed disciple, you can help more." Han

Wu looked startled, glanced at Lin Ge, and couldn't help but become more and more curious.

After chatting for a while, Han Wucai hung up the phone and handed the phone back to Lin Singer.

"You wait, I can't carry the first-hand information with me, I have to go over there to show you."

Lin Ge nodded and said, "No problem, I'm tired of Officer Han."

Han Wu looked at Lin Ge, smiled slightly, and said, "I really can't see that Classmate Lin can be Professor Lin's disciple at a young age.

Lin Ge smiled lightly and said, "Thanks to the professor, I am just an ordinary student."

Han Wu waved his hand and said, "You don't have to be humble, since you can become a disciple of the professor, then I think you must have something extraordinary, I worked hard back then, and I couldn't be seen by Professor Lin."

Lin Ge was slightly surprised, as far as he knew, this Han Wu officer was a big man with a level of seventy, and he was a well-known big man in Nandu.

Seeing this, Han Wu said with a smile: "Don't be so surprised, you just need to know that although Professor Lin himself is not a high level of imperial beasts, but if Professor Lin is willing, with an order, there will be a lot of big people in the entire dragon system who are willing to make a move for Professor Lin, Professor Lin is the treasure of my Daxia!" Lin

Ge only felt that the weight of this student seemed to be dozens of times heavier.

He took a deep breath and said, "Listening to Officer Han say this, I suddenly felt that my shoulders were a little heavy.

Han Wu smiled and patted Lin Ge's shoulder, and asked again, "Has the professor been doing any research recently?

Lin Ge nodded: "Yes, the professor has recently been doing a new dragon pet beast research, if it can be successful, it will be a major event in Fuze Daxia, as for what it is, I can't say more." "

The research of the Dragon Department Palace Guard, even in Nandu No. 1 Middle School, few people know about it, and many teachers and students think that it is just a palace guarding breeding house for students to assess.

Han Wu nodded and said, "It should be, it should be, the professor's research can't be talked about everywhere." "

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