Through the assistance of the mechanical hanger and the help of the huge operating machinery, Lin Ge finally completed the docking of the overlord's body.

A little bit to help the Overlord repair his body.

In the process, Lin Ge was surprised to find that the overlord had sorted it out for himself, although the technique was not very accurate, but at least the right parts were installed.

"You really can, if you don't pay attention, you are doing something in my Royal Beast Space Ring.

Lin Ge was a little helpless about this.

Xiao Lin spoke up at this time: "Sir, remove the mechanical core of the overlord, and by implanting the transformation fire, and entering the transformation data, you can form a core evolution, which can be repaired." When

Lin Ge heard this, he immediately nodded, opened the overlord's heart, and the mechanical core was running at high speed.

Skillfully dismantled the mechanical core, according to the evolution data deduced by Xiao Lin, the restoration of the Overlord was quickly completed.

As the overlord's transformation took effect, a faint white evolutionary light also appeared, fleetingly.

"Open the data panel of the Overlord!" [

Advanced Extraordinary Mechanical Beast: Overlord

] [Attributes: Mechanical, Dragon

] [Race level: ranging from level 60] [

Growth level: level 25].

[Extraordinary Skills: Super Intelligent God Network (Excellence), Super Dragon Blessing, Super Dragon King Field, Super Super Electromagnetic Cannon, Super Dragon Claw, Super Mechanical Kaleidoscope, Advanced Mechanical Sword, Advanced Super Speed, High Order Dragon Roar, Advanced Dragon Flame, Advanced Self-Learning, Advanced Dragon Power (Proficient), Advanced Flame Immunization, Advanced Dragon Claw Penetration, Advanced Dragon Scale Defense, Advanced Mechanical Deformation, Intermediate Mechanical Steel Claw, Intermediate Raptor Swing Tail, Intermediate Mechanical Shoulder Cannon, Intermediate Mechanical Analysis, Low-level Jet Propulsion, Low-level Tearing. 【

Extraordinary Index: 880,000】Looking

at the latest panel of the Overlord, Lin Ge nodded slightly.

"The extraordinary index of 880,000, with the blessing of the increase skill, is estimated to break one million. Lin

Ge also equipped the Overlord with the skill of super-level mechanical kaleidoscope.

With this skill, after storing weapons, the overlord's body will not look very bloated.

When used, it can be used directly through mechanical deformation, and it is even more convenient than before.

At this moment, the height of the overlord's body has also reached nineteen meters, and the body of the metal tyrannosaurus rex looks even more powerful.

"Not bad, come back.

Retracting the Overlord into the Royal Beast Space, Lin Ge waved his hand and said, "Record the data just now."

"Okay, sir, you've finished storing the data.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for researching a mechanical series of treasures and successfully upgrading the pet beast overlord! The task is completed, reward the power of the first-level imperial beast, and reward a nanometal!" With

a light body, Lin Ge felt that the power of the imperial beast had increased by another level.

"Nanometal!" Of

course, what makes Lin Ge fancy is the last reward!


Ge took out this nanometal, it looks very little, only the size of an adult's fist, a black mass of fluid.

After taking it out, the mass of nanometal quickly covered Lin Ge's arm and was still spreading.

Lin Ge's mind moved, and the mass of nanometals quickly gathered back together.

"Xiao Lin, place an order for me from Professor Ge Hong of the magic capital, and order one hundred copies of his Variety Source Gold to be used to manufacture nanomaterials in large quantities.

Xiao Lin quickly replied: "Okay, sir, the order has been successfully sent, but sir, you have no money in your account, which is not enough to pay the money."

Lin Ge wiped his nose and said, "You use my mechanical department president account to send him an email with this mass of nanometals, and he will agree." "

I have long received news that Professor Ge Hong has been stuck in a technical difficulty for a long time, which is a key part of the transformation of Variety Source Gold to nanometals.

As long as Professor Ge Hong saw Lin Ge's group of nanometal pictures, he was not allowed to fly over immediately to work?

"Sir, the email has been successfully sent.

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly, looked at his schedule, and soon he was going to report and start his college life.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that there was also Mayor Luo Xiang's agreement.

Lin Ge said again: "Xiao Lin, give me the data to simulate a bionic mechanical evolution data of the Qingbei goshawk, and the level requirement is at the level of eighty." "

On the lab screen, a set of images immediately appeared, the picture was constantly changing, and the data was being built.

"Sir, in your research materials, there is too little data about the flight department, and there are no mechanical objects that match the flight system in your research materials.

Lin Ge looked at the panel, thought for a moment, and said: "Then reconstruct, start the simulation data from the initial evolution of the Qingbei eagle, and then collect those evolutionary objects and thesis research on eagles in the flight department, and the model data can be used in the mechanical building."

Xiao Lin immediately set out: "Okay, sir, the bionic mechanical evolution data of the Qingbei goshawk is formed, and the data file has been sent to your computer." "

This process is very fast, there is a data algorithm is different, if Lin Ge comes by himself, I don't know how long it will take."

Lin Ge also sat in front of the computer, opened the document, and after watching for a while, he clicked on the Qingbei Goshawk data sent by Mayor Luo Xiang.

Limited by the talent and race value, Mayor Luo Xiang's Qingbei Goshawk has come to an end at the level of seventy-nine.

Otherwise, Lin Ge's bionic mechanical evolution path would not be adopted.

"Mayor Luo's Qingbei Goshawk is already a race-valued machine, and ordinary mechanical equipment is afraid that it cannot stimulate evolution.

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and analyzed: "If you want it to complete the bionic mechanical evolution, I am afraid that you have to use foreign objects, or evolutionary objects." "

The Mechanical Department Extraordinary Treasure has just begun to show a little seed, and it is obviously impossible to achieve the eighty level in the boast stage.

Since this is the case, then there are only serial objects in the flight system.

"Xiao Lin, let me check the flying series of treasures, and at the same time, the bionic mechanical evolution of the Qingbei goshawk has developed towards metal skeletons and wings, abandoning heavy ordinary metals and adopting lighter and thinner extraordinary metals. The

data focuses on both directions.

Lin Ge nodded slightly, in half a year, he was not in a hurry, and he was not in a hurry.

Lin Ge left the research room and walked towards his third mechanical building.

Taking the elevator, Lin Ge came all the way to the huge and empty underground space at the bottom of the mechanical building.

There are huge metal structures everywhere, metal telescopic platforms, operating robotic arms, consoles.

"Xiao Lin, set up permissions, block this place for me, no one can enter without my permission. "

Okay! The permission setting is complete. "

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