Nandu University

is already in the promotion season, and new students are coming to report one after another.

Lin Ge and they were naturally no exception, and they converged at the gate of Nandu University as agreed and enrolled in a unified manner.

As for Lin Ge's enrollment, Nandu University naturally attached great importance to it, and they were all arranged together.

The president of Nandu University, Feng Zhenghao personally received and took care of it all the way.

That's all there is to it, and it doesn't take long.

A standard quadruple dormitory, Lin Ge and they all put some admission luggage away.

In fact, for Lin Ge, it doesn't matter if he can't live in school, but since he is a student, Lin Ge is still willing to follow the rules and regulations.

In the four-person dormitory, Lin Ge, Zhao Yun, and Chen Yunjing are all small partners in the team.

"Lin Ge, what are you doing over there in the Machinery Building these days?

Zhao Yun asked.

Lin Ge smiled and replied: "It's nothing, this is not just receiving the mechanical building, just check some equipment, and repair the overlord and the like."

Chen Yunjing asked, "That overlord repaired?" Lin

Ge nodded: "Well, the process is very smooth, and there is a small wave of upgrades." Hearing

Lin Ge's words, Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing were a little envious, after all, the upgrading and progress of the mechanical department was much faster than their cultivation.

Now Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing's imperial beast level has broken through to more than twenty levels, and the pet beast has also made great progress.

Zhao Yun was still the same old and said: "Call me if you need it, don't say anything else, my Xiaowu has improved a lot now, and his martial arts skills are also very powerful."

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly.

Chen Yunjing looked at the vacant lower bunk at this time, and couldn't help but say: "I don't know who this new roommate of ours will be." "

The four-person dormitory, it must be full of four people, and Principal Feng said that it will be a very interesting child."

And at this moment, Cao Cao arrived, at the door of the dormitory, a small figure pulled a huge suitcase, dragging heavy steps and moving in little by little.

It was a young boy about twelve years old, his body had not yet grown, and he was still childish.

In this regard, Lin Ge and the three were a little confused.

Zhao Yun said directly: "Little friend, are you in the wrong place?" The

little boy looked at the dormitory card, looked at the information, and said: "That's right?

Lin Ge and they couldn't help but glance at each other, excellent little genius jumped a grade?

At this time, the little boy had already raised his hand and introduced himself: "Well, my name is Chen Yuliu, it's nice to meet you."

Zhao Yun looked at Chen Yunjing and ridiculed: "Your distant relatives

?" Chen Yunjing glanced at him and said, "It's just that the surname is the same, right?" Chen

Yuliu was very autonomous, and he packed up the bed alone and took out his luggage.

Lin Ge stepped forward to help, and asked during the period: "Are you from Sichuan City?" Chen

Yuliu was very grateful to Lin Ge for his help, and nodded: "Yes, big brother, I hope you will take more care in the future."

Lin Ge glanced at him and said, "Is your sister called

Chen Yuting?" Chen Yuliu was slightly surprised, and nodded: "Uh-huh, how? Do you want to pursue my sister

? Lin Ge and they looked strange, this guy is really Chen Yuting's younger brother?

I tell you ha, I heard that Chairman Lin of the Mechanical Department has also entered the Southern Capital, and I will ask him for an autograph in a while, are you going?"

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing looked at each other, and then looked at Lin Ge, and Lin Ge just spread his hands on this.

Chen Yuliu scratched his head and said with a smile: "By the way, a few big brothers, I still don't know your names."

Lin Ge and the three introduced themselves.

At this moment, Chen Yuliu immediately jumped up excitedly, looking at Lin Ge's eyes with great adoration.

"Idol! Oh! I'm sorry, my idol, I didn't recognize you in the first place.

Chen Yuliu was almost about to pounce on Lin Ge, with a adoring face.

Lin Ge held it with one hand and said with a slight smile: "Is the mechanical giant cannon turtle

easy to use?" Chen Yu nodded repeatedly: "Uh-huh! easy to use! Easy to use! Idol, I didn't expect my roommate to be you! This time the jump level, I can be regarded as the right jump, idol, I think take me in the future, I am very obedient, I am very able to bear hardships and stand hard work, oh no, I am especially direct to work and complain, idol, take me."

Zhao Yun looked at Chen Yuliu and said curiously: "How did you jump directly to the university?" Chen Yuliu replied

: "Oh, Brother Zhao Yun, I am a special student of this year's Shenlong Kingdom, and I was hired out of the ordinary, so I jumped up directly." As

soon as these words came out, Lin Ge and the three did not dare to underestimate this guy.

Shenlong Country recruits a group of students from Daxia every year, in fact, it is a recruitment, but fundamentally it is still Shenlong Country to select people.

The Great Xia side submits the information, and the Shenlong Country selects an unequal number of people as students of the Shenlong Kingdom every year.

But it was the first time I had heard of Chen Yuliu's age that he had been recruited.

Chen Yuliu said: "There are four special students in the Shenlong Kingdom this year, except for me, I don't know who it is.

Lin Ge spoke up: "Speaking of which, Lu Lingyi seems to have been admitted as well, right?" Zhao

Yun nodded and replied, "Well, when you went to Dongshan City, the notice from the Shenlong Kingdom was sent, and Professor Lin kept it." "

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly, being able to go to the Divine Dragon Kingdom for further training is a great benefit for the Royal Beast Master.

Lin Ge looked at Chen Yuliu again and said curiously: "You are the Dragon Royal Beast Master?"

Chen Yuliu shook his head: "No, I am from the water system."

Chen Yuliu scratched his head and said, "I don't know the specific reason, but this year's enrollment in the Shenlong Kingdom seems to be very urgent, and it is not limited to the dragon department, it seems that in addition to me, there will be other departments that will also go."

Lin Ge was a little interested in this.

The status of the Divine Dragon Kingdom is transcendent, not only on the side of the Great Xia Dynasty, even if you look at the entire Royal Beast Blue Star, the strength of the Divine Dragon Country has always been a top-ranked existence.

And this year's Shenlong Kingdom enrollment is really a bit fast.

But no matter how much he has, anyway, he Lin Ge didn't submit the information, and he couldn't go.

At this time, Chen Yunjing suddenly said happily: "My sister and they have booked a promotion banquet outside, Chen Yuliu, do you want to go together?" Chen Yuliu

nodded excitedly: "Okay, okay!"

Lin Ge also saw the message sent by Jiang Meier, and said: "Inform the squad leader, just when everyone gathers." "

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