In a spacious and comfortable business car, Lin Ge, Chen Yunjing, and two female college students were escorted back by this Vice Mayor Qin Mu's special car.

The driver was an old man with a flower armor, dressed appropriately, who was the housekeeper of Vice Mayor Qin Mu, named Zhang Fu, because it was Qin Mu's personal order, so this old man was particularly attentive to Lin Ge.

Sitting in a comfortable business car, Lin Ge took out his mobile phone, and a text message came into view.

Chen Yunjing was immediately pleasantly surprised: "Wow, Senior Lin, the bonus for deciphering the Red Dragon Ruins has arrived!" For

a high school student, the five million bonus was already an overnight fortune.

Lin Ge nodded, these five million Great Xia Coins may seem like a lot, but they may not be enough for him to upgrade the Overlord once.

Break through the ten-level Royal Beast Master, assess the junior Royal Beast Master badge, the level assessment of the pet beast race, create a mechanical pet beast, publish the Dragon Guarding Palace, and finally upgrade the Overlord.

The next will be busier, so you have to buy a batch of nutrition in advance.

Lin Ge combed through his mind to make sure that he didn't miss anything, and then arranged his time reasonably.

"I'm about to become a time management guru.

Lin Ge rubbed his head, and with the power of two levels of imperial beasts, he can reach the level of ten, and there is still a gamble with the beautiful class leader.

Lin Ge smiled indifferently and asked, "Fubo, hasn't Qin Qingyun broken through level ten for a long time?

Zhang Fu smiled and replied: "Classmate Lin, my young lady was not in the southern city after breaking through the tenth level, but went to the Arctic ice field, the place was freezing cold, there was no signal, and the young lady didn't even reply to the master's message." "

Arctic ice field?" the information of this place appeared in Lin Ge's mind.

The Arctic ice field is the largest glacier land in this royal beast world, covering an extremely vast area, ice and snow, all of which are ice extraordinary beasts, and it is rumored that there are powerful existences with a level of more than ninety levels!

It is one of the recognized human forbidden areas in the royal beast world, the deeper it goes, the more dangerous it is!"

"Is she going to evolve her own ice and snow girl?" Zhang

Fu nodded: " Yes, the mayor personally brought it and is expected to be back before you start school. "

Is school starting?" muttered Lin Ge, and there weren't many days left.

Jiang Meier turned around and sucked with candy in one hand, giving people a feeling that it was easy to misunderstand.

"Junior brother, this Qin Qingyun is your good look, so you care about people? You don't care about me?

Lin Ge gave a blank look: "Senior Sister Jiang, you can pull down, no matter how much you care about you, I'm afraid that you will have to step in."

Jiang Meier looked at Lin Ge with a hopeful expression: "What? What?" Chen

Yunqian suddenly twisted Jiang Meier's waist and said: "Pay attention!" Zhang

Fu smiled: "Miss Jiang is still as always, I already knew that this car will be driven for you."

Jiang Meier waved her hand: "No interest, no interest, no helicopter fun."

Chen Yunqian covered her face with one hand and said, "Your car skills are very good, don't drive it next time." When

Lin Ge heard these words, she couldn't help but be interested in Jiang Meier's identity.

Chen Yunjing's two brothers and sisters don't say, the children of Chen Baichuan, the richest man in Nandu, have a high prestige in Nandu.

And Jiang Meier seems to be able to eat anywhere, whether it is the internal channels of Nandu, or the military, and even Qin Mu's butler seems to have long been familiar.

After thinking about it, Lin Ge shook his head with a slight smile, these have nothing to do with him, why do he pay attention to so much.

Lin Ge looked at Chen Yunjing and asked, "Junior, what are your plans next?" Chen Yunjing

thought for a while and replied: "I want to cultivate to the tenth level as soon as possible and complete high school, so that I don't have to go to class in the third year of high school, cultivate Xiaobao well, and strive to make him evolve once before going to college."

Jiang Meier interjected and asked, "Junior Brother Lin, then what are your plans?" Lin

Ge smiled and replied: "I have to do more things next, by the way, Senior Brother Chen, trouble you to help me buy a batch of nutritional products, and some metals, I will send you the list, the price is not a problem." Saying

that, Lin Ge sent the list of nutritional products and metal materials that had been prepared for a long time to Chen Yunjing.

Chen Yunjing looked at the list sent by Lin Ge and said, "Nutrition is easy to find, but metal materials... Senior, are you serious, this Variety Source Gold is so expensive, one million Great Xia Coins may not be able to buy it.

Lin Ge nodded with a smile and said: "Money is not a problem, the five million Great Xia Coins of the Red Dragon Ruins are still here, give priority to buying Hundred Variations Source Gold, and the rest of the money will be used to purchase nutrition and others."

Although Professor Lin also regularly buys nutritional products for him, he can't keep up with Lin Ge's consumption rate.

As for the Variety Source Gold, it is a metal material that can repair itself, and Lin Ge wants to use it to upgrade the Overlord.

Chen Yunjing patted his chest and said, "No problem, leave these to me, Senior Lin, you took me to break through the Red Dragon Ruins, I will definitely handle this matter beautifully."

Jiang Meier stretched her neck and glanced at it, and finally found that they were all metal bumps that were not interested.

"Junior, I can understand that you buy nutritional products, but why do you buy so many metal materials?" Lin

Ge smiled and said, "Naturally, it is of great use."

Jiang Mei'er and they were very puzzled, but Chen Yunjing was very excited, these metal materials must be used by that mysterious metal pet beast, right? Chen Yunjing

asked softly: "Senior, can I also have your kind of pet beast in the future, so domineering and majestic."

Lin Ge nodded and replied, "Yes, and soon, junior brother should be able to find information on the official website of Daxia." "

After going back this time, Lin Ge will start to prepare the research report of the mechanical department of the overlord, fortunately, the overnight nutrition has been almost done before, and you only need to sort out the order.

In addition, there are dragon guards of the palace, Lin Ge can't wait, his system tasks have been stuck for a long time.

Lin Ge thought about another question, that is, how

should the mechanical department replace the energy core? Without the energy heart, the mechanical department is destined to be only a piece of iron.

"System, is there a substitute

for the energy heart of the mechanical pet beast?" "Mechanical evolution does not have to worry about this problem, but Lin Ge wants the kind of energy heart that can activate the pure mechanical pet beast

!"Ding! The host can artificially manufacture energy reactors!

Closing his eyes slightly, Lin Ge smiled at the corner of his mouth, come on, let the storm of the mechanical department come more fiercely!

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