Nandu Royal Beast Master Association.

It is still as lively as ever, after all, in this world, the Royal Beast Master has always been the mainstream.

The powerful Royal Beast Master is even more sought after, and the statues in the Royal Beast Square are photographed by a large number of people every day.

In the central building of the Royal Beast Master Association, the plaque on the wall of the building has the five words of the Royal Beast Master Association, and there is a huge medal of the Royal Beast Master Association next to it.

On this day, the glass revolving door of the central building was pushed open, and a good-looking teenager dressed in white with a mechanical part sign on his chest walked in.

The beautiful lady at the front desk quickly greeted her in professional terms.

"Hello, my name is Lu Xiangxiang, this handsome man, what help do you need, do you want to apply for the capture of extraordinary beasts, or to assess the Royal Beast Master badge, or if you want to enter the Royal Beast Master Association?

Lin Ge also replied politely: "Hello, my name is Lin Ge, I need to make an appointment for the race assessment of extraordinary beasts, please help me apply."

Lu Xiangxiang quickly operated on the computer, and said at the same time: "Mr. Lin, do you want to do the race assessment of extraordinary beasts? "

In the Royal Beast World, this is not uncommon, every time a new extraordinary beast is discovered, or accidentally evolves an unseen extraordinary beast, it will come to the Royal Beast Master Association to assess the racial level.

Lin Ge interjected, "I want to apply for the highest grade, and it is best to be able to rate the kind above level 30." "

Above level 30?!" Lu Xiangxiang suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Ge a little surprised, the race assessment of level 30?This time it is Lu Xiangxiang's

turn not to be calm, you must know that every time a new extraordinary beast is found, in addition to the appraiser will receive bonuses and resources, the Royal Beast Master Association participating in the assessment can even get the attention from the Imperial Capital General Association

! The higher the

rating level, the greater the attention!


this rated extraordinary beast is strong enough and has a broad future, then the Nandu Royal Beast Master Association can make a lot of money!

Lu Xiangxiang asked again: "Is Mr. Lin sure?

Lin Ge nodded: "OK, it's best to apply for me to the most prestigious assessor in Nandu

!"Lu Xiangxiang only felt that his throat was dry, and quickly mobilized his greatest authority as soon as possible to apply for this highest specification of

extraordinary beast assessment for Lin Ge! A brand new intermediate extraordinary beast, if it can be successfully evaluated, it will be a strong stroke in the southern city! The kind that goes on TV

! One to twenty-nine is the beginner, thirty to fifty-nine is the intermediate level! No

matter which one this Lin Ge can evaluate in the end, even the lowest is a big event! !

Because the last time Nandu assessed this grade was fifteen years ago!

In recent years, all the products evaluated are some grade ten goods, and there is no future for the little spicy chicken.

Soon, the application that Lin Ge wanted was completed, after all, in this case, the Royal Beast Master Association attached great importance

to it! Lu Xiangxiang took out the printed application form, handed it to Lin Ge, and said: " Well, Mr. Lin, the intermediate extraordinary beast assessment you applied for has been approved, fill in the information of the extraordinary beast to be assessed on it, you will conduct the race rating of the extraordinary beast in the No. 1 assessment field, my side mobilizes the maximum authority for you to apply for a sixty-level imperial beast grandmaster and two fifty-level masters in the association to evaluate together, Mr. Lin's good luck.

Lin Ge took the application form, looked at it briefly, and then began to fill in Xiaojin's information.

Because he planned to publish the Dragon Lineage Guarding Palace, Lin Ge gave priority to solving Xiao Jin's racial problem first.

After getting Xiao Jin's

dragon system palace guard, immediately after the appearance of the mechanical department of the overlord! Ensure that the two races directly burst the three views

of this world! And after the dragon system palace is completed, Lin Ge can start the next step of mechanical evolution, as soon as the dragon mechanical pet beast comes out, I don't believe that this world is not crazy! And looking at Lin Ge's

gap to fill in the information, Lu Xiangxiang also stretched his neck.

She is also a Royal Beast Master, and in her spare time, she only works in the Imperial Beast Master Association to earn money.

And looking at the information filled in by Lin Ge, Lu Xiangxiang not only frowned slightly, but also wondered in his heart.


Xiangxiang thought for a while, and then suddenly his face turned dark, this Lin Ge wouldn't have come to pit her, right?

Lu Xiangxiang trembled in her heart, and only felt that every word Lin Ge wrote, her salary was less.

Finally, when Lin Ge filled in the expected race level and skill column, he was even more stunned.

"What the hell is expected to be the lowest level thirty, did you fill it in like this?" And

when she saw the skill column, Lu Xiangxiang's eyes turned black, and she almost fainted.

I saw Lin Ge fill in two super-level skills on it! Transcendent Fire! The Great Earthquake trembled!

Lu Xiangxiang suddenly wailed in his heart: "It's over, this month's salary flew away."

And Lin Ge ignored this, thinking that this beautiful front desk lady was shocked by Xiaojin's strength.

Flicking the form, Lin Ge smiled and said, "Thank you, young sister, you have a very good attitude."

Lu Xiangxiang didn't want to pay attention to it anymore, but was thinking about whether to hold his thighs miserably when he met the assessor for a while, so as to keep his pitiful salary.

Lin Ge naturally didn't know this, but looked at the sign, and then walked towards the No. 1 Extraordinary Beast Assessment Field.

When Lin Ge left, Lu Xiangxiang quickly clicked on the computer, hoping that the assessor had not noticed it yet, and could make up for it.

It's a pity that Lin Ge's application was noticed as soon as she wished.

Lu Xiangxiang covered her face with her hands: "Wow~ Grandma, it's easy for me to earn some money." "

It's just that Lu Xiangxiang doesn't know how outrageous Lin Ge's pet beast is.

Lin Ge strode forward and walked into the assessment site of the No. 1 Extraordinary Beast.

Looking left and right, Lin Ge nodded slightly, this place should be able to withstand the toss.

"The racial assessment only considers basic factors, and skill strength, Xiaojin is afraid that all aspects are exceeded, well... Do I have to ask for two racial assessments, and after the Dragon Guard Palace is published, I have to run again?" Lin

Ge felt that it was feasible, Xiaojin was already the top of the Dragon Guard Palace, but there was still some gap between the Palace Guard over there.

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