Imperial Beast Master Association.

A fat man with a big round belly, a small mustache, and a very pleasant appearance walked out of a judging field.

This fat man was the only sixty-level Royal Beast Grandmaster of the Nandu Royal Beast Master Association, and as his name suggested, he took a round character and was named Fang Tianyuan.

At this moment, Fang Tianyuan's mood was not very good, because the performance of the Nandu Royal Beast Master Association was getting lower and lower year by year, and his vice president was anxious in his eyes.

Although there are many outstanding talents in Nandu every year, there are too many overlaps of its pet beasts, and the evaluation is those, and there is nothing outstanding.

This made Fang Tianyuan very anxious, if there was no more iconic, powerful race, and promising new transcendent beast appeared, he really didn't know how to face the rebuke from the general guild.

After all, in addition to assessing the Royal Beast Master, the Royal Beast Master Association also has to discover new powerful and extraordinary beasts.

And Nandu has not had a particularly noteworthy extraordinary beast for fifteen years.

Today, two primary transcendent beast races have been evaluated, but without exception, they are not.

It may already be excellent on the southern city side, but it may be mediocre in the entire Great Xia Dynasty.

Fang Tianyuan sighed, and then helplessly took out his mobile phone to see if there was anything to evaluate today.

Just didn't think about it, flipped it a little, Fang Tianyuan was suddenly surprised.

"Huh, the level 30 or above the extraordinary beast race assessment, that little girl at the front desk actually specially applied for me to go, plus two level 50 Royal Beast Masters.

Fang Tianyuan looked at this assessment application, and suddenly became interested, and said with a smile: "Interesting, an intermediate thirty-level assessment actually applied for the highest level, if this does not satisfy me, I will curse."

Fang Tianyuan glanced at it, then turned around and walked towards the No. 1 assessment field.

At the same time, there were also two fifty-level Royal Beast Masters in the Royal Beast Master Association who also received this application, and they all agreed curiously.

In the No. 1 assessment venue, Lin Ge has been waiting here for a long time.

As the three assessors appeared, the atmosphere here also became serious.

Sixty-level assessment grandmasters, Fang Tianyuan, two fifty-level assessment masters, Chen Xun and Chu Zhi.

The three assessors glanced at each other, and then bowed their heads slightly, all looking at Lin Ge.

"Lin Ge, right? Oh, you're still just a student of Nandu No. 1 Middle School?" The

three of them each looked at the application materials on their desks, and their faces quickly darkened for a while.

Fang Tianyuan shook his head, put down the application form, turned around and wanted to leave, and even felt that Lin Ge was just a foolish student, and the faces of the other two assessors were similar.

Seeing this, Lin Ge said with a smile: "The three association mentors can't take people by their appearance."

Fang Tianyuan froze in place, and then helplessly turned around and sat down, and said to Lin Ge: "Let's start!" Lin Ge

nodded, introduced himself first, and then entered the topic.

"What the student is going to evaluate today is a brand new dragon line! It is evolved from the palace guarding system! After completing the evolution, the guarantee can have two high-level skills, which is the representative that the student brought over today!"

Saying that, Lin Ge released Xiaojin in the Royal Beast Relic Ring!

As soon as he appeared, Xiaojin stretched his muscles, and then roared, a faint dragon qi emanated, and his momentum was extremely arrogant.

And this scene also shocked the three assessors of Fang Tianyuan, and they all looked at Xiao Jin with wide eyes!

The body length of more than two meters, the breath of a dragon pet beast, a strong body, a powerful tail, scales possessed, limbs like dragon claws, and two small bulges on the forehead.

"This! This!!!!!" Fang

Tianyuan and their three assessors couldn't help but stand up

, the dragon line! It turned out to be the dragon line! In this world, the strength of the dragon pet beast is beyond doubt

! Even in the case of the same level on both sides, it is better to have the dragon line

! And now what do they see? A brand new dragon lineage new favorite!

How is this possible?!"

Lin Ge nodded: "It does sound strange, but it is so! Xiaojin evolved from the earth pattern palace to the dragon palace, after the evolution, whether it is physical fitness, but extraordinary wisdom, or skill comprehension is very powerful!"

Fang Tianyuan's three assessors all stepped off the assessment platform and approached Xiao Jin.

And feeling the breath of a stranger, Xiao Jin's dragon attribute was immediately stimulated.

Xiao Jin stared at Fang Tianyuan and the three viciously, the dragon groan roared low, and the flame patterns on his body slowly filled up, as if as long as Lin Ge gave an order, Xiao Jin dared to spew dragon flame!

The three assessment fields slowly released their coercion, which can also be regarded as a part of the assessment, testing the racial intelligence of extraordinary beasts, whether they will attack without the orders of the imperial beast master.

But what they didn't expect was that Xiaojin was not afraid of their coercion at all, but released the skill of

Longwei! "Longwei! It's Longwei skill! He actually mastered this!" At this

moment, Fang Tianyuan was surprised, what is the most representative skill of dragon pet

?Chen Xun and Chu Zhi were also amazed

, the dragon system guarding the palace! unheard of!"Powerful, the weak palace guarding can even evolve into a dragon pet beast

!" Fang Tianyuan said impatiently: "Let me test his strength

!" "Come out, Scorpio Demon Bull!" A

black powerful summoning array lit up, and a huge Scorpion Demon Bull with a height of twenty meters appeared in this assessment field!

The bull head scorpion body, the arm is a pair of huge scorpion pincers, the momentum is fierce.

Lin Ge glanced at it slightly, and couldn't help but be shocked, should this imperial beast powerful imperial beast master have the strength?

Fang Tianyuan smiled and said: "Just let this dragon system guard the palace attack!

Lin Ge smiled slightly: "Since that's the case, the student is offended." "

Xiao Jin, Long Wei!"

And with Lin Ge's order, Xiao Jin immediately roared, Long Wei emanated, and that deterrent aura instantly permeated.

Fang Tianyuan felt Xiaojin's dragon power strength, very satisfied, and said with a smile: "Not bad, although it is only an entry-level, it is already very strong, and it is estimated that it is only one threshold away from reaching the level of proficiency."

After that, Fang Tianyuan also gave an order to his pet beast: "Scorpion Demon Bull!

Extraordinary Deterrence!" [Advanced Skill: Extraordinary Deterrence (Introduction: A kind of subordinate to the extraordinary will, through a powerful deterrent to deter the target.

Lin Ge had a prediction in his heart: "Sure enough, powerful transcendent beasts will master this skill. "

Extraordinary deterrence, extraordinary will, are the same skill attributes as Long Wei.

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