The elation of the three assessment instructors made Delin Ge overwhelmed and a little dazed.

Isn't it necessary to exaggerate the racial level of an extraordinary beast?

Lin Ge gestured slightly and said, "That... Three mentors, please give me a certificate first.

Fang Tianyuan said: "No hurry, Lin Ge, what is the initial cultivation cost of your dragon system palace guard, is there more than 100,000 Great Xia coins?"

Chen Xun also asked: "Is it possible to have the two high-level skills of dragon power and dragon flame as long as the evolution is successful?"

A new mid-level transcendent beast race that can evolve stably, and it is also a dragon line, which is immeasurable in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Lin Ge could only answer: "The cultivation of the dragon line palace guard in the early stage is 100,000 summer coins, but we are already breeding and breeding, through the mature dragon system palace breeding to see if we can pass on this system stably, everything is going well so far."

"As for the two high-level skills of Dragon Power and Dragon Flame, Dragon Flame is self-awakening, while Dragon Power needs a little introduction, but there is not much problem, the Dragon System Palace Guard can steadily awaken these two skills.

"As for this system, Professor Lin is leading in scientific research, I am his student, and there are people who know that we are studying the Dragon Department Guarding Palace, but there are not many, and I don't know what step we have reached." "

Hearing Lin Ge's words, Fang Tianyuan's three mentors were all excited

, so best, so best!" "Wait, Professor Lin?" Fang

Tianyuan grabbed the blind spot, looked at Lin Ge, and said, "Is it the guest Professor Lin from your Nandu No. 1 Middle School?"

The three mentors then came to their senses, and Chen Xun said: "I said, it turns out that you are Professor Lin's student, since this is not unusual, all the information of the Dragon Department Palace will be kept secret for you by our Nandu Royal Beast Master Association."

Lin Ge smiled indifferently and said: "There is no need to keep it secret, just release it generously, the professor's original intention is to let the dragon system guard palace enter the homes of ordinary people, and everyone can protect the beast in the future."

As soon as these words came out, the three instructors all looked at each other, and then said: "Professor Lin's pattern is really not something we can guess."

Chu Zhi said to Lin Ge: "Student Lin Ge, your Dragon System Palace Guarding System and the materials required for the Dragon System Guarding System will all be approved by the Nandu Royal Beast Master Association, and at the same time, we will also apply to the General Association for the research fund bonus of the Dragon System Guarding System."

Fang Tianyuan raised his hand to stop and said, "Wait, put this aside for now, Lin Ge, can we discuss something."

Lin Ge was slightly puzzled and gestured, "Teacher Fang, please say."

Fang Tianyuan sorted out the wrong words before saying: "That's right, our Daxia Dynasty founded the country a hundred years ago and became the number one dynastic force in the east in one fell swoop, but our land frontier is still constantly at war, and the extraordinary beast country has repeatedly violated, so after the founding of the Royal Beast Master Association, the local branches must discover the local powerful extraordinary beasts every year, especially the powerful extraordinary beast race!"

Chen Xun also followed: "After discovery, the branches in various places will gather and be rated by the general association, which we call extraordinary identification! The Royal Beast Master with powerful Extraordinary Beasts will tilt resources for cultivation, and if it is found that the powerful Extraordinary Beast Race will also tilt resources to continue to develop in depth, providing a steady stream of powerful Imperial Beast Masters and powerful Extraordinary Beasts for the Great Xia Dynasty."

Chu Zhi continued: "And our southern city has not had a powerful extraordinary beast appear for more than ten years in a row, after each year's extraordinary identification, our southern city is always at the bottom, and the resources we get are getting less and less, if we don't get good results this year, our president may be transferred." "

There are two seventy-level grandmasters in Nandu, one is the mayor, and the other is the president of this Royal Beast Master Association.

Lin Ge understood, and said: "You want me to take the dragon system to the imperial capital to participate in the extraordinary appraisal

?" Fang Tianyuan nodded heavily: "Yes, student Lin Ge, you have to know that even if the Great Xia Dynasty has opened the country, those powerful extraordinary beasts that survived back then still exist, we are all people of the Southern Capital, and relying on the mayor alone to guard it is only afraid that we will have to be haggard, so our captain must not be transferred!"

Lin Ge knew the pros and cons, one more seventy-level grandmaster and one less seventy-level grandmaster were two concepts.

The southern city is not quiet and peaceful, not to mention anything else, at least there is an extraordinary primeval forest outside the southern city, and the wild extraordinary beasts inside come out from time to time to make trouble.

Lin Ge said: "I remember that the mayor has already gone to the Arctic ice field, so the one who threatens the wild extraordinary beast outside is the president of our Nandu Royal Beast Master Association?" Fang

Tianyuan nodded and said: "So Lin Ge, we don't mind that you will disclose the dragon system so soon now, but wait until the extraordinary appraisal over there in the imperial capital to make it public, and at the same time, you can get more resources!"

It is certainly possible to be public, but I am afraid that there will be people who want to snipe, after all, the heritage of the southern city is not as strong as some other powerful cities.

Lin Ge thought for a moment and asked, "How long will it take for the Extraordinary Appraisal of the Royal Beast Master Association to begin?"

Chen Xun said: "You may not know, we have all sent out the imperial beast masters in the association to find powerful extraordinary beasts, and now there are only three of us evaluators left in this association."

Chu Zhi also followed: "Even so, we are not easy, evaluate extraordinary beasts, assess the imperial beast master, and even if Vice Mayor Qin Mu needs it, Deputy Fang also has to follow."

Fang Tianyuan smiled slightly: "But now, as long as you have your dragon system guarding the palace, this time of extraordinary identification, our southern city will definitely be able to kill the siege! First, we don't have the luxury, we just ask for a top five!" "

Stable intermediate extraordinary beast system, with two high-level skills, or dragon pet beast, Fang Tianyuan feels that it is still easy to enter the top five.


Xun saw Lin Ge's expression and said with a smile: "Lin Ge, let's not think about the first time, almost every year it is the magic capital and the imperial capital needle to Mai Mang, sometimes the ancient capital also inserts a few feet, we can look forward to the top five is not bad."

Lin Ge didn't refute or say more, everything would be known.

Fang Tianyuan said: "It's so decided, I'll arrange the itinerary, Lin Ge, let's leave next week." "

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