"Ding! Release the double task!Ask the host to publish the Dragon System Palace Guard Palace on the extraordinary identification


When school started, Lin Ge returned to school again.

At the same time, Lu Lingyi also entered the first class of the third year of high school as a transfer student.

But this top student from the imperial capital is still a little different, Lu Lingyi does not need to go to the course of Nandu No. 1 Middle School, but directly in the school, will be able to stay in Professor Lin's scientific research group smoothly.

And there seems to be no teacher in the entire Nandu No. 1 Middle School who can teach Lu Lingyi.

Moreover, in just a few days, Lu Lingyi's Crimson Flying Dragon had already cultivated to level fifteen, and at the same time, she herself had reached the power of the thirteenth level imperial beast.

At present, this good-looking beauty has been staying in the palace breeding base.

Because he had already explored the birth system of the Dragon Guarding Palace, Lu Lingyi could be described as excited to sleep all night, and the Crimson Flying Dragon's Dragon Power skill proficiency had also successfully broken through to the level of mastery.

On the side of the pet beast research house, Lu Lingyi is already living here, and the second floor is even forbidden.

Looking at the figure of the white coat busy in the glass terrarium, the blue silk fluttered, running back and forth.

Lin Ge couldn't help but admire, this Lu Lingyi was much more diligent than he thought, and even a little too diligent.

And Lu Lingyi glanced at it, still remembering the information in his hand, and asked out loud

: "How is it, is that relic deciphered successfully?" Lin Ge nodded: "Of course it succeeded, and the harvest is not small, and even you may not think that the last level in the red dragon relic is the flame dragon system guarding the palace that the owner of the ruins has virtually come out."

Lu Lingyi was slightly stunned, and cast his gaze in surprise: "Flame Dragon System Guarding Palace?" Lin

Ge nodded, and at the same time put on a big white overalls, and said: "Yes, I have fought with it, and the race value is the same as I predicted, but he has mutated, mastered the top skills of the fire system, and in general, there is no danger."

Lu Lingyi snorted, and the process did not want to ask, but the topic turned and said: "The Dragon System Palace has been researched, we have to hurry up to apply for registration, and at the same time publish it on the official website of the Great Xia Pet Beast."

Lin Ge smiled slightly, and then took out a certificate and placed it in front of Lu Lingyi.

"I have everything done, and I have all the certificates needed for the Dragon Department Palace to guard the palace from the Royal Beast Master Association, and I have also obtained all the information papers.

Lu Lingyi picked it up and looked at it, and immediately admired Lin Ge, Professor Lin was not there, but he didn't expect that Lin Ge alone had already considered all aspects of things.

Lu Lingyi suddenly turned his head and said, "Is it possible that even if I don't appear and I don't enter this research course, you can do it yourself?

Lin Ge folded his arms around his chest, looked at Lu Lingyi meaningfully, and said, "How can I see it?" Lu

Lingyi looked at the proof and replied: "From the beginning, I have guessed the dragon smell you have, and in the past few days that you have deciphered, I have been looking for relevant materials and information, even the speculative materials of the Dragon Palace Palace sent to me by Professor Lin.

Saying that, Lu Lingyi looked at Lin Ge: "The computer in the research house has information that you haven't deleted cleanly, and it is earlier than Professor Lin's speculative data!

Lin Ge smiled slightly, he naturally couldn't say that it was the research direction given by the system.

Lin Ge could only reply: "Don't forget, I am a pet beast theory knowledge student, some things have been deduced in my mind tens of thousands of times, you are right, Professor Lin gave me this platform, I naturally have to come up with some results."

Lu Lingyi stared at Lin Ge tightly, as if to see if he could see if Lin Ge had a weak heart.

Just after a long time, Lu Lingyi exhaled slightly and asked, "Can you let me see that mysterious dragon system? "

Lin Ge bowed slightly, this is already nothing to hide, the mechanical department will soon set off a shocking explosion in this world!

The white summoning array lit up, and the overlord was summoned by Lin Ge, because the overlord reached the limit, and Lin Ge had not yet broken through the tenth level, so the overlord had been sleeping in the royal beast space since he returned from the red dragon ruins.

This time was summoned, the overlord immediately stretched his body, the majestic and domineering dragon roared

, the metallic luster, the domineering mechanical body, the lingering faint dragon power, all of which are telling the strength of the overlord's dragon

pet beast! "This is..." Lu

Lingyi was stunned, she had never seen this kind of existence, red and yellow metal, mighty and domineering, revealing a mysterious aura, obviously not a living body, but with the characteristics of a pet beast!

Lin Ge introduced: "My proud work! Overlord! New race system! Open up the extraordinary mechanical precedent of the royal beast world! The top product of artificial intelligence! I call this series the mechanical

department!""Mechanical department?!" Lu

Lingyi muttered, was shocked and speechless, Lin Ge's pet beast turned out to be a brand new extraordinary system?!

You must know that in the Royal Beast World, all the extraordinary systems have been found almost, and the division of strength and weakness is also distinguished, and now what does she see?!

Lu Lingyi stroked the overlord's metal body with one hand, a little nervous, a little curious, and asked: "He... Lin

Ge pushed his glasses and said: "The initial mechanical department is all elementary transcendent, unlike the extraordinary beasts of the living body, the mechanical department can become stronger through continuous upgrades, in theory, the mechanical department has no limit, of course, I am still developing." "

Lu Lingyi only feels that his throat is dry, a racial system with no upper limit?!

I can sense that he seems to be the initial product, and there seems to be a lot of skills that have not been developed.

Lin Ge snorted and said, "The research of the mechanical department is only just beginning, and the Overlord is indeed weak now, so I plan to give the Overlord the first mechanical upgrade after I break through the tenth level."

Lu Lingyi cast his gaze: "Can I take a look at it then?" Lin

Ge nodded: "This is naturally no problem." "

The birth of the mechanical department requires manpower, and there is also the mechanical evolution of the dragon system's palace, Lin Ge doesn't want to look for teammates everywhere.

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