Li Tao, a professor at Didu University, has known Professor Lin for many years, and the two were also brothers and sisters who worked together in research along the way.

"Not bad, but Lao Lin, didn't you say you didn't accept students before."

Professor Lin smiled and said, "Hey, it's natural to cherish when you meet good seedlings, and it's not a big deal to make an exception once."

Li Tao nodded, looked at Lin Ge's group members again, and was suddenly surprised: "Yo, the Lu family girl is also there?"

Lu Lingyi replied with a smile: "Professor Li is good."

Li Tao bowed his head slightly: "Well, everyone is good, a familiar face, by the way, I have heard the sound of knocking over there in the scientific research building in the past two days, what are you doing over there?"

Professor Lin said, "Keep it secret! We can't say that.

Li Tao cut it and said, "What's the matter, anyway, in a while, the extraordinary appraisal still has to shake it all out."

Professor Lin answered again: "Then tell me, what is your imperial capital preparing this time?"

Professor Li Tao also learned from Professor Lin, and said with a smile: "Confidentiality, this can't be said."

Lin Ge smiled slightly and asked curiously, "This time with the appearance of the Seven Islands, all the excellent imperial beast masters from all over the world are nervous, right?"

Li Tao nodded: "That's not it, I don't know what nerves Nanashima has, I want to insert a foot in the extraordinary identification, but we can't let them succeed."

And while everyone was chatting, the host outside the phoenix nest finally sounded.

"Dear audience friends, big guys in front of the TV, welcome to the 172nd extraordinary appraisal of the Great Xia Dynasty! This appraisal must be the most lively in the history of Daxia! For some special reasons, the jury made some temporary adjustments to the order of appearances! Prepare your teams!

As the host's voice sounded, the faces of all the waiting teams in the waiting area changed.

Lin Ge hurriedly took out his mobile phone, and he was already surprised to see the change information sent by the official!

"This... Why was it changed temporarily? "

There was a lot of noise in the waiting area, some teams were moved to the front, some teams were moved to the back.

Professor Lin spoke up: "Lin Ge, how many places have we been changed to?"

Lin Ge looked at the crimson word above: "First place!" We're the first to play! And Nanashima is close behind!

Fang Tianyuan said, "This is not good news! "

It happened suddenly, and no one expected this kind of change.

At this time, the cherry blossom of the seven islands also came over, and from the information of the change of ranking, she had already learned about Lin Ge.

Sakura said in a broken Daxia official dialect: "Friend Lin Ge, please let us see your extraordinary beasts of Daxia, thank you."

A familiar bow, Sakurako looked calm.

Lin Ge's face suddenly turned indifferent, and he replied with a smile: "We will definitely not disappoint our friends who come from afar, but we also hope that the extraordinary beasts of the seven islands will not disappoint us."

Sakurako looked calm and nodded, "I am very much looking forward to the research results of His Excellency Lin Ge, and we in the seven islands are also very much looking forward to your country's extraordinary appraisal!"

With that, Sakurako walked back to her rest area, while the rest of Nanashima's members looked at Hayashi Ge and them unkindly.

"Sakura Chan, why do you care so much about that Great Xia Imperial Beast Master?"

The old woman asked aloud, Sakurakoko's status in their Nanashima was very special.

Sakurako replied, "Sensei, that person feels very different to me, I have to be more careful."

The old woman was very displeased, and said: "Our target is not a level ten small person.

Sakurako suddenly bowed her head: "Yes!" "


"Next! We have the first research team to play! Lin Ge research team from Nandu!

With the host's loud voice, Lin Ge's message also appeared on the big screen of the phoenix nest.

[Dragon New Favorite: Dragon Guarding Palace! ] 【

Research project leader: Lin Ge. Group members: Professor Lin, Lu Lingyi, Qin Qingyun, Zhao Yun, Chen Yunjing]

In the corner of the phoenix nest, Jiang Meier shouted: "Wow! Senior Brother Lin is so powerful! Sister Yun Qian, look! Your brother is in there!

Chen Yunqian snorted, very curious about what this Lin Ge had researched, and let his younger brother follow so deadly.

At the same time, the big screen happened to be replaced by a formal portrait of Lin Ge and his team.

Jiang Mei'er looked for the man in the Xuan-colored martial uniform next to her with both hands, shook it violently, and said, "Brother! What do you think! Isn't the junior I fancy very handsome! Can you participate in the extraordinary appraisal as a team leader at a young age, is it powerful? He also has very good car skills! I finally met my opponent.

The man in the Xuan-colored martial uniform looked calm and said, "It's really a sin for me to give you two admission tickets.

Jiang Meier snorted: "Who let you give it?" This is what I asked my parents for. The

man in the Xuanxi martial uniform always answered the question: "Look, I don't care about the others, I still want to see what Nanashima wants to do."

Jiang Meier suddenly became curious: "Yes, brother, didn't you participate in the extraordinary appraisal as an audience before?" Why did it come this time?

The man in the Xuanxi martial uniform wrapped his arms around his chest and replied, "Master called me here, saying that there is something that can make me worth paying attention to."

Jiang Meier picked up the snack and ate it, the goldfish mouth bulged, and asked: "What is worth paying attention to?" The extraordinary beasts that appear on the transcendent identification are all extraordinary beasts with a very small level, which is not worth mentioning at all, right?

The man in the Xuan-colored martial uniform glanced at his old driver's sister and said, "Then why do you want to come over again?" I didn't come back, so I asked for two admission tickets and asked me to send them to you.

Jiang Meier replied with a smile: "I only have such a car friend as Senior Brother Lin, of course, I have to take care of it, hey brother, you say if I want to repeat a grade, in that case, I will be able to go to school this year, I will be able to be in a class with Senior Brother Lin."

The man in the Xuanxi martial uniform suddenly covered his face and said in a loud voice: "Girl Chen Yunqian, my sister is tired of you."

Chen Yunqian replied with a smile: "No trouble, no trouble." At

this moment, a handsome, polite, and personable man came over.

Jiang Meier drooled when she saw it, and Nahara flowed all over the place.

Gao Shenglong put one hand on the shoulder of the man in the Xuanxian martial uniform and said: "What is so beautiful about this extraordinary appraisal, let's go and talk." Well...... What's wrong with your sister?

Jiang Meier's eyes lit up, and from her dwarf-headed vision, her brother and the handsome guy were just right, and the rotten heart in Jiang Meier's heart moved again at this moment.

Chen Yunqian couldn't stand it, and quickly covered her eyes: "Pay attention to the image!" You old driver of Brokeback Mountain! "

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