In the Phoenix Nest Stadium, with the sound of warm applause, Lin Ge and his team also walked out of the waiting area.

On the side of the jury, there were five judges, a man with a strong appearance and strong physique, named Liu Meng.

A beautiful woman with a graceful and rich physique, wearing a high-split cheongsam, holding a snow-white marten in her hand, the little marten rubbed the breasts of the noble lady from time to time, the noble lady in the capital, flowers and appearance.

An old Taoist elder like an ancient Qing cultivator, with kind eyebrows and good eyes, wearing a Taoist robe, holding a whisker in one hand, holding a whisker in the other, smiling and nodding at Lin Ge, Wudang Mountain Daoist, Zhang Qingfeng.

A middle-aged man wearing the badge of the Royal Beast Master Association on his chest, well-dressed, with a horizontal beard and deep eyes, Guo Hongyu, vice president of the Royal Beast Master Association.

The last one was the old man of Heavenly Mandate sitting in the center, wearing a Zhongshan suit, Li Muzhi wore a pair of reading glasses, talking and laughing with the four people around, but when Lin Ge came out and appeared, the old man's expression immediately became majestic, as if he had been in a high position for a long time, and the momentum was majestic.

Lady Hua and Rong looked at Lin Ge and they took the stage, and said unexpectedly: "Professor Lin is willing to be a green leaf? This is really rare.

Guo Hongyu said with a smile: "Professor Lin may have the mentality of abdication, cultivate a young man to inherit his mantle, hehe, let's take a look, the dragon system guarding the palace?" Professor Lin is really the same.

Li Muzhi spoke up: "Take a good look, there will be seven islands in a while."

Liu Meng said very roughly, "Those little three, let's see what kind of fame they can make!"

Zhang Qingfeng said indifferently: "Brother Liu Meng must cultivate the mind, and he can only cultivate the right law without being in a hurry."

Liu snorted fiercely, waved his hand in disgust and said, "If you can't calm down, if you have that idle effort, it's better to kill a few extraordinary beasts that invade the powerful."

Everyone smiled slightly, and then they all quietly looked at Lin Ge on the stage.

Lin Ge straightened his expression, first bowed to show respect, and then introduced: "Hello seniors of the jury, hello audience friends, this time we represent Nandu City and bring the newly researched new favorite beast of the dragon line, the dragon line guarding the palace!"

Professor Lin also stood up and assisted: "We have successfully developed the system in the study of the Dragon Department Guarding Palace, from the beginning of many theoretical speculations, to the final accidental discovery, we can say that we are very lucky, without further ado, we will show it directly!"

When Lin Ge and Professor Lin explained, Lu Lingyi played the PPT very skillfully, telling the hard work and unexpected discoveries of their team when studying the dragon system guarding the palace, and the final evolution of the palace guard!

And Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing brought the dark dragon to guard the palace.

Qin Qingyun summoned his own Ice Heaven Snow Girl, allowing the Dragon Guard Palace to show the heritage of his race.

"According to the preliminary appraisal of Fang Tianyuan, vice president of the Nandu Royal Beast Master Association, the racial level of the Dragon Guarding Palace is guaranteed to be at the level of thirty intermediate transcendent."

And with Lin Ge's commentary and broadcast, the spectators in the Phoenix Nest Stadium all held their breath, and they came up to level 30? Do you want to be so exciting?

In the waiting area, the waiting teams, some were surprised, and some smiled bitterly.

The people in the imperial capital, the ancient capital, and the demon capital all looked at each other, because the extraordinary beasts they brought over were almost at this level.

"Nandu has risen a dark horse this year."

In the Seven Islands waiting area, the rest of the young people did not care very much, but scoffed.

Sakurako looked at Lin Ge on the screen very solemnly.

The old woman said, "Sakura Chan, why care so much about them? The thirty-level intermediate transcendent beast race is indeed very good, but it still does not play a decisive role.

Sakurako was silent, still silently watching the big screen.

Before the jury, Hua and Rong spoke up: "Little friend Lin Ge, how is your research on the system of guarding the palace of the dragon system?" "

Although the level of the extraordinary beast race is very high, if the system is not successful, it can only be a flash in the pan.

Guo Hongyu also spoke up: "The intermediate transcendent race is indeed very good, but the system is also very important, if your system research is not successful, we can only give you a pertinent score." The

other three jury meant more or less.

Lin Ge replied with a smile: "Returning to the words of the two predecessors, the dragon system is already very mature, we have mastered a complete evolutionary path of the dragon palace guard, and the dragon system palace guard can be bred and raised."

Professor Lin followed: "We have already started joint financing to create a breeding and breeding base for the Dragon Guarding Palace, I believe it won't be long before the Dragon Guarding Palace will be able to popularize the common people of Daxia!" At that time, everyone will be a beast master! Everyone can be level 30! "

Wow -

as soon as these words came out, the Phoenix Nest Stadium was suddenly surprised!

Can anyone be level 30? This is no joke!

In this era when the track of the Royal Beast Master is just on the right track, why are powerful Royal Beast Masters so scarce, and why can't ordinary people afford powerful extraordinary pet beasts?

The big reason is because the extraordinary beasts at the bottom are too weak, and the rich family can naturally buy good ones, but what about civilian families?

An extraordinary pet beast does not mean that it can be bought back, and the later breeding and cultivation all cost money!

Bought expensive ones that could not afford to raise, bought cheap ones, and the height was limited.

It is even bluntly said that the first pet beast of many Royal Beast Masters is basically less than level twenty!

Li Muzhidu stood up nervously and asked aloud, "But seriously?

Professor Lin took the lead in nodding: "Secretary Li, this is naturally true, the dragon department guards the palace and benefits the country and the people."

Lin Ge saw the opportunity and hurriedly signaled Lu Lingyi to display the race information of the Dragon Guarding Palace.

"The Dragon Guardian Palace masters the two high-level skills of Dragon Power and Dragon Flame, and because it is evolved from the Guardian Palace, the personality is milder and easier to contract than other dragon pets!"

Master two advanced skills? This is no longer a simple level thirty, this is a level forty category!

The first extraordinary appraisal effect in Nandu exploded! Go straight to kill mode!

In the waiting area, the teams in some cities instantly laughed bitterly.

A complete system, and can popularize the system of the Great Xia Dynasty, this is no longer an extraordinary appraisal can be evaluated.

Liu Meng spoke up: "Since the dragon system guarding palace can be bred and raised, is its dragon attribute stable?" After all, there was no lack of evolved dragon lines in previous sessions, but after breeding for several generations, dragon attributes were unstable, and some descendants were not inherited.

Lin Ge heard this and replied, "You can rest assured that the dragon attribute of the Dragon Guard Palace is very stable, and it has reached the point where it can inherit the skills of other dragon dragon pets!"

Zhang Qingfeng said: "Hearing is nothing, seeing is believing, Lin Ge little Taoist, can you take a look?" "

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