As soon as Zhang Qingfengdao's words came out, the rest of the judges also bowed their heads slightly.

No matter how much you say this kind of thing, it is useless, and you still have to see it with your own eyes.

Lin Ge laughed and said, "Since the Qingfeng Dao Chief said so, then we naturally have to perform, I wonder if there is a inheritance book?" Qingfeng

Daoist scolded with a smile: "Little Daoist friends have taken advantage."

Professor Lin spoke up: "Lin Ge, don't think about taking advantage of a few judges, how can you take out such a thing as a inheritance book at will." The

two sang and reconciled, red faces and white faces, which made several judges passive for a while.

Zhang Qingfeng spoke up: "Poor Dao is shy, it's really not good to be generous, Chairman Guo, you come."

Vice President Guo Hongyu smiled slightly, then waved his hand, and then threw a bright yellow skill inheritance book towards Lin Ge.

"This is a medium-level dragon claw, the level is not high, but it is not bad to use it for testing."

Being able to inherit skills means that the attribute genes of the dragon system guarding the palace are very stable.

The dragon took it steadily, and then put it away in full view.

In the stunned gazes of the judges, Lin Ge quipped: "President Guo kind of looks down on our dragon system palace guard, even if a middle-level skill is inherited, it can't show anything, in that case, student, I am willing to show the strength of the first dragon system palace guard in history!"

"Come out! Goldie! The

white summoning array lit up, and Lin Ge summoned Xiaojin out, and at this moment, the dark dragon guarding palace shrunk.

And the moment Xiaojin appeared, it attracted the attention of the jury.

"Sixty-level race rating?!"

Liu Meng suddenly spoke up: "Doesn't it mean that the race of the Dragon Guard Palace is level thirty?" What's going on with you? The

eyes of the other four judges instantly became hot, because Xiao Jin's news had already appeared on the big screen!

[Name: Xiaojin

] [High-level Extraordinary Beast: Dragon System Guarding Palace

] [Attributes

: Dragon System, Earth System, Fire System] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 60

] [Growth Level: Level 11] [

Extraordinary Skill: Super Extraordinary Fire, Super Rank Great Earthquake Tremor, High-level Dragon Flame, High-level Dragon Power, Intermediate Dragon Breath, Intermediate Sharp Claw, Low-level Tearing]


—— There was another uproar at the scene, and everyone looked at Xiaojin's screen panel excitedly.

Lin Ge said while the iron was hot: "A strong man's imperial beast relics were found outside the southern city, called the Red Dragon Grand Master, the student I was lucky, after deciphering the ruins, I got the inheritance of the Red Dragon Grand Master, Xiaojin also inherited two super-level skills, and once again inherited the evolution to raise the race level to the level of sixty, of course, the rest of the dragon system guarding the palace we can only conservatively give over level thirty." "

Two super-level skills?!"

At this moment, the whole audience boiled! Can you inherit super skills?! What does this mean?! It represents that the Dragon Guard Palace is already a true dragon pet! He is no longer that weak palace guarding supernatural beast!

"So judges, the complete system of the dragon line guarding palace and the genetic stability of the dragon lineage attributes have been considered, and they really meet the standards of the dragon line."

At this moment, Li Muzhi's breathing was short, and a complete evolutionary system was unexpectedly placed in front of him.

"Wait." Liu Meng suddenly spoke up: "Since you say that the Dragon System Guarding Palace is an existence that benefits the country and the people, how much does the consumption of its system evolution cost?" If it is too expensive, it will not be good for the people.

Lin Ge replied with a smile: "One hundred thousand summer coins is enough, and after evolving into the dragon line guarding the palace, participate in breeding and breeding, after the batch birth, we can abandon the initial investment, and instead focus on the breeding link, the number of dragon guarding palaces in the later stage is up, we can take the civilian price route." "

That's the priority! Although it seems to be a loss in the early stage, in the long run, the Dragon Palace still earns.

Moreover, the Royal Beast Blue Star is not only a human country in Daxia! There are other countries, even the Otherworldly Beast Country!

At this moment, the five judges were stunned, is it enough to have an initial hundred thousand? There are obviously other core things in this, all of which are okay, and you don't need to say them all in the extraordinary identification.

Li Muzhi smiled gratifyingly: "Not bad, not bad, ninety-eight points!" Professor Lin, after the extraordinary appraisal, I have time to eat.

Professor Lin smiled and nodded: "No problem, no problem, just so let's get together, I have good news to share with you." Li

Muzhidu said so, and the other judges naturally did not give low scores.

One by one, the cards are bright, and there are more than 90 points. In the end, I took a comprehensive score, 98 points

As for why I gave less than 100 points, the main thing was the first to appear, and there were so many teams behind, I couldn't give death.

"Congratulations to Lin Ge's scientific research team! The opening score is 98 points! Wow! This is the first time since the creation of the Extraordinary Appraisal that such a high score has been given! Hope other teams can do the same!

Lin Ge bowed slightly to thank them.

And at the same time, the waiting area was also speechless, the opening ninety-eight points? How else does this compare?

At this moment, the imperial capital, the ancient capital, and the magic capital all felt the pressure!

As long as the future of the Dragon Guarding Palace is not stupid, it can be seen, and the first pet beast of everyone in the Great Xia Dynasty in the future can reach level 30! Even luckily like Lin Ge's one, inheriting and evolving to a higher level!

The desire of the low-level people, it can be said that the Dragon Guard Palace is crazy in this extraordinary identification!

On the side of the seven islands, the old woman was slightly startled when she looked at Lin Ge's dragon guarding palace on the big screen.

"Sakura Chan, your perception is good, this Lin Ge deserves our attention from Nanashima."

At this moment, the other three young men of the seven islands all turned pale.

"Can you inherit and evolve to the sixty-level Dragon Guarding Palace? Could this person be the next legend?

"And the value of the Dragon Guarding Palace is great!" We have to get back to the seven islands!

Sakura Zi's face was calm: "Inheritance and evolution are demanding, not to mention the dragon line, that Lin Ge is just a separate individual, and our target this time is still the Jiang family." "

Great Xia Demon Clan Royal Beast Master, Yunlin Jiang Clan!

"Teacher-san, it's time for us."

The old woman nodded, slowly got up, and under the leadership of Sakurakoko, began to walk towards the arena.

"Let's have friends from Nanashima! The team of Sakura Ko-chan! Halfway

back to Lin Ge, they just passed by Sakurako and them.

After a short meeting, Sakurako said: "Very powerful, Lin Ge friend, we warmly welcome you and your team to Nanashima as a guest, when the time comes, I can accompany Lin Ge-san to see the cherry blossoms."

Lin Ge smiled lightly and replied, "Thank you very much, Sakurakako-chan, I am very much looking forward to your Nanashima's performance." "

Lin Ge has already scored ninety-eight points, and if the people of the Seven Islands want to completely defeat their Daxia, they have to score ninety-nine points!

As for one hundred points, I think about it, since the creation of the extraordinary appraisal, this score has never appeared!

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