"Ding! Congratulations to the host for making the Dragon Guard Palace public in the extraordinary identification! Reward the Dragon Guard Palace Mechanical Evolution Information! Reward Mechanical Dragon Pet Flamethrower Drawings! "

Another task has been completed, Lin Ge smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, this time the dragon system machinery and the dragon burn of the tyrannosaurus can be obtained.

And looking at the corner of Lin Ge's mouth smile, Zhao Yun came up and said, "Lin Ge, is that woman from the Seven Islands fascinated you?" Laugh so lewdly.

Lin Ge disgusted: "Fuck you, what do you say?"

"Oops! Congratulations! Lao Lin! You can! The dragon system guards the palace, gee, this is a trend towards the future, ninety-eight points, low, how can I get ninety-nine points. Professor

Li Tao of Didu University came over, and also congratulated Lin Ge on their good results.

Professor Lin just smiled slightly and said, "Where, presumably your imperial capital is similar here, right?" Hey, I just don't know what kind of moths will be on the Nanashima side. "

This extraordinary appraisal is no longer an extraordinary appraisal in the ordinary sense.

With the addition of the seven islands, with the attention of the Great Xia Dynasty, this extraordinary appraisal always has a feeling that the wind and rain are coming.

Professor Li Tao also nodded and said: "Look, Seven Islands' has already played, and any action has to be made." "

Lin Ge has already achieved a score of ninety-eight, and if Qishima still wants to suppress Daxia on this extraordinary appraisal, he must achieve ninety-nine points!

And this time the extraordinary appraisal is extremely popular, in addition to the full live broadcast of the Great Xia Dynasty, there is also a broadcast on the Seven Islands, and there are other countries that will watch this extraordinary identification live broadcast, after all, this is a deterrent means of the Great Xia Dynasty


Extraordinary pet beasts are emerging one after another, and excellent young imperial beast masters are also emerging one after another, and in the future, they will be able to shock the extraordinary realm outside the Great Xia Dynasty!

The representative figures in the past are the dragon king Gao Shenglong, and the demon king Jiang Jiang!

On the extraordinary appraisal stage, although Sakura Blossom's official words of Daxia were lame, everyone present listened quietly!

Even all the research teams on this side of the waiting area!

After all, the first Lin Ge team to appear has a high score in front, which is equivalent to playing a role in stabilizing people's hearts.

On the extraordinary appraisal table, Sakurako was finally polite, and another ninety degree bow.

The only female judge, Hana and Rong, spoke first, "Friends from Nanashima, please show your research results."

The three young men were indifferent, only the old woman rubbed the jade ring on her hand.

I saw that in the next second, a knife that was blocked in the display case appeared on the field.

At this moment, the demon qi was soaring, the bloody red knife was as bright as fire, and the audience present was surprised and scared.

Inside the waiting area, Lin Ge's heartbeat was racing, and even across the screen, the demon aura emitted by the knife was shocking.

Zhang Qingfeng waved his sleeves, and the next moment a clear breeze blew through, dispelling the demon qi in the sky.

"Tao is natural! All evils retreat! The

old woman's face was displeased, and she glanced angrily at Zhang Qingfeng a few times, but soon realized that it was wrong, and withdrew her gaze again.

Liu Meng snorted coldly, and could only hug his arms tightly, his eyes looking directly at the strange knife that was blocked.

Sakurako introduced: "Friends of Daxia, this is our latest research on the seven islands, using the knives of the seven island samurai who died hundreds of years ago to cultivate a powerful extraordinary beast, we call it an extraordinary weapon, the ghost demon knife, and the racial level has reached an astonishing fifty levels!" "

Level fifty?!"

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded, even the five judges were shocked.

Li Muzhi's expression did not change, but his heart was still shocked, this was not good news.

Guo Hongyu analyzed: "Friends of the seven islands, although this ghost demon knife race has a level of fifty, it can't be inherited and cultivated, right?

Sakurako did not shy away, nodded and replied: "Yes, after all, the ancient samurai sword is limited, and the complete preservation is even rarer, but it is enough for us to study in the seven islands, and the most important point, the ghost demon sword, masters the super skill of the ghost treaty, and is not afraid of the restraint of the demon system!"

"And as long as the contract has a ghost demon knife, the ability of the ghost treaty can still make the dark beast master no longer afraid of the restraint of the demon system, and even with other skills of the dark system, we can in turn restrain the demon system!"

Knock knock! Knock knock!

As soon as Sakura Zi's words came out, the gazes of the five judges changed instantly, looking at the ghost demon knife, they instantly understood!

Liu Meng said in a low voice, "They came for the Jiang clan!" "

The Seven Islands side has always been restrained by the Demon Lineage Royal Beast Master Yunlin Jiang Clan, and the Great Xia side often sends people from the Jiang Clan to guard the frontier land near the Seven Islands!

Now that Nanashima has developed an extraordinary weapon that is not afraid of the demon line, the Ghost Demon Knife, isn't this coming for the Yunlin Jiang Clan!

Clearly tell you that Daxia, I have an imperial beast master in the seven islands who are not afraid of your Jiang clan!"

The old woman opened the display case, and Sakurako stepped forward and picked up the ghost demon knife!

Immediately afterwards, the other three people of the Seven Islands took out a long-prepared demonic extraordinary beast from the Royal Beast Space Ring!

That demon line transcendent beast level has reached more than twenty levels, and although it is bound, it is still ferocious!

However, Sakura Zi's face was not afraid, and she held the ghost demon knife that had just reached level ten and slashed at the demon department!

Just a knife! That demonic extraordinary beast died instantly!

Threat! Naked threat!

Sakurako continued to pretend to be ignorant and said: "This is the power of the Ghost Demon Knife, although the number of races may be less, not as good as the Dragon System Guardian Palace of Lin Ge's team, but the strength of the Ghost Demon Knife is beyond doubt, we Seven Islands will not be afraid of any Demon Demon Imperial Beast Master!" "

Sakurakako's words are amazing! That old woman and the three young men of the Seven Islands were even more presumptuous!

In the corner of the phoenix nest, the man in the Xuanxian martial uniform took in this scene!


Gao Shenglong was surprised: "I lean, Jiang Jiang, they came for your Jiang family."

Jiang Jiang didn't want to speak, in his opinion, a ghost demon knife could not play any decisive role.

Jiang Meier's little face turned white, which was not good news for her Yunlin Jiang Clan!

In the future, when the Demon Department Royal Beast Master goes out, won't he have to beware of the ghost demon knife of the seven islands?!

Sakurako asked, "Several judges, I wonder how many points our Nanashima Ghost Demon Knife can get?" I think no one's research results can compare, right? The

five judges looked at each other, and finally gave a weak score.

Ninety-nine points!

This had to be taken seriously by them! The appearance of the Ghost Demon Knife can already change the situation in Daxia and the Seven Islands!

Lin Ge's Dragon Guard Palace is very strong, and it still takes time to go.

But Nanajima's ghost demon knife is not used! The powerhouses of their seven islands can directly contract the Ghost Demon Saber!

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