Exceptional identification! Ninety-nine points! Ghost Demon Knife!

When this result came out, whether it was the many spectators present or the many teams in the waiting area, they felt suffocated!

This is appalling!

This achievement has also appeared several times in the history of extraordinary appraisals, but without exception! A score of 99 points represents a victory!

Nanashima is well prepared! Showing the ghost demon knife on the extraordinary identification is simply murderous!

With the existence of the Ghost Demon Knife, the Yunlin Jiang Clan who has suppressed the Seven Islands for a long time will definitely be changed by the pattern!

What will the Daxia side think of it then? What will the people of the world think?

And as long as Nanashima wins the championship in the extraordinary appraisal, there is no need to even reveal anything after going back, and those media who have seen the broadcast can be overwhelmed!

Daxia lost to Nanashima?

This is intolerable!

Boom -

the audience was in an uproar, and the people who could get the extraordinary appraisal tickets were not ordinary people, they were all characters with heads and faces in all parts of the Great Xia Dynasty!

So by the time the jury gave this score, all the audience had already seen the future changes!

The Yunlin Jiang Clan is about to change the sky! Daxia is also going to make some moves!

And Nanashima, after revealing the ghost demon knife, did not bother much! It can change the pattern of Daxia and the seven islands!

The restrained party suddenly became the anti-restrained party, which was bound to cause a mistake in the border of the Great Xia Dynasty to defend the Seven Islands!

Even if the majesty of the Yunlin Jiang Clan is still there, the Seven Islands side is not vegetarian!

"Thief! If it is not announced for a long time, it will not be announced later, but it will be chosen on the extraordinary identification! No wonder you have to step in sideways! Liu

Meng clenched his fists and clenched his teeth secretly, and he let out a deep voice, staring at the ghost demon knife in Sakura Zi's hand on the stage, eager to rush up and smash it now!

Li Muzhi spoke up: "Don't be impulsive, the extraordinary appraisal of the national live broadcast, don't lose my face in Daxia!"

Guo Hongyu also spoke up: "The high-level of the Seven Islands is completely waiting for this moment, this kind of murderous practice, just waiting for us to rush up angrily, what will the people of the world think at that time?" What will other kingdoms think?

Elder Zhang Qingfeng also nodded and said, "So in the next step, not only can we not make a move, but we even have to secretly protect them, so that the Sakura team can return to the seven islands smoothly, and we can't let them die in our Daxia, that will cause criticism."

Hua and Rong stroked the little white marten and said, "But this is not a solution, once the people of Nanashima win the championship in the transcendent appraisal, their purpose can be regarded as achieved." "

Two-pronged approach! Murderous!

Liu Meng was a reckless man, and said viciously: "Abominable! I already knew that I wouldn't score so high, so that I could have a flat team to compete with them!

Li Muzhi pushed his reading glasses and said in a deep voice, "You don't even have this tolerance?" Isn't it difficult to admit that Nanashima's ghost demon knife is strong, right? The eyes of the masses are bright, and we cannot judge them with conscience.

Guo Hongyu nodded: "Secretary Li is right, we also have to admit that this ghost demon knife in the Seven Islands is very powerful, at least it has changed the pattern with the Daxia and Yunlin Jiang clan."

Zhang Qingfeng snorted, and it seemed that he always had the look of an idle cloud wild crane. said: "Don't be too entangled, I have a lot of resources in the Great Xia Dynasty, and the talent is like a river crossing the river, and the seven islands, don't forget, there is a full score of one hundred above the ninety-nine, and we still have a chance."

Liu Meng spoke up: "But who can reach it?" Which team can reach it? In the history of extraordinary identification, the number of ninety-nine points can be counted on one hand, let alone one hundred.

Li Muzhi said with a smile: "We always have to have confidence, don't we? Liu Meng, if you are so impatient, I will send you to Miss Rong to learn embroidery.

Liu waved his hand: "Then you better simply kill me faster." Hua

and Rong smiled, letting this old man learn needlework, and he felt embarrassed.

Li Muzhi nodded to the stage, and the Sakura team slowly left, for them, the purpose of coming to Daxia had been achieved.

Li Muzhi spoke: "Vice Chief Guo, summon the news, let many teams fight for it, and the Daxia side will give unconditional support."

Guo Hongyu nodded, then took out his mobile phone, and just wanted to send an urgent message in the group of the Royal Beast Master Association.

Guo Hongyu smiled again: "Maybe you don't need to send it, the big guys over there in the waiting area may all be watching."

Li Muzhi thought about it for a while, so he waved his hand and said, "Go on, there is always an ethereal opportunity, isn't it?"

Zhang Qingfeng brushed his beard: "The Tao is natural." "

At this moment, with the appearance of the Ghost Demon Knife of the Seven Islands, the atmosphere of extraordinary identification was instantly ignited!

However, in the waiting area, it was quiet, and all the teams were hit hard.

Ninety-nine points!

For a while, all the research teams felt heavy on their shoulders and under pressure.

Professor Lin spoke up: "Difficult, ninety-nine points, I don't know if the ancient capital, the imperial capital, and the magic capital can reach it, hey, hang."

Professor Li Tao's face was gloomy, and he turned to leave: "I'll go to the imperial capital team to take a look." "

Fang Tianyuan also came here, and the heaviest blow was undoubtedly these people from the Royal Beast Master Association.

"Trouble, who can sanction the Ghost Demon Knife of the Seven Islands?"

This is no longer a simple transcendent identification, the Ghost Demon Knife of the Seven Islands is something that can change the pattern of the two countries!

Lin Ge also clenched his fists tightly, no one who can participate in the extraordinary appraisal is a fool, and if you think about it, you can understand that the seven islands are all single-minded.

Zhao Yun said lightly: "Could it be that we really want to lose?" At

this moment, even Lu Lingyi and Qin Qingyun looked at each other, helpless.

"Maybe... We haven't lost yet!

Suddenly, Lin Ge spoke up, and everyone immediately turned their heads to look, only to see Lin Ge's eyes radiant and bright!

Chen Yunjing said: "But senior, our Dragon Guard Palace can only score ninety-eight points, and the Ghost Demon Dao of the Seven Islands has ninety-nine points."

Fang Tianyuan also spoke up: "Yes, the fifty-level race assessment, this is almost a situation that no one can surpass."

Lin Ge's gaze was firm, and he said loudly: "If others can't surpass it, it doesn't mean that I Lin Ge can't surpass it!" What about ninety-nine points! I, Lin Ge, want to challenge that ethereal full score of 100 points!

As soon as these words came out, Professor Lin and they were all silent, did they feel that Lin Ge was hit and his spirit was a little out of order.

Professor Lin spoke up, "Lin Ge, are you all right?" It's just an extraordinary appraisal, even if Nanashima succeeds, you don't have to be too sad, we still have a chance in the future.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "Don't worry, professor, I'm very good!" And who said that they Nanashima will definitely win? "

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