The extraordinary identification continues, perhaps with the behemoth of the seven islands in front, or the terrifying ninety-nine points of the ghost demon knife.

All in all, the follow-up transcendent identification speed is much faster, basically as soon as they take the stage, as soon as the racial information of the transcendent beasts participating in the appraisal comes out, several judges know that there is no hope.

Maybe the ancient capital, the magic capital and the imperial capital can last longer, but it will always come.

Professor Lin and they can only watch those scientific research teams go up one by one full of confidence, and then come down one by one full of loss.

Professor Lin rubbed his chin and estimated how long his old face could last.

Chen Yunjing was secretly praying, yes, it must be possible, Senior Lin is so powerful!

Lu Lingyi held his hands slightly, his fingertips were a little hard, and the surface of the embedded skin was slightly white.

Qin Qingyun carpenter looked at the big screen in the waiting area, and silently said in his heart: "Lin Ge, if you can really stop the seven islands, the cool photos are not for nothing." "


at this moment, over at the imperial capital university, Gao Shenglong rushed all the way and returned here with Lin Ge in a fiery manner.

Goldman Long drove the car directly to the scientific research building of Didu University, and then parked with a very cool drift.

The two got out of the car, and quickly entered the scientific research building, Lin Ge turned on all the equipment all the way, and he didn't care if he didn't need to use it, so he drove it first.

Lin Ge quickly searched, his expression was very nervous.

Gao Shenglong also asked: "Junior, can I help anything??"

Lin Ge immediately said: "Senior Gao, you help me bring those metal parts and equipment that have been built, and I will prepare them here!"

Goldman Long nodded and asked, "What about those metal parts equipment that have evolved mechanically?"

Lin Ge casually pointed out: "Over there!" Then

quickly turn on the computer and log in to your account on the pet beast encyclopedia of Daxia.

Time was urgent, and Lin Ge couldn't care so much, and quickly knocked down a few big words.

Dragon Machinery!

After a simple edit, Lin Ge opened the software again and began to create pictures on it!

"Ding! Alert the host! The evolution of the dragon machine is the dragon inscription, these patterns are ancient dragon script, the host must ensure that the slightest mistake, otherwise, it will not play a role in promoting evolution. "

The information of the mechanical evolution of the Dragon Guarding Palace is an ancient text, and none of these words have Lin Ge ever seen.

It's a little crooked, and it's a bit like the Oracle in a previous life, but it's a little different.

"Got it!"

Lin Ge nodded slightly, did not dare to be sloppy, these evolutionary texts are not much, or they are matched, there are seven pieces of mechanical preparation for the dragon system guarding the palace, and there are also seven of these words.

"System! Does every dragon script have to be engraved correctly? What if the engraving is wrong?

"Ding! When returning to the host, each mechanical equipment corresponds to a dragon inscription, and if it is inscribed incorrectly, the equipment will be scrapped.

"Is there no remedy?"

"Ding! Back to the host, no, each of these dragon scripts carries a corresponding evolutionary information, and once it is wrong, there is no remedy.

Lin Ge's face suddenly sank, they only created one set of dragon mechanical equipment, that is to say, they only had one chance for seven evolutionary metals!

One chance! Seven Evolved Metals! This success rate is also too low!

For a while, Lin Ge's speed of drawing was slightly paused, obviously he was nervous.

However, nervousness was nervous, Lin Ge still drew these seven dragon inscriptions on the computer without risk, and successfully obtained the drawings by printing.

At this time, Goldman Dragon also took seven pieces of mechanical evolution metal parts and equipment of the dragon guarding palace, head parts, abdominal parts, tail parts, limb parts, a total of seven pieces of mechanical equipment!

Gao Shenglong put the seven pieces of mechanical equipment on the ground one by one and asked, "What should I do next?"

Lin Ge looked at the seven pieces of mechanical equipment, and did not dare to act rashly for a while, so he placed the seven dragon clan inscription drawings on the ground.

Looking at those drawings, Lin Ge fell into deep thought, seven evolutionary metals, seven drawings, there can be more than five thousand permutations and combinations in this instant!

And Lin Ge's chance is only once! So among these many permutations, only success! Don't fail!

But how to judge?

Seven pieces of mechanical evolution metal, seven drawings, they don't even have the most basic correlation information!

Which one is worthy of which one is completely clueless!

Gao Shenglong also looked at the seven drawings bearing the dragon inscription, and couldn't help but ask suspiciously: "What is this?"

Lin Ge replied: "Dragon inscriptions, these seven are dragon characters, I need to depict them one by one on those seven evolutionary metals!" And it can't fail!

Gao Shenglong was slightly dumbfounded, looked at Lin Ge in amazement, and said, "That's right? Find a corresponding combination among thousands of permutations, and you can't fail?

Lin Ge nodded heavily: "Yes, we only have a set of evolutionary metal parts of the Dragon System Guarding Palace, and once we fail, we will lose all games, and we can only watch the victory of the seven islands!"

Goldman Sachs Dragon suddenly frowned: "This is the last chance?"

Lin Ge snorted: "It's also the only chance!" This question can only be right, not wrong! We also don't have time to craft new evolutionary equipment.

Goldman Sachs Dragon suddenly pondered, looked at the seven pieces of mechanical equipment, and looked at the seven drawings, at this moment, Goldman Sachs Long's scalp was numb.

"It's totally impossible! There is no correlation between them, and there is not even a chance of tolerance.

Lin Ge's head also thought about it running at high speed, but no matter how he thought about it, it was too wild to want to catch the right arrangement and combination.

Lin Ge exhaled heavily, rubbed his eyebrows, and asked inwardly: "System!" Give a hint!

"Ding! Back to the host, the responsibility of this system is to assist the host in studying the mechanical lineage, and will not participate in this evolutionary matter.

Lin Ge frowned and continued to ask, "Not the slightest help?" System, you are a bit of a search.

"Ding! The host you can't slander this system, and this is no longer within the responsibility of this system, please ask the host to find another wisdom.

Lin Ge suddenly said seriously: "Well, originally I wanted to make the mechanical department appear in the extraordinary appraisal, since the system you are not willing to help, then let Nanashima win, gee, such a good stage does not appear in my mechanical department, and let the ghost demon knife succeed, the system, you can't do it, I am going back to the south to study these things." "

The system ... "Ding! Warmly remind the host that the dragon family still has to let the dragon family do it. This system really does not participate in this. "

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