"Do you still have to let the dragon clan do the things of the dragon clan?"

From this 'warm tip', Lin Ge finally discovered Huadian !

Suddenly, with a raised move, the white summoning array lit up, and the Overlord and Xiaojin suddenly appeared next to Lin Ge.


After Lin Ge contracted Xiaojin, the relationship between these two guys is now much better.

Lin Ge didn't waste time, and hurriedly greeted: "You guys help me see, which evolutionary metal equipment does these seven drawings correspond to?" Receiving

Lin Ge's order, both Overlord and Xiaojin stepped forward and sniffed.

Xiao Jin's performance was okay, but the overlord was a little excited, and thought that these were upgrade equipment for him, and shook his tail excitedly.

Only after a while, the overlord suddenly found that these things were too small and did not match him at all.

The overlord glanced at it, the CPU was running at high speed, and then suddenly looked at Xiaojin with wide eyes, is this the goods?!

At this moment, the overlord's heart suddenly had a small emotion, and this metal baby dragon was immediately aggrieved.

Lin Ge was helpless for a while, patted the metal head of the overlord, and said: "It's not for Xiaojin, I'm asking you to help me analyze which metal part these seven drawings correspond to!" The

overlord glanced at it again, and then roared silently, and with a slight stroke of his little tail, he drew a drawing to the metal parts of his head!

This scene, Lin Ge and Goldman Sachs Long were delighted, this is really an unexpected discovery!

So the two looked at the overlord again, expecting a miracle, but the overlord also looked at them, the little head was a little humble, and then... There will be no then.

Lin Ge urged, "Continue!" What are you stunned for?

The overlord roared twice, and Lin Ge immediately understood in his heart.

It's not that the overlord doesn't want to continue, but he can analyze that one is already his limit.

Lin Ge's eyes widened suddenly: "You only have one?" "

It's over, it's over, it's going to be sent."

Lin Ge suddenly covered his face with one hand, and a sense of powerlessness surged in his heart.

And at this time, there is always good news, and Xiaojin also scrambled to draw a drawing to the right leg part!

Lin Ge and Gao Shenglong turned around again, and looked at Xiaojin again, and a sense of joy welled up in their hearts.

And then...... Xiao Jin was the same as the overlord, and after dividing one, he also stood in place dumbfounded, tilting his head to look at Lin Ge and them.

Lin Ge's face suddenly twisted and said, "Do you only have one?"

Xiao Jin nodded, indicating that you know.

Lin Ge sat down on the ground and sighed: "It's over, Senior Gao, these two goods can only analyze one drawing each, and there are five left, and this arrangement and combination are still elusive."

Gao Sheng Long pondered, then looked at Lin Ge and asked, "Are these drawings your pet beast club or the dragon capital?"

Lin Ge replied lightly: "Dragon pet capital, maybe the overlord their level is still too low, they are only eleven levels, and they can only divide a drawing."

Gao Sheng Long smiled gladly: "If this is the case, then doesn't it mean to find a high-level dragon system imperial beast master."

Lin Ge rubbed his eyebrows and said, "How easy is it, we don't have much time."

Gao Sheng Long pointed to himself and said with a smile: "I am, you were breaking through that day, maybe you didn't hear what I said, I am a dragon beast master." "

Yes! Lin Ge lit up hope again, he only knew that Gao Shenglong was also a dragon imperial beast master, but he didn't know how many levels.

"Senior Gao! That will bother you!

Goldman Sachs said with a smile: "No problem! I didn't think I could also help, since it was sanctioning Nanashima, I had to spare no effort to make a move.

Gao Sheng Long raised his hand, and at this moment, a thick dragon breath emanated, and a black summoning array lit up!

"Come out! White Dragon King! "

Dragon King Gao Sheng Dragon, pet beast White Dragon King!

In the black summoning array, a dragon shadow suddenly flew out, and the figure of the oriental dragon, the white and flawless dragon body, and the white dragon king with a body size of more than fifty meters lingered in this scientific research building.

This should be a restrained state, otherwise this scientific research building will not be able to accommodate him at all!

[Extraordinary Pet Beast

: White Dragon King] [Extraordinary Race: White Dragon Clan

] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 70] [Growth Level: Level 79

] [Race

Skill: (Unknown)]

Just at a glance, the basic information of this White Dragon King appeared in Lin Ge's mind.

Goldman Sachs Dragon greeted: "Bai Long, help analyze these drawings to see which one corresponds to which one, you can't make a mistake." The

White Dragon King flew down, his eyes fixed on the drawings carrying the dragon clan characters, and he actually spat out words: "Huh? This is my dragon script? No! These are older than the ancient dragon script, and they are evolutionary dragon scripts in ancient times! Hearing

this White Dragon King speak, Lin Ge suddenly became nervous with excitement.

"It turns out to be true, the transcendent beast can really spit out words after cultivating to level seventy!"

This is not absolute, there are some extraordinary beasts with high wisdom who can also learn to speak at a low level, but as long as they can cultivate to level seventy, they will definitely be able to spit out words!

The White Dragon King was also very excited and said, "Brother Long, where did you get it?" These long-lost texts have never been recorded in Shenlong City.

Goldman Sachs Long just said: "Then can you analyze it?" The

White Dragon King nodded and said, "Of course, the wisdom of our dragon clan is passed down by blood, and it is naturally not a problem to know these dragon clan words, this is an instinctive reaction." "

The White Dragon King made a move, divided the remaining five drawings one by one, and so far, the seven corresponding dragon inscriptions have successfully found the corresponding metal parts!

Gao Shenglong asked Lin Ge, "What next?"

Lin Ge didn't want to make any mistakes, and for the sake of safety, he also asked in his heart: "System!" What's next?

"Ding! Back to the host, using the dragon claws of superior proficiency, you can depict these dragon texts on metal. "

Dragon Claw of the Superior Level?"

Lin Ge couldn't help but think of the Dragon Claw Inheritance Book that Bai Yan had arrived, but this was obviously not enough.

"To use the dragon claws of the superior level to carve these dragon texts on the evolution metal."

Goldman Sachs Dragon smiled slightly: "Just right!"

When Lin Ge heard this, he immediately smiled happily into the future: "It seems that the balance of victory is still in our Daxia!"

Goldman Sachs Long laughed: "Little Seven Islands!" You guys are proud too early, White Dragon! Portray these dragon texts! The

White Dragon King nodded, this skill that existed in the bloodline made the portrayal of the White Dragon King very easy.

In a short time, all seven pieces of evolution metal were already depicted with dragon characters!

And when those seven pieces of evolutionary metal were all depicted with dragon characters, an inexplicable feeling surged into Lin Ge and Gao Shenglong's hearts!

It was as if as long as they wore these seven pieces of equipment, their dragon pet beasts would become more powerful!

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