Imperial capital, inside the Phoenix Nest Stadium.

Lin Ge unveiled the mystery of the mechanical department in front of everyone little by little.

With the announcement of this new extraordinary series, this extraordinary appraisal is destined to be an appraisal that will sensationalize the entire Royal Beast Blue Star.

In the Phoenix Nest Stadium, those cameras were all aimed at Lin Ge, Overlord and Dragon Machinery on the stage!

And the big screen behind Lin Ge was also replaced with the three big characters of the mechanical department!

Li Muzhi sat in front of the judging table, crossed his fingers, and quietly listened to Lin Ge's exhilarating speech to the mechanical department.

Liu Meng, a reckless man, asked dumbfoundedly: "Secretary, do you want to block it?"

Li Muzhi shook his head and said, "No need, Lin Ge's mechanical department must be made public, and the higher the attention, the better!" Especially those transcendent beast realms! I have to let them know that someone in my Daxia has researched a brand new series!

Liu Meng only likes to solve problems with muscles, and never likes to solve problems with his brain, so he asked: "Why?" Isn't it good for us to enjoy the mechanical department exclusively in Daxia?

Hua and Rong glanced at each other and said, "Do you think it's possible?"

Liu Meng spread his hands: "Why is it impossible?" Lin Ge is a talent of my Daxia, how can he also go to my Daxia side?

Zhang Qingfeng said with a smile: "Liu Daoyou should read more."

Liu Meng waved his hand: "If you don't read it, don't read it, that thing burns my brain, I can't read it, I'd rather fight with the eighty-level transcendent totem."

Guo Hongyu spoke up: "That's why you can't see it, first, Lin Ge's original intention is already obvious, when can't it be released?" Is it in the transcendent identification? He just wants to let the mechanical department develop, as he said, a person has limited ability after all, it is better to come out publicly, let all scientific research teams enter, so that the mechanical department blooms in a hundred flowers, second, the potential potential of the mechanical department, with the power to deter countries! The mechanical department is far from as simple as we seem!

Liu Meng suddenly thought about it, but he couldn't figure it out if he wanted to break his head, what ability does the mechanical department have to threaten the countries?

Li Muzhi spoke up: "So old Liu, you are destined to be a hard worker in this life, and the things that use your brain are still left to professional people."

Liu slapped his head fiercely, and could only smile.

Li Muzhi said solemnly: "The Royal Beast Master Association has set up a mechanical branch, with Lin Ge as the president and Professor Lin as the guest, to command all the mechanical department research of my Daxia, and the treatment and benefits are the same as the general association of the imperial capital!"

Guo Hongyu nodded: "It must be done, and this matter is spread to the president, and Lin Ge, the position of vice president, cannot be escaped."

Hua and Rong also said: "Lin Ge's weight is not light, then I naturally have to protect it well, I don't know who to protect..."

Liu Meng raised his hand: "I can!" I can! Make sure Lin Ge will let me do whatever I want.

Li Muzhi shook his head: "You are too big and coarse, and you are too reckless and inappropriate, or obediently go to the Jiang family to do coolies, as for the protection candidate... Isn't there another Goldman Dragon over there, let him come, it just so happens that he was also a student of Professor Lin before, and I came to say hello over there in Shenlong Country.

Zhang Qingfeng said with a smile: "Poor Dao is ready to be dispatched at any time." Li

Muzhi bowed his head slightly, so that it was foolproof.

Lin Ge's research is too shocking, and it can lay an unprecedented advantage for Daxia!

Hua and Rong said again: "Which guys who sneaked in..." Li

Muzhi said lightly: "If they are safe and guarded, they don't have to pay attention to it, if they dare to cross the thunder pond for half a step, Mrs. Hua will annoy you."

Hua He smiled brightly, stroked the little white marten in his arms, and said: "That's great, my little marten hasn't been fed for a long time."

Li Muzhi looked at the young man on the stage and was overjoyed for a while.

Tianzuo my Daxia, give birth to such talents, blessing? Happy? When Fuxing also!

On the stage, Lin Ge finally said everything that the mechanical department could say.

The Phoenix Nest Stadium is already a sensation, and the future of the mechanical department is too prosperous and dazzling!

Now the stage is two living examples, the pure mechanical overlord, the bionic mechanical dragon machine.

Of course, this is not over, Lin Ge said to Professor Lin again: "Professor, what happened when I asked you to do it?"

Professor Lin said with a smile: "Naturally, it is done. Before

coming to the imperial capital, Lin Ge entrusted him with preparing a lot of mechanical metal materials.

In addition to crafting the evolution metal of the dragon machine, there is also an additional upgrade material for the Overlord!

This was arranged by Lin Ge long ago, in order to launch the mechanical department more shockingly!

Let everyone dare not and cannot underestimate the future of the mechanical department!

"Guys! I, Lin Ge, will show the mechanical upgrade of the pure mechanical pet beast next! This can be understood as the evolution of extraordinary beasts! "

Everyone is looking forward to it, and the five judges are sitting on their backs to witness history.

On the Nanashima side, Sakurako was already shocked and speechless.

Because with Lin Ge's speech, they also found that the theory of this mechanical department is very mature, and the research team here in Daxia only needs to study the mechanical pet beast step by step through Lin Ge's theory!

It can be imagined how drastic the turmoil in the Great Xia Dynasty was after the extraordinary identification!

I'm afraid that the entire extraordinary academic community has poured into the mechanical department, striving to make achievements in it, be unique, occupy a high position, and create a faction!

Of course, the highest one is already the mother undoubtedly, the young man on the stage who defeated their Seven Islands Ghost Demon Saber!

Lin Ge!

On the stage, Lin Ge asked Chen Yunjing to bring the dragon machine down first.

At the same time, let Professor Lin carry the upgraded mechanical metal and weapons of the Overlord that had been prepared earlier.

Of course, this move is just the meaning of words, and Professor Lin does not lack high-quality imperial beast space rings.

As Professor Lin took the stage, a dazzling array of metal parts and even weapons were placed one by one!

For example, flamethrowers, such as the two weapons that Lin Ge created after obtaining system drawings!

A super super electromagnetic cannon in the style of a cannon, and a high-level mechanical sword!

In addition, Lin Ge also borrowed a sum of money from Professor Lin to purchase a rocket thruster!

The overlord also seemed to feel something, shaking his head and getting excited!

Lin Ge let out a breath, the mechanical evolution that had been prepared for a long time could finally be implemented!

Of course, there are three more things! Self-healing source gold, an energy reactor, and just obtained mechanically deformed metal!

Although the Overlord already has the energy heart given by the system, Lin Ge wants the Overlord to have a dual-core drive!

An energy heart, an energy reactor, in this way, the energy drive of the Overlord will be directly upgraded to a notch!

"Whew! Come on! Mechanical upgrades! "

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